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Happy New Year to All. I hope 2018 brings health, happiness and successful change management.

I was thinking about my personal New Year Resolutions for 2018 and started to think about some Resolutions for my organisational change management activities in the coming year. Like most people for my personal resolutions I started with a list of things to start and things to stop, it got to be a long list!

Then I started to become more sensible and deleted most of the “wish list” and now have three actions for 2018 which I shall keep to myself just in case I waiver despite really, really good intentions. The same thing happened when I started on my 2018 Change Management Resolutions. This prompted an “Aha Moment!”.

As usual it’s the small stuff that can make a big difference.

Here’s what happened.

I started thinking about all the activities in 2017 then drifted back in time, thinking about the good stuff and the surprises!

Very quickly, the list became unmanageable, so I stopped listing and decided on my top three. The logic here is even I should be able to do some positive stuff working on three improvement areas (maybe!)

Here’s my Top Three:

  1. Make much better use of the process for building any change management plan. Use this as a framework to have robust discussions with all those involved at the relevant levels. Have the difficult discussions early, stay focused on both people and process in building a workable plan. Be as assertive as possible in explaining even though this is a good plan, stuff will happen and things will not go to plan. Everyone involved during the entire process should be relaxed about this happening, build a recovery plan or even adapt to reality and create a new plan. Collective responsibility, team-working and transparency being the culture.
  2. Take a positive, transparent approach to Risk and Issue Management. Get the real risks and issues onto the documents, allocate owners for the associated management actions and don’t let Risk & Issue Management be “fudged” during planning and delivery stages. During Change Delivery Review Meetings, a reality-based, transparent with managed actions is the way forward in 2018.
  3. Work really hard at using a functioning Lessons Learned Approach at every stage of planning and delivery. If you want any incentive to do this. How many of us have attended tense meetings when someone says something like “…well this always happens, I remember the last time ….”

Any time before things became “tense” would be good to know what everyone involved knows. I’m certainly planning to take more time for applied lessons learned. Create a culture where honest asking and answering are really respected, valued and acted upon.

As a closing “Resolution”, think and act really carefully about who gets what roles in the change team, including sponsors and those with a “guest appearance”. The better the team selection the better the chance of success if and it’s a big if, the team-working culture is built around high-performance and high-performing individual contributions.

All the best for 2018, it’s going to be exciting!


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