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APMG is an approved Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) Auditor Authentication Body (AAB) for the International Aerospace Quality Group’s Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) scheme.

The ICOP scheme is an accredited third party management system certification scheme that includes three standards (9100, 9110 and 9120) that are based upon the ISO 9001 quality management system standard and include additional aviation, space and defence industry requirements.

Auditor candidates may apply for authentication as an AQMS Auditor at one of two available grades; either Aerospace Auditor (AA) or Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) in any of the three AQMS standards (9100, 9110 and 9120).

Why Authenticate?

In order to be able to undertake AQMS audits within the aviation, space and defence industry, auditors are required to be authenticated in accordance with the ICOP scheme, as documented in the 9104-003 standard.

Successful AQMS Auditor authentication will also lead to registration on the OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Information System) database where industry employers and accredited third party certification bodies can verify an auditor’s authentication status.

Authentication lasts for a period of 3 years, with annual maintenance activities and re-authentication at least 3 months before expiry being required to ensure individuals practice their skills and keep abreast of new changes within the industry related standards, thus ensuring their knowledge is refreshed and relevant at all times.

Who is it for?

The AQMS Auditor authentication scheme is aimed at all audit professionals who wish to seek qualification to work as a third party auditor within the aviation, space and defence sector, or who may be looking to show competence to work within the aviation, space or defence sector as a quality professional, internal or supplier auditor.

The purpose of AQMS Auditor authentication is to gain industry recognition for auditors who are approved to be eligible to work for third party certifications bodies conducting AQMS certification audits.

AQMS Auditor authentication through an approved AAB is also a pre-requisite to being listed on the OASIS database of approved AQMS auditors.

Benefits for Individuals

  • Independent verification of your aerospace auditor skills and training with worldwide verification.
  • Registration on the OASIS database.
  • International recognition as an auditor within the aviation, space and defence community.
  • Eligibility to work for third party certification bodies conducting AQMS Audits.


There are two grades of authenticated AQMS Auditor:

  •     Aerospace Auditor (AA) - This grade recognizes that you have met the requirements to conduct an Aerospace Audit (at the relevant scope - see below) as part of an audit team, under the guidance of and Aerospace Experienced Auditor.
  •     Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) - This grade recognizes that you have met the requirements to conduct and lead an Aerospace Audit (at the relevant scope - see below).

Within your grade you may apply to be authenticated for one or more of the available AQMS standard scopes:

  •     9100 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defence Organizations
  •     9110 - Quality Maintenance Systems - Aerospace - Requirements for Maintenance Organizations
  •     9120 - Quality Management Systems - Aerospace - Requirements for Stockist Distributors

All submissions can be made using our online system where you will be asked to provide the following information:

  •     Personal contact details
  •     Employers’ business and certification body details (where applicable)
  •     Educational history
  •     Information on any current auditor registrations or certifications
  •     Information on any current AQMS Auditor authentications with other AABs
  •     Relevant industry training
  •     Relevant industry and other work experience
  •     Complete an audit log template
  •     Agree to declarations for the use of your personal data, notification of complaints etc.


Fees can be found on the IAQG ONLINE PORTAL.

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Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please check the PMI website ( for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.


Aerospace Auditor Authentication Body (AAB) Scheme

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