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Whatever project your organisation is launching - the rolling out of new products and services, improving customer experiences or business productivity - Half Double Certification can help.

Time after time, research reveals that only 30% of projects are successful*. Most projects simply do not result in the impact they intended to. The Half Double Institute is a non-profit foundation whose methodology addresses this problem. Working in conjunction with three universities and 2,500 of the best project managers in Denmark, their methodology was created after comprehensively researching why some projects are successful, but most fail. Trials of this methodology across 16 pilot projects in 16 different organisations, resulted in 87% of these pilot projects fulfilling or partly fulfilling the project success criteria. A vast improvement in project success.

Half Double focuses on three core principles – Flow, Leadership and Impact – which leads to greater value creation and this proven increase in project success rates. Change management is also embedded in the methodology.

Half Double training and certification will teach candidates simple tools and practices to take back to their organizations, enabling their projects to have more impact in less time.

Look at Half Double’s video case studies and find out how they have helped launch better products and services quicker and executed change faster. See how Half Double projects can be completed in less time, and result in double the impact.

* Standish Group, 1994-2018

Event: APMG Partner Spotlight - What is the Half Double Method?

In this engaging session, Christina Sejr Pedersen, Executive Director of Half Double Institute, introduces the Half Double methodology, a proven approach to revolutionising project success. Developed in collaboration with leading universities and 2,500 top project managers, this methodology has been rigorously tested across 16 pilot projects, achieving an impressive 87% success rate in fulfilling project goals.

Discover how the Half Double methodology, built on three core principles—Flow, Leadership, and Impact—can help your organisation and empower your team to achieve measurable results!

APMG Partner Spotlight: What is the Half Double Method?

Half Double Foundation Digital Badge

Half Double Foundation

The Foundation exam can be taken after an Ignite Training session.

Process Improvement, Programme Management, Project Management, Service Automation
Who is the Ignite Training Session and Half Double Foundation Certification for?
  • Individuals interested in a career in project or programme management
  • Practising project or programme managers
  • Functional leaders, for example project owners 
  • Consultants, Coaches and Trainers
  • People with interest in and knowledge of project management.
What are the key things you will learn?


  • The three core Half Double elements - Impact, Flow and Leadership and how the methodology is designed
  • How Local Translation relates to the three core elements
  • The Half Double methods and tools and how these can be applied in a practical context
  • How to explain the methodology, methods and tools to project management peers
  • How to explain why the methods might need to be adapted, as ‘one size does not fit all’.


  • As a part of team, how to apply all the Half Double tools
  • On a real-life project, how to apply at least one method or tool per core element
  • Assessment of a specific context and adaptation of the methods and tools as appropriate. 


  • Identify and organize own learning needs and how to apply the Half Double tools when returning to work.
  • How to use the Half Double methodology to deliver enhanced project on a project and lead a temporary organization.
Exam format
  • 40 simple multiple-choice questions
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Open book (unrestricted materials)
  • 70% pass mark (28 marks out of 40). 
Half Double Practitioner Digital Badge

Half Double Practitioner

The Practitioner Certification can be achieved after participating in Boost and Practitioner...

Agile, Programme Management, Project Management
Who is the Boost and Practitioner training and Practitioner certification for?
  • Individuals interested in a career in project or programme management
  • Practising project or programme managers
  • Functional leaders, for example project owners 
  • Consultants, Coaches and Trainers.
What are the key things you will learn?


  • A deep understanding on how the methods are mutually related and how Active Ownership enforces the implementation other methods 
  • Understand change management perspectives and relate these to local translation


  • Share lessons learnt in small teams
  • Can explain the methodology and its methods and tools to project management peers
  • Assess a specific context and adapt the Half Double methods and tools accordingly to obtain the desired benefits
  • Execution of the plan created in the Ignite training session and has gained experience from their own project
  • Be a collaborative project leader that confidently can apply methods to handle uncertainty and motivate their project owner to engage actively in a project


  • Increased ability to apply Half Double methods on projects
  • Increased ability to make conscious adaptions to the methods and tools
  • Can deliver project impact in a significantly reduced timeframe 
  • Increased ability to cut project lead time and increase project impact
  • Able to use the Half Double methodology to deliver an enhanced project and lead a temporary organisation.
How do I achieve Practitioner Certification?

Through submitting a written application and undertaking a 1 hour assessment interview . You will need to demonstrate a high level of reflection on the methodology, own practice and how Half Double successfully can create more impact faster in the candidate’s / your own organisation.

Half Double Practitioner Digital Badge

Half Double Practitioner Re-Certification

Maintain your certified Practitioner status

Agile, Programme Management, Project Management
Why is re-certification required?

Re-certification is required every 3 years to ensure that you have maintained your knowledge of the Half Double methodology and are continuing to apply this knowledge in practice.

Who is the Practitioner Re-Certification level for?

Individuals who already hold the Half Double Practitioner certification.

How do I achieve Practitioner Re-Certification?
  • You will need to submit a written application and undertake a 1 hour assessment interview.
  • You will need to demonstrate a high level of reflection on the methodology, own practice and how Half Double successfully can create more impact faster in an organisation.
  • You will also need to provide contact details of a reference person who has worked with you on delivering a project applying the Half Double methodology.

Half Double Master

The Master certification can be achieved after participating in Boost & Master class training

Agile, Project Management
Who is the Boost and Master training and Master certification for?

Half Double Master is for Project, Programme and PMO Managers who want to prove they can create impact with their projects. This certification demonstrates competence and an application can only be submitted if you are a Half Double Practitioner and you have taken part in a Master Boost Course and a Master Class. 

What are the key things you will learn?
  • How to impact KPIs and how to apply them as lacking or leading indicators for project impact and understand how they fit with Impact Solution Design and Pulse Checks
  • How adapting leadership behaviour continuously can increase the focus on project impact rather than simple deliverable generation
  • How to adapt your behaviour to engage stakeholders in multiple directions and apply specific measures to create a positive and constructive collaboration with project owners
  • How to assess what Half Double Portfolio elements that can be taken into use and locally adapted to your own organization to reduce project lead time and increase impact
  • How to identify and assess specific points and enablers that should be adapted in order to create organisational traction with Half Double
  • How to communicate practice-related problems and possible solutions for creating impact in the organisation.
How do I achieve Master Certification?

Through submitting a written application and undertaking a 1-2 hour assessment interview. You will need to demonstrate a high level of reflection on the methodology, your own practice and how Half Double can successfully create more impact faster in your organisation.

Half Double Master Re-Certification

Maintain your certified Master status

Agile, Programme Management, Project Management
Why is re-certification required?

Re-certification is required every 3 years to ensure that you have maintained your knowledge of the Half Double methodology and are continuing to apply this knowledge in practice.

Who is the Master Re-Certification level for?

Individuals who already hold the Half Double Master certification.

How do I achieve Master Re-Certification?
  • You will need to submit a detailed written application.
  • You will need to demonstrate a high level of reflection on the methodology, own practice and how Half Double successfully can create more impact faster in an organisation.
  • You will also need to provide contact details of two reference persons who have worked with you on delivering a project applying the Half Double methodology.

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Advanced options

SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3, Project Management level 4, Methods and Tools level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Project Management level 5, Systems Development Management level 5
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 4, Project Management level 4, Methods and Tools level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Project Management level 5, Systems Development Management level 5
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 4
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Project Management up to level 7, Portfolio Management up to level 6, Programme Management level 6, Portfolio, Programme and Project Support up to level 6, Systems Development Management up to level 7



Earned Value

Perfecting performance measurement

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Agile Digital Services (AgileDS™)

Learn how to design and deliver effective digital services in an Agile way

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Managing Portfolios Certification

Managing Portfolios Certification

Optimising strategic contribution by investing in the ‘right’ projects and programmes, doing them ‘right’, and at the ‘right’ time.

View more


Over the last three days, I have had the chance to undergo the Half Double Foundation Training and Certification. This has provided me with a practical framework on maximizing business impact while also developing myself as a strong and collaborative leader. I am excited to put all the learnings into practice and create meaningful impact into my organization!

Pao Alcantara, Global Process Manager

Half double focus on better projects, faster. As a hybrid between traditional methods and agile much of what I learned matches what I would intuitively do. However - the extreme focus on early impact versus deliverables at the end of the project is inspiring and we got lots of great tools on how to create flow and show leadership.

Brian Schurmann Michels

I have truly become a fan of how the simple yet effective tools and techniques in Half Double can make a significant difference in terms of impact and speed in project delivery. The Half Double Master certification has been an excellent way to reflect and refine my skills further and document my ability to master the skills required to create Impact, Flow and Leadership in projects.

Camilla Blomquist, Project Manager and Project Management Coach

The Half Double framework offers a comprehensive methodology with a strong focus on impact, flow and leadership. The methodology enables programme leadership to tailor the approach to the specific organisation to maximize the fit through local translation. The Half Double methodology provides me with a hands-on and clear toolbox to handle large digital transformations and change programs. The certification process allowed me to reflect on my practical application of the methodology from previous and current transformation programs and there was a strong focus on self-insight.

Rasmus Ingemann, Partner and Senior Management Consultant



What is Half Double?

In 2015, the Danish Industry Foundation and Implement Group established a research project to investigate how to improve efficiency and competitiveness of Danish industry. This led to the Half Double Institute being set up as a not-for-profit organization. Half Double Institute’s comprehensive research identified key concepts that any organization can use to deliver projects in less time, and which result in more impact.

Half Double is a project management approach based on actual human behavior, unpredictability and complexity. It has been tested and validated through numerous projects in various industries and been applied to a wide range of project types – and it works.

The Half Double methodology focuses on 3 core elements:

  • Impact – stakeholder satisfaction is the ultimate success criterion
  • Flow – high intensity and frequent interaction to ensure continuous project progress
  • Leadership – leadership must embrace uncertainty and makes the project happen

To find out more about Half Double Institute’s transformational approach you can watch their video case studies.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

Yes, training is a mandatory requirement for the Foundation exam and the Practitioner and Master certifications.

The full list of Half Double Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) can be found under the Training Provider section of this product page.

Training is not required for individuals who hold the the Practitioner and/or Master certifications and need to complete the Re-Certification.

How can I get training for Half Double certifications?

Training for Half Double is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG International. The full list of Half Double ATOs can be found under the Training Provider section of this product page. Only these organizations and their registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver Half Double training.

How do I sit the Half Double Foundation exam?

Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) will include the Foundation examination as part of the ‘Ignite’ training course.

How much do the Half Double certifications cost?

The cost of the Foundation exam is generally included in the Ignite course fee, but please check with your training provider at the time of booking. The cost of the Practitioner certification is generally included in the cost of the Boost and Practitioner training course fees, but please check with your training provider at the time of booking. The cost of the Master certification is generally included in the cost of the Boost and Masterclass training course fees, but please check with your training provider at the time of booking.

What is the process for getting the Half Double Practitioner certification?

All candidates will need to attend a Practitioner Boost and Practitioner training course before they can apply for Half Double Practitioner certification. After completing the training, candidates must submit a written application which will include details on a project they have worked on where they have implemented the Half Double methodology and tools. The application will be reviewed by an assessor and then invited to a 1 hour interview to discuss your project and experience in more detail.

Are there any pre-requisites for the Half Double certifications?

The only pre-requisite for the Half Double Foundation exam is to have attended an accredited ‘Ignite’ training course.

The pre-requisites for the Half Double Practitioner certification are to have already passed the Half Double Foundation exam and to have attended a Boost and Practitioner training course. Practitioner candidates will also be expected to have worked on a project and implemented the Half Double methodology and tools.

The pre-requisites for the Half Double Master certification are to have already passed the Half Double Practitioner certification and to have attended a Boost and Masterclass training course. Master candidates will also be expected to have worked on a project and implemented the Half Double methodology and tools.

What are the main publications for Half Double and where can I purchase them?

The Half Double Foundation exam is based on the Half Double Methodology Handbook which is available in both hard copy electronic format from Van Haren Publishing:

Which languages are the Half Double examinations available in?

The Half Double Foundation exam is available in English and Danish. Half Double advise that you sit the exam in the same language that your training was conveyed in.

The Half Double Practitioner and Master certifications can also be conducted in either English or Danish.

The Half Double Practitioner Re-Certification can be conducted in English or Danish.

The Half Double Master Re-Certification can be conducted in English.

Which languages is the Half Double manual available in?

The Half Double Methodology Handbook is available in English.

How long will it take to learn the Half Double material?

The Half Double ‘Ignite’ (Foundation) course is generally delivered over 3 days. Please check the course structure and duration with your course provider before booking.

After attending an Ignite training course, it is expected that candidates will need to spend 2-3 months applying the Half Double methodology to projects before they will be ready to apply for Practitioner certification. Your attendance at the Boost and Practitioner training courses will help you to determine your preparedness for the Practitioner certification.

It is expected that candidates will need to spend approximately 6 months applying the Half Double methodology to projects before they will be ready to apply for Master certification. Your attendance at the Boost and Master class training courses will help you to determine your preparedness for the Master certification.

What is the structure of the Half Double Foundation examination?

The structure of the Half Double Foundation examination is below:

  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Pass mark: 28 out of 40 (70%)
  • Open book (candidates can refer to any materials during the exam)

Can I take any books or supporting materials into the exam?

Yes, candidates may take any reference materials into the Foundation exam (there are no restrictions).

Is there a sample exam that I can practice on?

Yes, all candidates can access a sample Foundation exam to practice on via the Candidate Portal. Access to the Candidate Portal is given once your Accredited Training Organization (ATO) has registered your exam date and time with APMG.

How long are the Half Double certifications valid for?

The Half Double Foundation certification does not expire.

The Half Double Practitioner certification is valid for 3 years.

The Half Double Master certification is valid for 5 years.

When can I expect the results of my Half Double certification?

The Half Double Foundation examination can be marked at the end of your exam by your trainer or invigilator/proctor and provisional results provided. APMG will issue formal notification of your exam result within 2 working days of receiving your exam paper. All results will be made available in your Candidate Portal.

The assessor will provide you with a provisional result at the end of your Practitioner or Master assessment interview. APMG will issue formal confirmation to you via email within 5 working days of your interview.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will automatically be able to claim their digital badge and electronic certificate from their APMG Candidate Portal within two business days of their results being released. 

How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create and account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

What is the pass mark for the Half Double Foundation examination?

The pass mark for the Half Double Foundation examination is 28 out of 40 (70%).

How do I become a Half Double trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a Half Double trainer, individuals must hold the certificate for the level that you wish to teach. All trainers must be ‘sponsored’ by an APMG accredited training organization. To find out more about becoming a trainer, please contact your local APMG representative:

How do I become a Half Double accredited training organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a Half Double ATO must first contact our Service Desk. They will put you in touch with your local business development manager who can discuss the accreditation process with you.  

Can I use the Half Double logo?

Only organizations licensed to do so are allowed to use the Half Double logo. Such organizations include Half Double ATOs (Accredited Training Organizations) who have been approved by APMG-International.

Individuals are not permitted to use the Half Double logo, however, all individuals who pass the exam are awarded with a digital badge which can be shared on social media and embedded into your CV/resume.

Half Double is a trademark of the Half Double Institute. All rights reserved.

Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please check the PMI website ( for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.

Are there any re-certification or on-going maintenance requirements?

The Foundation certificate does not expire, and there are no on-going requirements to maintain this level.

The Practitioner certification is valid for 3 years and the Master certification is valid for 5 years. To maintain Half Double Practitioner or Master status, individuals must complete the Practitioner Re-Certification or Master Re-Certification before the expiry of their current certificate.

Individuals do not need to attending training, and can apply directly to APMG by selecting the level they want to re-certify for from the list on the left-hand side of the screen:

Once you have passed the re-certification, you will be awarded with a new Practitioner or Master certificate (as applicable) which will be valid for 3 years.


Half Double Certification

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