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Cyber Security

"AI will not replace humans, but it will be humans that use AI that will replace humans that don't."

In this episode, Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International, engages in a comprehensive discussion with Terry Neal, distinguished expert in AI and cybersecurity training.

Richard opens the conversation by asking Terry for a simple definition of AI; Terry responds by explaining AI is a machine’s ability to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.

They delve into the AI Practitioner Program, with Richard inquiring about its structure and objectives. Terry elaborates on how the program combines courses for AI prompt engineers and AI marketeers, culminating in a professional qualification. This program, rapidly adopted worldwide, aims to fill a critical gap in AI training and certification.

Richard also probes the societal implications of AI, questioning whether AI will replace human jobs. Terry asserts that AI will reshape rather than replace the workforce, enhancing productivity and creating new job opportunities. He underscores the importance of acquiring new skills in an AI-augmented world, including prompt engineering, data analysis, and human-AI collaboration.

The conversation further explores the potential risks of generative AI, with Richard asking about concerns like cybercrime and deep fakes. Terry acknowledges these risks, and stresses the need for governance and standards to manage AI’s impact responsibly.

Learning outcomes

  • AI is transforming the way we work and has become an important tool to automate tasks and improve efficiency.
  • The Artificial Intelligence Practitioner Programme provides a comprehensive syllabus and professional qualification for AI engineers and marketeers.
  • Governance and safety oversight in the AI industry are important, especially in the context of AGI and its potential to surpass human capabilities.
  • Advancements in hardware, software, and renewable energy are key to addressing the challenges of powering AI technology.
  • The future of AI technology holds promise for innovation and advancement, but also requires careful consideration of ethical and safety implications.


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