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Could Design Thinking be key to unlocking project benefits and success?

Tackling high project failure rates with Design Thinking

The project management industry continues to be plagued by high failure rates. Whilst there is no silver bullet, there are approaches and tools available to help. One such approach is Design Thinking.

Design Thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we plan and deliver projects, boosting outcomes and success rates.

During this webinar we address:

  • How Design Thinking facilitates optimal project definition.
  • How we can deliver better projects using Design Thinking, specifically DTMethod.
  • The value and benefits of Design Thinking and DTMethod.
  • Details of a recent case study.

Who is it for?

Project management practitioners and those involved in designing and developing products and services for clients and customers.

Tackling high project failure rates with Design Thinking


Rafal Czarny

Director of Innovation and Development, Inprogress Design Lab

Rafał is the Director of Innovation and Development at Inprogress Design Lab. Since 2009, he has been designing processes, products and services. He is the lead author of DTMethod - a methodology that helps to apply Design Thinking in an organization.

He is an accredited Change Management, DTMethod and Facilitation trainer. As part of Rafał's professional activity, he supports organizations in introducing changes using facilitation and Design Thinking.

  • Design Thinking Basics: an introduction to DTMethod  - in publication process
  • Polish publication in Forbes magazine: Don't waste your time and money on unsuccessful projects
  • Polish publications in Strefa PMI: Towards organizational agility: Agile Change Management; Change Manager about survival; Development for change or change for development? Why is not all training effective?

Proudest Achievement?

It is definitely a DTMethod methodology creation and development. Its creation required a very extensive scientific research, long hours of design and testing with different groups of people. But the effort paid off: now people around the world can get to know DTMethod and get internationally recognized certification.


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