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Only accredited organizations and their affiliates are permitted to deliver approved training for APMG certifications.

Beware of unaccredited providers!

When booking training for an APMG certification, please take care to ensure that the training organization is accredited by APMG International. 

Only APMG accredited training organizations (ATOs) and their licensed affiliates are permitted to deliver approved training in support of APMG qualifications. This is to protect the Intellectual Property of the Scheme Owner and ensure consistency of training for all APMG candidates throughout the world.

Unaccredited organisations cannot certify professionals and they unable to issue digital badges to successful candidates.

APMG has robust assessment and certification procedures in place. Our processes ensure that are global network of accredited trainer providers offer materials and instructors that are assessed and certified to the highest industry standards. Candidates of APMG accredited providers can be confident in the quality of training.

You can check if a training organisation is accredited by checking the APMG website here.


Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations


Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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