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AwarenessThis certification addresses the eight knowledge domains that comprise the common body of knowledge
AwarenessCyber Security is not an IT issue, it is a business issue which needs to be led by the Board.
AwarenessProofpoint Limited is an award-winning provider of security awareness training, helping organisation
AwarenessThis 2-hour training course provides Boards with critical knowledge of Cyber Security and Informatio
AwarenessUnderstand of the scope and requirements of the Cyber Essentials Standard.
ApplicationThis four day comprehensive practitioner course, with independent APMG exam, will provide a practica
ApplicationA five day Certified Cloud Security Practitioner course - encompassing Cloud Security Architecture,
ApplicationGain a wealth of hacking techniques to compromise the security of various operating systems, network
AwarenessOnline policy and training management solution, tracking compliance and competence in managing indiv
AwarenessThis extensive, interactive, and stimulating two-day programme provides the CISO with a unique oppor

Certyfikaty i Rozwiązania

Accredited Training Organizations

Akredytowani Dostawcy Szkoleń

Certifications & Solutions

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