< about="/category/leadership" content="Leadership" /> National Center for High-performance Computing | APMG International
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National Center for High-performance Computing

ISO/IEC 20000 certification
Certified by
ISO/IEC 20000 Certified Organization
National Center for High-performance Computing
Taiwan, China

The IT Service Management System of the National Center for High-performance Computing delivers the following services from the Hsinchu headquarters, Taichung branch and Tainan branch. - For external customers: - iService web account application and notification services for High-Performance Computing (HPC); - High-Performance Computing (HPC) service for Taiwania 1. - For internal employees: - Server room security management and control services; - Monitoring and notification service for servers and provided services.

No. 28, Nan-Ke 3rd Rd
Hsin-Shi Dist TNN 74147
Taiwan, China
No. 22, Keyuan Rd
Central Taiwan Science Park
Taichung City TXG 40763
Taiwan, China
No. 7, R&D 6th Rd
Hsinchu Science Park
Hsinchu City HSZ 30076
Taiwan, China

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