< about="/category/leadership" content="Leadership" /> Viable Projects GmbH | APMG International
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We train, advise, guide and support – in your language!

For a maximum on effect fo your customer with highest simplicity of your processes are all solutions embedded in your entire organisational system.

We're equipped with extensive hands-on experience!

To offer you the maximum benefit we have solely specialised on project management in all characteristics. As a base we use a lot of internationally known Best Practices, which we configurate to your purpose, adjust and amend. To stay with proven basics offers you security and for us the capability to implement sustainable effects real quick.

We are distinguished by our longtime, extensive project experience and the practical knowledge transfer of methods as well as our outstanding customer orientation. Therefore a great many of middle-sized und big companies already relies on our services. Their sustainable success is utmost important to us. That’s why we work on practical fulfillment of their demands – to process projects promptly, successfully and as easy as possible. By adjusting methods individually to projects and your company, the maximum benefit of our assignment is guaranteed.

Experts for complex intentions on all levels!


Es war eine fordernde, aber definitiv grandiose Schulung, die trotz aller Anstrengungen immer auch Spaß bereitet hat und uns zu jeder Zeit "abgeholt" hat. Ich habe es noch nie erlebt, wie ein Trainer gleichzeitig über eine derartige Wissenstiefe verfügt und auch noch in der Lage ist, dies in unsere (sich zugegebenmassen mitunter sträubenden) Köpfe zu pumpen ‐ Respekt!

Michael Jost

Viable Projects bietet uns mit seinem fachlich kompetenten und erfahrenen Trainerteam sowie einem maßgeschneiderten Schulungskonzept genau die Unterstützung, die wir zur Umsetzung eines effizienten Projektmanagement Trainings benötigen. Mit interaktiven Ansätzen, einer Seminardramaturgie mit viel Raum für praktische Übungen sowie mit modernen Methoden wie Blended Learning arbeiten wir gemeinsam daran, die Kompetenzen unserer Mitarbeiter im weiter zu professionalisieren.



Agile Project Management (AgilePM®) Certification

  • AgilePM Foundation
  • AgilePM Practitioner
  • AgilePM Practitioner Re-registration

AgileBA (Agile Business Analysis) Certification

  • AgileBA® Foundation
  • AgileBA® Practitioner
  • AgileBA® Practitioner Re-Registration

Digital Transformation Certification

  • Digital Transformation

Facilitation Training and Certification

  • Foundation
  • Practitioner

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)

  • OBM Foundation

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Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations

Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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