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Providing a Vendor Neutral Framework for The Adoption of Automation in Business Environments.

The Service Automation Framework Alliance (SAFA) is a leading global provider of progressive, vendor-neutral training and certifications programs in partnership with APMG International.

Service Automation Certifications

The Service Automation Framework Alliance has developed appropriate training programs for each level of individual contribution to team efforts. The Service Automation vendor neutral certifications provide assurance that team members can immediately impact projects. As individuals progress through the training programs, they help their teams achieve higher levels of performance and success.

The Service Automation Framework courses is the first comprehensive and practical approach that provides a comprehensive model, as well a practical technique to enable the adoption, design, and delivery of automation technology in businesses. The courses are intended for individuals and organizations who want to prepare their organization for the future and who aim to automate their business or provide digital services to their clients. Whether you are an entrepreneur, executive, consultant, or work in the field of academia, the Service Automation Framework will help you to consistently exceed user expectations.

Courses available under Service Automation Framework:

  • Service Automation Foundation (SAF)
  • Robotic Process Automation Foundation (RPAF)

Service Automation Foundation (SAF)


The Service Automation Foundation (SAF) course is an introduction to the Service Automation Framework for the design and delivery of automated services. Service providers who use service automation deliver their services through a self-service portal, platform, or application directly to users.

The Course will provide an overview of the fundamental concepts and techniques, learn blueprinting techniques to design automated services and technology interfaces,  and will learn which processes are required to provide an optimal user experience.

There is no prerequisite to sit for the certification. It is for anyone who is starting in automating its services.


SAF Syllabus:

  • Understanding the business drivers for service automation
  • How service automation can provide a delivery model for scalable and cost-effective service delivery
  • The inter-relationship of service automation with other popular service management and design thinking approaches.
  • The structure and components of the service automation framework
  • The Service Automation Blueprinting technique to design automated services and automated processes
  • Self-Service Portal Design and approaches for enabling users to consume automated services
  • Measurement of User Experience (UX) in automated services
  • Practical automated processes for automated deployment, service delivery automation and customer retention.
  • Workflow design for delivery of automated services
  • The organizational impact of service automation on people.
  • Continual improvement of service automation practices.

Introduction to the Service Automation Framework

Robotic Process Automation Foundation (RPAF)

The Robotic Process Automation Foundation (RPAF) course is an introduction to RPA concepts and technologies, and how they can be used in professional organizations to increase quality and efficiency. By using Robotic Process Automation, organizations can automate repetitive processes and tasks, making processes more lean and effective.

The RPA Foundation course is a comprehensive, and practical course that explains the fundamentals of RPA technology, as well as the workflow design aspects and techniques. The course covers practical guidance that will teach you how to set up bots that execute processes, and how your organization can set the first steps with the implementation of RPA.

There is no prerequisite to sit for the certification. It is for anyone who is starting or leading an automation transformation programme.

RPAF Syllabus:

  • The business drivers for robotic process automation.
  • How RPA can help organizations reduce operational costs, whilst remain high-quality of service.
  • The inter-relationship between Robotic Process Automation, Service Automation and Business Process Automation.
  • The technical structure and components of RPA platforms.
  • RPA workflow design methodologies and activity planning (variables, arguments, data types and collections.
  • Specification of sequence and control flow in workflow design.
  • Common RPA functions and techniques, including Excel automation, database automation, text extraction and email automation.
  • Monitoring aspects of RPA, including logs, audit, alerts, and role management.
  • RPA quality controls and exception handling of workflows.
  • Automation Orchestration for managing automation tasks and actions
  • The structure and setup of RPA projects in organizations and the setup of the RPA Centre of Excellence.
  • Continual improvement practices for RPA.
  • For more information on Service Automation Framework Alliance visit


Service Automation Foundation

Become an informed member of a team designing and delivering automated services.

Service Automation, Service Management
Who is Foundation for?
  • Service strategists.
  • Process consultants.
  • Business consultants.
  • Strategy consultants.
  • Service delivery managers.
  • Service designers.
  • Enterprise architects.
  • Operations managers.
  • Service managers.
  • Developers.
  • Business analysts.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • The business drivers of technology-enabled automated services in order to explain the business case for Service Automation.
  • How Service Automation Framework enables the practice of an industry that enables their autonomous users to procure, manage and adjust services through self-service technology.
  • The difference and synergy between the Users, Service Design and Technology design elements that contribute to meet and exceed the expectations of user in order to create long-lasting value.
  • The difference between Automated Deployment, Service Delivery Automation and Serendipity Management and describe their underlying processes.
  • The steps for completing a Service Automation Blueprint in order to visualize services in order to design and delivery automated services.
  • The processes that underpin the delivery of automated services and how they need to be integrated in self-service portals in order to provide automated delivery.
  • The concept of Serendipity Management and how it impacts the User Experience (UX) of services.
Exam format:
  •     Multiple choice
  •     40 questions per paper
  •     26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
  •     60 minutes duration
  •     Closed book

Robotic Process Automation Foundation

An introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) concepts and technologies

AI, Big Data
Who is Robotics Process Automation (RPA) for?

This course is for anyone starting or leading an automation transformation program including:

  • Application Developers
  • Automation Architects
  • Automation Engineers
  • Business Managers
  • Change Agents
  • Consultants
  • IT Directors
  • IT Managers
  • IT Team Leaders
  • Product Owners
  • Scrum Masters
  • System Integrators
  • Tool Providers
What are the key things you will learn?
  • The history of robotic process automation and its core benefits.
  • The business drivers for robotic process automation.
  • How RPA can help organizations reduce operational costs, whilst remain high-quality of service.
  • The inter-relationship between Robotic Process Automation, Service Automation and Business Process Automation.
  • The technical structure and components of RPA platforms.
  • RPA workflow design methodologies and activity planning (variables, arguments, data types and collections.
  • Specification of sequence and control flow in workflow design.
  • Common RPA functions and techniques, including Excel automation, database automation, text extraction and email automation .
  • Monitoring aspects of RPA, including logs, audit, alerts, and role management.
  • RPA quality controls and exception handling of workflows.
  • Automation Orchestration for managing automation tasks and actions
  • The structure and setup of RPA projects in organizations and the setup of the RPA Centre of Excellence.
  • Continual improvement practices for RPA.
Exam format

Multiple choice

  •     40 questions per paper
  •     26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
  •     60 minutes duration
  •     Closed book

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Advanced options

SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Business Situation Analysis level 3, Feasibility Assessment level 3
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Real-time/embedded Systems Development up to level 4, IT Infrastructure level 2, Business Process Improvement level 5, Systems and Software Life Cycle Engineering level 4, Systems Integration and Build level 5, Business Situation Analysis level 3, Feasibility Assessment level 3


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What is a SAF and a RPA digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my SAF and/or RPA digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Credly website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Credly account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Credly - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

Who is the Service Automation Framework (SAF) scheme suitable for?

The Service Automation Framework® provides a step-by-step approach that illustrates how organizations can digitize their service offering. SAF Foundation and RPA Foundation  been developed for individuals and teams who wish to demonstrate their proficiency in the Service Automation Framework methodology.

The SAF guidance is aimed at:

  • Service Strategists
  • Process Consultants
  • Business Consultants
  • Strategy Consultants
  • Service Delivery Managers
  • Service Designers
  • Enterprise Architects
  • Operations Managers
  • Service Managers
  • Developers
  • Business Analysts

SAF is especially suitable for individuals and organisations involved in the Finance, Insurance, Healthcare and Government sectors.

How can I train for the SAF and RPA examinations?

Training for SAF and RPA are available from our network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) which are assessed and certified by APMG International. To find an training course please choose a certification level to see the available ATOs.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

No, however this is recommended. In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examination by purchasing the core text from APMG Business Books. APMG International administers public exam sessions around the world to accommodate those who self-study. To book a self-study exam click here.

How do I sit the exams?

Most, if not all SAF ATOs include the examinations as part of the associated training course. Alternatively, and for individuals that have self-studied, APMG administers public exam sessions around the world. Sessions are run at certain APMG International offices. There are four dedicated centre’s in the UK for public examinations, and in the United States we utilize the public library network to facilitate sessions. To book a self-study exam click here or contact your local APMG Office to see if there is an available classroom near you. 

How much does it cost to sit the SAF and RPA examinations?

If you are sitting the examinations through an accredited training organization, the costs of the exams are generally included in the course fee. APMG International uses a global pricing structure, so for those sitting exams at a public exam centre, the cost is dependent on where the exams are being sat. To find out the cost in your region, please contact the APMG International Service Desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at:

Are there any pre-requisites for the SAF and RPA examinations?

There are no pre-requisites for taking the SAF and RPA foundation examinations.

What are the main publications for SAF and RPA and where can I purchase them?

Both SAF and RPA have one main publication supporting the certification schemes, called Service Automation Framework, for the design and delivery of automated services.

This can be purchased from APMG Business Books.

If training with a SAF/RPA ATO please check if a copy of the guidance is included as part of the course fee.

Which languages are the SAF and RPA examinations available in?

Foundation examinations are currently available in English only. Further translations will be considered subject to market demand.

Which languages is the SAF and RPA guidance available in?

The SAF and RPA guidance is currently only available in English.

How long will it take to learn the SAF and RPA material?

For individuals self-studying it is almost impossible to say. As all candidates have different experiences and amount of time available for study, it varies from person to person. We suggest you buy the guidance and have a look through for yourself before deciding how long you need to spend learning.

For those studying with an accredited training organization, foundation courses are generally delivered over 3 days. It is well worth investigating with individual providers, as many will offer tailored and blended learning solutions.

What is the structure of the SAF and RPA examinations?

The SAF and RPA foundation examinations consists of 40 multiple-choice questions, with 26 marks (65%) required to pass. It is a closed-book examination to be completed in 60 minutes.

What is the pass mark for the SAF and RPA examinations?

The pass mark for both the SAF and RPA examinations is:

Foundation: You will need to score 26/40 (65%) to pass the foundation exam.

When can I expect the results of my SAF and RPA Examinations?

SAF foundation and RPA foundation examinations can be marked on location after the exam, but this is down to the discretion of the invigilator at the time. Please note this will only be a provisional result.

Your formal result will be sent to your ATO approximately 7-10 days after your exam date. Your ATO should notify you of your results so please contact them for further details.

If you did not take your exam through an ATO, your result will be sent directly to you via the relevant APMG International office approximately 7-10 days after the date of your exam.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will be able to claim their digital badge and electronic certificate from their APMG Candidate Portal within two business days of their exam result being issued.

How long are the SAF and RPA certifications valid for?

The certifications are not valid for a defined period of time and will not expire.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a SAF and/or an RPA trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a SAF and/or an RPA trainer, individuals must achieve a score of 75% (30/40) in the foundation exam.

How do I find out if I scored enough to be eligible to become a trainer?

To find out if you scored enough to be eligible as a trainer, please email noting your interest. A representative of the Customer Interaction Team will be able to advise you.

Can I use the SAF logo?

Only organizations licensed to do so are allowed to use the SAF logo. Such organizations include SAF ATOs and registered partners accredited by APMG International.

The SAF Logo is a Registered Trade Mark of the Service Automation Framework Alliance.

How do I become a SAF and/or an RPA approved trainer?

All SAF and RPA trainers must be "sponsored" by a SAF/RPA accredited training organization (ATO). Contact a SAF/RPA ATO by choosing one from the Accredited Organizations search engine.

A trainer application must be submitted by the sponsoring ATO to their relevant APMG International office.

How does my organization become a SAF and/or an RPA Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a SAF and/or an RPA ATO should make an Accreditation Query or contact its local APMG International office. The organization will then be subject to APMG International's ATO assessment process.

How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create and account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please check the PMI website ( for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.


The Service Automation Framework (SAF)

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