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"Business is Behavior"

APMG International and OBM Dynamics partner to deliver Organizational Behavior Management training and certification

APMG has partnered with OBM Dynamics B.V. to offer Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) training and certification to help leaders design practical strategies that can be used to change behavior. OBM instigates methods to improve human performance leading to an improvement in business goals.

The three day Foundation training is a hands on course, based on a variety of scientific resources that is actively supported by ADRIBA (the Aubrey Daniels Research Institute for Behaviour Analysis, part of the VU University in Amsterdam).

Repeated research has shown that a staggering 70% of organizational change programs fail to meet all their objectives. In no less than 60% of those cases, ‘Behavior’ is determined as the root cause.

 “Business is Behavior,” Aubrey Daniels, one of the ‘founding fathers’ of OBM famously claimed. By understanding how to influence behavior leaders can start to better understand and manage people at work, in forming a culture that contributes to meeting strategic goals such as improved customer satisfaction.

Organizational Behavior Management is a science to optimize performance

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) is a scientifically proven method for optimizing organizational performance, combining a ‘seven-step’ protocol with hard data and a focus on encouraging and reinforcing positive behavioral changes. The ‘seven-steps’ include how to determine pinpoints, develop a measurement system and designing and implementing a solution.

Used successfully worldwide for over 40 years, OBM has a proven track record of improving organizational performance in every field of business, in hundreds of reported cases, by focusing on behaviors instead of just results.

“Behavior is at the heart of everything we do. Best practice tends to focus on process and procedures but success comes from people. The training and certification from OBM helps leaders develop techniques to influence socially significant behaviour which can make the difference between a project failing or succeeding, or for example, a change management or agile program becoming embedded in business process,” says Richard Pharro, CEO, APMG.

Joost Kerkhofs / Robert den Broeder (Co-Founder & Director, OBM Dynamics B.V.) says,

“People love change! As long as they benefit from it themselves! The training and certification draws from a wealth of scientific studies, bringing to life how behavior can impact organizational change.

We have trained hundreds of leaders in the Netherlands. Since 2010 we have collected an impressive number of cases on how OBM has successfully helped public and private organisations to achieve their goals. These cases have shown that behavior is the key to successfully apply best practices, frameworks and management philosophies such as Agile, DevOps, Scrum and Lean.”

About OBM Dynamics B.V.

OBM Dynamics B.V. designs, develops and distributes educational products in the field of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) worldwide through its own network and that of its licensed partners.

Contact: Joost Kerkhofs, Co-Founder & Director

T: +31 (0)85-1308563  |  E: j.kerkhofs@obmdynamics.nl

About APMG International

APMG International is an award-winning, global accreditation and examination institute. We administer professional management training and certification schemes that support individuals and organizations in key disciplines, including Agile, Project & Programme Management, Change Management, IT Governance, Service Management and Cyber Security. APMG accredits a global network of training providers that offer world-class training solutions to support of portfolio of certifications.

Contact: Alicia Holbrook, Head of Marketing

T: +44 (0)1494 836149  |  E: Alicia.Holbrook@apmg-international.com


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