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A suite of courses that focus on the essential skills required to perform each role within a PMO.

In a world where organisations are expected to be adaptable, projects and programmes are key, resulting in the exponential growth of the project management profession and increased demand for PMO's.

The House of PMO Essentials is made up of four training courses – targeting the various stages in a PMO practitioner’s career.

The House of PMO Essential courses are:

These training courses and certification will provide PMO practitioners with the essential skills and knowledge needed in their roles – enabling the organisations they work in to successfully centralize and support projects and programmes.

House of PMO is a trademark of House of PMO Limited. All rights reserved.

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A hummingbird with blurred wings in motion

Agile Programme Management (AgilePgM®)

Adopt an Agile approach to transformational change

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Agile Assurance

Global Agile Assurance®

Agile Assurance for Modern Digital Environments. The world's first methodology, training and accreditation for Agile project assurance.

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Global Gateway Assurance

Global Gateway Assurance®

Modernised Gateway Assurance for the Digital Age. Reinvention of the global standard for assurance in a fast paced and customer centric world.

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House of PMO Essentials

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Certyfikaty i Rozwiązania

Accredited Training Organizations


Akredytowani Dostawcy Szkoleń

Certifications & Solutions

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