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We recently conducted a survey of Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP) training and certification candidates.

What is Business Relationship Management?

Business Relationship Management (BRM) is a philosophy, capability, discipline, and role to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose. The Business Relationship Manager (BRM) role is the set of competencies required to advance the business relationship management capability.

Business Relationship Management philosophy is a belief that positive relationships drive value in organizations and contribute the greatest positive impact to economic value, people, and the planet.

Discover more on Business Relationship Management at the BRM Institute website.

Building BRM skills and expertise

BRMP (Business Relationship Management Professional) is the leading professional development program for BRMs and others involved in business relationship management.

It’s applicable to any business professional and organizations wishing to transform business functions like technology, people, finance, legal, etc. into strategic partners that lead with business as peers by playing a proactive role in shaping business strategy and sharing ownership for business results.

With its focus on improving relationships among business partners and maximizing business value, the principles of business relationship management apply to everyone engaged in business, regardless of whether you are a BRM or a C-level executive.

Click here for more on BRMP training and certification.

Celebrating 10,000 BRMPs!

Alongside our partners at BRM Institute, we’ve recently celebrated a major milestone as the 10,000th BRMP candidate was certified earlier this year. For more on the milestone, click here.

Candidate survey results

Here's a selection of key results from our recent survey of BRMP candidates:

  • 96% of respondents felt the learning/training experience has had a positive impact on their ability to manage business relationships.
  • 96% of respondents felt the learning/training experience has increased their confidence as a relationship management professional.
  • Over 90% of respondents felt the learning/training experience equipped them with skills and knowledge that they could apply immediately.
  • 96% of respondents selected either “Yes” or “Probably” when asked if their BRMP certification status has helped (or will help) to secure a new role or promotion.
  • 96% of respondents selected either “Yes” or “Probably” when asked if the certification has enhanced, or will enhance, their career development.
  • 96% of respondents selected “Yes” or “Probably” when asked if their certification status has enhanced their earning potential.
  • When asked if individuals involved in business relationship management roles should consider BRMP training and certification to boost their ability, 96% of respondents selected “Strongly Agree” or “Agree”.
  • When asked if individuals involved in business relationship management roles should consider BRMP training and certification to support career progression, 92% of respondents selected “Strongly Agree” or “Agree”.

Your next step to better business relationships….

Click here for more information on BRMP training and certification and to find accredited training providers.

Click here to visit the BRM Institute website for lots of valuable information and resources. Discover the benefits of BRM Institute membership here.

Find details of upcoming BRMP courses here.


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