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Could Design Thinking be a key to combatting high failure rates?

Organizations spend vast sums on projects – various reports quote up to $25 trillion dollars! Yet project failure rates remain stubbornly high and have done so for decades, with limited progress in improving overall success rates.

Could Design Thinking – and specifically the DTMethod approach – be a crucial tool in the fight against high project failure rates?

That’s the question we sought to answer with this webinar. Richard Pharro (CEO, APMG) sets the scene, while Rafal Czarny takes us through a Design Thinking / DTMethod case study to demonstrate the benefits of the approach.

Find out more about Design Thinking and DTMethod here.

Tackling high project failure rates with Design Thinking


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DTMethod® (metodyka Design Thinking)

Design Thinking (DT) jest podejściem służącym do znajdowania rozwiązań złożonych problemów. DTMethod umożliwia wprowadzenie i czerpanie korzyści z tego podejścia.

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