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Zmiana, ryzyko & korzyści

A delicate balance between agility and anarchy; exploring organisational change

In this episode, Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International, speaks to Sarah Hills, Change expert and Founder of Carpe Omnia Training.

They explore the intricacies of organisational change and the challenges of introducing best practices. Richard prompts Sarah about the behavioural shifts required for successful implementation, to which Sarah stresses the importance of establishing trust and openness with clients.

She elaborates on her consulting approach, emphasising the need to understand current organisational behaviours before delivering training solutions. The conversation takes a deep dive into the concept of agility within organisations, with Sarah highlighting the need for mindset shifts and effective governance.

Richard and Sarah discuss the role of sponsorship in driving successful projects and programs, shedding light on the delicate balance between agility and anarchy. The conversation moves to the STAR® Program, a management training initiative aimed at fostering employee engagement through assessment-based approaches.

Throughout the episode, Richard and Sarah explore the transformative potential of empowering managers to enable their teams and navigating the complexities of organisational change.

Listen in to actionable insights on manoeuvering organisational change and fostering agility.


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