Agile and change are two of the most in demand skills to develop.
Agile approaches are increasingly being adopted by organizations as they recognize the need to respond quickly and easily in a world of complex and continuous change. At the same time, organizations are undertaking high volumes of change and need people who understand how to move themselves and others to new ways of working.
Achieving behavioural change is a critical success factor for any change initiative. New ways of thinking and working are key to accomplishing the objectives and realising the benefits.
The Agile Change Agent and Agile Change Coach courses and certifications are based upon the successful book 'Agile Change Management – a practical framework for successful change planning and implementation’, a guide to planning and delivering change using the Agile principles of incremental and iterative delivery.
These short, practical courses give you techniques and actions you can use to make change happen successfully in your organisation.
WATCH: Agile Change Agent – why was it created?
WATCH: Understanding the value of Agile Change
The Agile Change Agent course is designed to help individuals to scope, plan and manage agile change initiatives effectively. It’s designed to bridge the gap between the formal theories, models and techniques in Change Management and Agile Project Management, providing a follow-on course for those with the qualifications and an entry point for those who need the capability but haven’t studied the subjects in-depth. See below for more.
The Agile Change Coach course develops your ability to lead yourself and others through a change, using the 5 phases of a behavioural change lifecycle model. This course is packed full of “neuro-hacks” designed to help people to change their ways of working, by overcoming psychological and emotional barriers to change. See below for more
ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Agile planning techniques made simple
In this action-packed 30 minutes, Melanie explains how the planning techniques in the Agile Change Agent course can be applied to any piece of work to create an agile initiative that delivers early and frequent benefits.

Agile Change Agent Certification
Build your practical ability in agile and change
The course has five key elements that develop your ability to scope, plan, implement and embed new ways of working:
- Concepts: Review the concepts that bring together agile principles and change management best practice to enable us to apply an agile approach to our change initiatives.
- Roadmap: Develop a roadmap for our change, which is a simple, effective mechanism for defining how and when work will be completed, and benefits will be realized.
- Business need: Use a range of techniques to identify the benefits for our change, which enables us to prioritize the work and motivate ourselves and others to adopt the change.
- Relationship building: Through games, checklists and questionnaires, identify how you prefer to work, using this to consider how others might have a different perspective. Use this knowledge to plot how you engage with others.
- Environment: Insights into the latest thinking on the impact of positive psychology, and the steps needed to create an atmosphere that builds empathy with those impacted by change.
This course is relevant to anyone who is taking part in change at work, in particular:
- New and experienced change managers
- Individuals in “business as usual” roles but are involved in change initiatives that affect their team.
- Individuals in project, program and portfolio management roles attend because they want to understand how to integrate their work with other changes being made in the business.
- Business analysts and communication experts attend because they want to know how to contribute their skills to making change happen.
- Senior managers who are asked to sponsor change initiative attend so they can understand how to fulfil their responsibilities.
It doesn’t assume you know anything about agile or change management, and it doesn’t require you to be in a leadership position. We are all responsible for making change happen, and we need practical techniques to do this. The course increases your ability to get this done.
- How to create a roadmap for managing change in an agile environment, emphasising continuous and iterative change helping individuals understand the framework and benefits of agile change.
- Learn how to break change down into a series of agile iterations, prioritising your work by the value it delivers for the business.
- Discover how to identify and prioritize the benefits of change relevant to your business.
- Understand emotional intelligence to help work collaboratively with those impacted by change.
- Adopt techniques to engage stakeholders in participating in your change culture.
- Develop strategies for building resilience and motivation, whilst managing and mitigating resistance.
- 21st century leadership skills, whatever your role or level of experience.
- Multiple-choice
- 50 questions
- 50% pass mark (25/50)
- 40 minutes
- Closed-book exam

Agile Change Coach Certification
Lead yourself and others through change effectively
The purpose of this course is for you to develop your ability to lead yourself and others through a change at work. You will learn the factors that help to shift someone’s thinking from how they currently behave to a new set of habits, using the 5 phases of the behavioural change lifecycle model:
- Interest: help people move from initial awareness that a change is going to take place, through to feeling it is something they need to take notice of, because it is relevant to their role.
- Positivity: create a positive view of the change. This positive view recognizes the advantages of the change personally, and for the organization.
- Participation: build upon the positivity created in the earlier objective, by offering those impacted opportunities to create define, plan, create and test the new ways of working.
- Resilience: help people keep going when they are feeling overwhelmed, developing their emotional resilience for change.
- Enjoyment: reinforce the benefits of the change by identifying what has improved, what is now possible that was not before, and what problems have been eradicated by the new ways of working.
This course is relevant for anyone who is taking part in change at work, in particular:
- New and experienced change managers
- People who are working in “business as usual” roles but have been asked to take part in a change initiative that affects their team.
- People in project, program and portfolio management roles attend because they want to understand how to integrate their work with other changes being made in the business.
- Business analysts and communication experts attend because they want to know how to contribute their skills to making change happen.
- Senior managers who are asked to sponsor change initiative attend so they can understand how to fulfil their responsibilities.
- Understand what behaviour change is and what common behaviour changes are expected from transformation programmes.
- 41 brain short cuts, each one a practical technique to increase your ability to influence, persuade, motivate and energise your stakeholders.
- Uncover techniques, practical guidance, shortcuts, checklists, time management tools and skills for influencing, motivating and persuading yourself and to creating a new way of working.
- Learn how to lead activities and exercises in a mini workshop run for those who must change their behaviours, upskilling those involved in behaviour change to motivate their stakeholders to change their ways of working.
- Gain confidence to address resistance to change.
- You will be empowered to manage yourself and others through change.
- Multiple-choice
- 50 questions
- 50% pass mark (25/50)
- 40 minutes
- Closed-book exam