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Liz Herman, shares her journey into Technical Communication and why she is such a huge advocate

How did you get started in Technical Communication?

My journey as a technical communicator began decades ago. Although I have had many different titles in my career and many different positions, technical communication has always remained the foundation that I return to time and time again. While I currently manage a team of content and training developers, I have held positions in project management, business development, education, and compliance. In each and every one of those positions, technical communication has enabled my success. The skill set that I developed as a technical communicator—project analysis and planning, organizational design, content development, audience analysis, expert writing and editing—is a skill set that can be applied across multiple positions and industries.

What are your thoughts on the Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC)™ course and exam?

Because of my time in the field and long before the Great Resignation began, more and more people were reaching out to me about transitioning into the field of technical communication. That trend continues today, two years into the pandemic, and one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how to get started. The Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC)™ offered by the Society for Technical Communication and administered by APMG International is a terrific first step. First, it helps distinguish you from the rest of the crowd, second, it provides you with a solid technical communication skill set, whether you’re new to the field or just need some polishing of existing skills, and third, it offers you the opportunity to progress to higher levels of certification as you perfect your skill set. As an expert-level CPTC, I can attest that certification has helped distinguish me to employers and opened doors to contribute to podcasts, blogs, publications, and presentations about the technical communication field. I’m proud to display my CPTC certification on my LinkedIn profile.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to explore a career in Technical Communication?

I would also recommend to those interested in technical communication to join the Society for Technical Communication (STC.org), our field’s premier professional organization. As a member of STC since 1997, it has been my professional home offering a community of talented individuals with whom to network, multiple education opportunities, an annual conference called the Summit, and two publications that keep me current on everything happening in this vibrant field. In addition, STC offers a job bank as part of its membership, and I found a teaching position through a posting on the STC job bank!

Finally, seek out a mentor. So many of us in the technical communication industry are willing to share our knowledge and give back to those coming up in the field. If you’re seeking a mentor, I encourage you to really think about how a mentor’s experience aligns with the direction you want to go in the field. Be respectful of the time that they are giving to you by being prepared. Develop a list of specific questions you’d like to pose to a prospective mentor. You may want to send those in advance so the mentor can be prepared as well.

Enjoy the journey!

Find out more

This article is contributed as part of #TechCommWeek 31 Jan 2022- 04 Feb 2022. 

A Day In The Life of a Technical Communicator - CPTC with Liz Herman

Watch on demand as Liz Herman shares what it's like to be a Technical Communicator 

A Day In The Life of a Technical Communicator - CPTC with Liz Herman


Liz Herman STC Associate Fellow

Liz Herman

STC Associate Fellow


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