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The portfolio management process should never resemble a tunnel where every spending proposal that enters is subsequently approved and exits.

WHITE PAPER: Is your portfolio management process a funnel or a tunnel?

In his latest whitepaper, Milvio DiBartolomeo looks into effective portfolio management practices and some common mistakes and misconceptions that are prevalent in many organizations and industries.

Milvio explores why good portfolio management always has a “waiting list” of valued opportunities ready to take up resources (funds and people) as they become available.

The paper includes lots of insight and advice for improving and optimizing practices.


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Milvio DiBartolomeo

Milvio DiBartolomeo

Milvio DiBartolomeo is an experienced project portfolio management professional and regular blogger about benefits, portfolio, programme and project management methodology, PMO model re-design, gated assurance, governance, benefits, risk management, workforce planning and strategy implementation. People worldwide seek Milvio's input and thought leadership about industry leading project portfolio management practices.

With a lifelong passion for learning, Milvio is the first person in the world to simultaneously become a Strategy Implementation Institute Professional, registered Better Business Cases Practitioner (at trainer level) and Managing Benefits (at trainer level). Other notable achievements include successfully implementing the Managing Benefit’s staged funding release by gated review technique to protect public sector investment and redesigning the project governance structure to minimize senior management time commitment for a Queensland Government department. 

Milvio has also recently contributed to the development of a new P3G Handbook about portfolio, programme and project governance for the IPMO in Switzerland, particularly about agile governance. His credentials also include a Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations, Organizational Change and Human Resource Management) including Management of Risk v4, Management of Portfolios (MoP®), Portfolio, Programme and Project Office (P3O®), Managing Successful Programmes 5th edition (MSP®), PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, AgileSHIFT®, ICAgile, International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) software testing and ITIL®.  


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