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The official BiSL® certification from APMG

The Business Information Services Library (BiSL) was launched into the public domain as a library for business information management. The library consists of publications describing the process framework for business information management and a large number of best practices, white papers, articles and presentations. 

BiSL provides guidance on how to adopt a professional and systematic approach to the management of business information, a comprehensive process framework for business information management. It is supported by a growing number of best practices. Through the publication of the framework and numerous publications and the establishment of a foundation to maintain it, BiSL has become part of the public domain. One of the most important benefits of the framework is that a common language and terms of reference are provided to the market.

While IT ensures that information is stored, processed and readily available, effective business information management ensures that an organization is able to respond to specific business demands, and to actually realize the value from their investments.

BiSL identifies processes at the following three levels:

Operational - the operational processes involve the day-to-day use of the information provisioning, and designing and effecting changes to the latter;

Managing – the management processes involve costs, benefits, planning, and quality of the information provisioning and arrangements with IT suppliers;

Strategic –the processes at the strategic level define the nature of the information provisioning in the long-term and also how its management should be structured.

BiSL® (Business Information Services Library)

Certify your ability to:

  • Understand the processes involved in the execution of business information management from operations to strategy.
  • Improve how business information management is currently executed.
  • Bridge the gap between business information management and the neighbouring domains of application development, application management and IT services management.

BiSL Framework

The BiSL examinations are supported by the text BiSL - A Framework for Business Information Management.

There are currently two versions of the BiSL framework:

  • 4th edition. The BiSL 4 Foundation (2024) exam is based on the 4th edition of the BiSL Framework and the exam is available in Dutch only. 
  • 4th edition. The BiSL Practitioner (2024) exam is based on the 4th edition of the BiSL Framework and the exam is available in Dutch only. 

BiSL 4th edition - coming in 2024!

In early 2024, a revision of BiSL took place. This was mainly a visual update to reflect modern trends and changes and, in terms of content, not too much changed in the BISL method. To achieve this, the book was revised to BiSL, Een framework voor Business Information Management 4e editie’ (BiSL® 4th edition – A Framework for business information management.).

Updated Foundation training courses and the 4th edition of the BiSL book are now live.

A new BiSL Practitioner exam launched in September 2024. The Practitioner exam is based on a new book: De functioneel beheerder en BISL - 2de Herziene Druk available from Van Haren Publishing.

Digital Badge BiSL Foundation


Gain the knowledge needed to work in a business information management role.

Information Management & Analysis, Process Management
Who is Foundation for?
  • Business roles such as key users, business system administrators, system owners, process owners, (Agile) product owners, information managers, business analysts, contract managers who deal with demand and use of information and technology.
  • Customer facing senior ITSM professionals (e.g. Service Managers, BRMs) who want a better understanding of the activities on the ‘other side of the fence’ in order to collaborate more effectively with their business counterparts.
  • Business information management process improvement consultants.
  • Auditors who want to ensure that the business is fulfilling their responsibilities to manage information as a critical business asset.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • The background and positioning of business information management and the BiSL framework. 
  • The key messages, objectives and subjects of the BiSL clusters.
  • The objectives and subjects of the BiSL clusters and processes.
  • The activities and results of the BiSL operational and management processes. 
  • The interrelations between the BiSL clusters and processes.
Exam format:

BiSL 4 Foundation

  • Multiple choice
  • 40 questions
  • 24 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 60%
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed-book


Turn theoretical knowledge of the BiSL® framework into practical.

IT Governance, IT Management, Process Improvement, Process Management
What is required?

BiSL Foundation Level Certificate 

Who is the Practitioner level for?
  • The BiSL Practitioner level is designed for professionals who are involved in managing and improving business information management (BIM) processes within an organization. E.g. business analysts, business information administrators, or information consultants.
  • Target audiences for the BiSL Practitioner level also include: Business Information Managers, Functional Managers, Process Managers, Service Managers, Consultants. 
What are the key things you will learn?
  • Ability to turn theoretical knowledge of the BiSL® framework into practical implementations within an organisation.
  • How to apply the BiSL theory for organisational improvement of BIM, setting up and improving BIM processes using BiSL.
Exam Format:
  • Multiple choice
  • 40 questions
  • 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed-book

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What is a BiSL digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my BiSL digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Credly website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Credly account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Credly - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

What is BiSL?

The Business information Services Library (BiSL®) framework, developed by the DID Foundation (formerly known as ASL BiSL Foundation), provides guidance on adopting a professional and systematic approach to the management of business information.

While IT ensures that information is stored, processed and available, effective business information management ensures that an organization is able to respond to specific business demands.


How can I train for the BiSL examinations?

Training for BiSL is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG-International. The full list of BiSL ATOs can be found HERE .

Only these organizations and registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver BiSL training.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exams?

No, however attending an accredited training course is recommended.

Individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examinations. APMG-International administers online exam sessions, allowing those who self study the opportunity to sit an online exam from the comfort of their own home or office.

Click HERE for further information and to book an exam.

How do I sit the exams?

The vast majority of, if not all, BiSL accredited training organizations include the examinations as part of the associated training course.

For those who self-study, the exams can be taken anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home or workplace, with online proctoring.  A proctor will access your exam as you take it to monitor the exam environment through your computer's desktop, webcam and microphone.

Once you have booked an exam, you will be given a registration email to schedule an appointment with your live proctor via our Candidate Portal. Our online proctoring system allows you to take your exam anytime as sessions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, please click here.

How much does it cost to sit the BiSL examinations?

If you are sitting the examination through an accredited training organization, the cost of the exam is generally included in the course fee.

APMG-International uses a global pricing structure, so if you are studying at home, the cost is dependent on the country in which the exam is being sat. To find out the cost in your region, please contact the APMG-International service desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or to find out the cost in your region, please contact the APMG-International service desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at: servicedesk@apmg-international.com

Are there any pre-requisites for the BiSL examinations?

There are no pre-requisites for taking the BiSL Foundation examination.

Candidates must pass the BiSL Foundation exam before being eligible to take the BiSL Advanced examination.

Candidates must pass the BiSL Foundation exam before being eligible to take the BiSL Practitioner examination. 

Please note that we will also accept a pass of the EXIN BiSL Foundation exam, as a pre-requisite for undertaking the BiSL Advanced examination, providing the certificate was issued before 30 April 2012.

What is the main supporting publication for BiSL and where can I purchase it?

The BiSL Foundation exam is based on the 3rd edition of the BiSL Framework. This is available in Dutch only.

The BiSL Advanced exam is based on the 2nd edition of the BiSL Framework. This is available in English and Dutch.

Candidates studying for the BiSL Advanced exam can study using either the 2nd edition or 3rd edition of the BiSL Framework. However, if studying with the 3rd edition, there are some differences in terminology used in the exam. To understand the differences between the two editions, please see the ‘what has changed’ document available to download from the right-hand side of this page.

In addition to the above publication, an additional guidance document - Additional guidance BiSL Advanced qualification has been created to support the BiSL Advanced certification level. The guidance document can be purchased from APMG Store in Dutch or in English: https://store.apmg-international.com/study-materials/bisl-additional-guidance-book

The majority of accredited training organizations (ATOs) will include the publication(s) as part of the course package. Please check with your ATO to confirm this.

Which languages are the BiSL examinations available in?

The BiSL 2020 Foundation examination is currently available in Dutch only.

The BiSL Advanced examination is currently available in Dutch and English only. Translations will be progressed subject to market demand.

The BiSL Foundation 2024 examination is currently available in Dutch only. 

The BiSL Practitioner examination is currently available in Dutch only. 

Which languages is the supporting BiSL publication(s) available in?

The main supporting publication, BiSL - A Framework for Business Information Management (2nd edition), is available in Dutch and English.

BiSL - A Framework for Business Information Management (3rd edition), is available in Dutch.

The additional BiSL guidance - Additional guidance BiSL Advanced qualification - is available in Dutch and English.

How long will it take to learn the BiSL material?

For individuals self-studying, it is almost impossible to say. As all candidates have different experience and amount of time available for study, it varies from person to person. We suggest you buy the supporting publication(s) and have a look through for yourself before deciding how long you need to spend learning.

For those looking to study with an accredited training organization, we recommend investigating with individual providers, as they will offer tailored and blended learning solutions.

What is the structure of the BiSL examinations?

The format of the BiSL Foundation exam is:

  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed book
  • 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%

The format of the BiSL Advanced exam is:

  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • 75 minutes duration
  • Closed book
  • 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%

The format of the BiSL Practitioner exam is 

  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed book
  • 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%

How long are the BiSL qualifications valid for?

The qualifications are not valid for a defined period and will not expire.

When can I expect the result of my BiSL examination?

For paper format exams, the BiSL examinations can be marked at the end of your exam and your trainer will provide you with provisional confirmation of your result.

APMG will issue formal notification of your exam result once your exam paper has been received back into our office.

If you did not take your exam through an Accredited Training Organization, your results will be sent directly to you within 3-5 working days of the date of your exam.

All results will be made available in your Candidate Portal.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will be able to claim their digital badge and electronic certificate from their APMG Candidate Portal within two business days of their exam result being issued

What are the pass marks for the BiSL examinations?

Candidates must achieve a score of 26/40 (65%) to pass to pass the Foundation exam.

Candidates must achieve a score of 26/40 (65%) to pass the Advanced exam.

Candidates must achieve a score of 26/40 (65%) to pass the Practitioner exam.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a BiSL Approved Foundation Trainer?

The Advanced level is no longer a mandatory requirement to teach BiSL Foundation level.

BiSL ATOs and trainers can therefore be accredited by APMG to deliver Foundation level training only.

To be eligible to apply to become a BiSL Foundation approved trainer, individuals must pass the Foundation examination at an elevated level, achieving a score of 75% (30/40 marks) or more.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a BiSL Approved Advanced level Trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a BiSL Advanced level approved trainer, individuals must pass the Foundation and Advanced examinations and achieve a score of 75% (30/40 marks).

How do I find out if I scored enough to be eligible to become a trainer?

To find out if you scored enough to be eligible as a trainer, please check the results notification within your Candidate Portal. A score of 30 or more is required to become a BiSL trainer.

Can I use the BiSL logo?

Only organizations licensed to do so are allowed to use the BiSL logo. This includes BiSL ATOs (Accredited Training Organizations) accredited by APMG-International. The BiSL logo is a registered trademark of Van Haren Publishing and should not be used without prior permission or an appropriate license.

However, all individuals who pass the exam are awarded with a digital badge which can be shared on social media and embedded into your CV/resume.

How do I become an BiSL approved trainer?

All BiSL trainers must be "sponsored" by an BiSL accredited training organization (ATO). Details of all BiSL ATOs can be found HERE .

A trainer application must be submitted by the sponsoring ATO to their relevant APMG-International office.

How does my organization become an BiSL Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become an BiSL ATO must submit an application form to APMG-International. The organization will then be subject to APMG-International's ATO assessment process. To find out more about becoming an ATO, please contact your local APMG representative: https://apmg-international.com/contact


How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create and account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team - servicedesk@apmg-international.com

Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please check the PMI website (https://www.pmi.org/certifications/certification-resources/maintain/earn-pdus/education) for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.


BiSL® (Business Information Services Library)

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