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Many of our candidates have continued to pass their course having successfully taken a re-sit examination.

7 Tips for What to do if You've Failed an Exam

The typical emotional response to failing an exam is distress and self-pity. That’s understandable, but thoughts of that failure being conclusive are irrational.

Many of our candidates have been in the same situation, but have continued to pass the course having successfully taken a re-sit examination.

For those who have just taken a Foundation Level exam – some of our ATOs provide an instant preliminary result, giving candidates an immediate indication of their final mark.

If you’ve taken a Practitioner Level exam via an ATO – APMG will issue the final results 48 hours after receiving the pack from the respective ATO, invigilator or trainer.

Please note – preliminary results are not concrete; candidates will receive their official results within the results turnaround time.

In the event you have failed an exam – here are some helpful tips on how to recoup:

1. Be Patient

It’s advisable to be patient while waiting for your results, don’t be too hasty in re-taking the exam – it’s better to wait and find out your results before launching straight into a re-sit.

2. Contact your ATO to organize a re-sit examination

If you’re certain you’ve failed the exam – you have the option to take a re-sit examination prior to the release of your results. If you took your exam via an ATO you should contact them to organize a re-sit. They will probably advise you to wait until you’ve received your results before organizing a re-sit.

3. Book an exam at a Public Center

There’s also the option to book an exam at one of our Public Centers. Log into the Public Center exam booking system to check the availability of Public Center re-sits.

4. Study

Exam fees are still applicable to re-sits – so it’s in your best interest to study prior to re-sitting an exam.

5. Identify why you failed

If you know you’ve failed and have decided to take a re-sit examination – an effective first step is to try and identify why you failed. Poor management of time is a common cause for exam failure.

It’s useful to examine your marked exam – if you scored well on the earlier questions but the marks declined towards to latter questions, it’s likely that time management was an issue for you.

It’s easy to unknowingly spend an excessive amount of time on the early questions – leaving you little time for the latter ones, so try to be conscious of this while taking your re-sit.

6. Contact your trainer

Alternatively, speak to your trainer – their personal affiliation with you allows them to give you valuable advice to help you proceed with the re-sit.

7. Reconcile with yourself

Before you proceed with the re-sit – accept that you didn’t succeed the first time and don’t dwell on it. Your past hiccup will not dictate the result of your re-sit – neither will anxiously anticipating the next exam. Just remember to keep focused when it’s time to sit the exam and allocate the right amount of time for each question.

Depending on the criteria set by the ATO – results may be sent to the ATO to pass onto you, or APMG will provide you with the results directly.


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