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IT Governance & Service

Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit. Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung des IT Service Managements - angefangen von der unbestrittenen Notwendigkeit, Chaos zu organisieren bis hin zu gravierenden organisatorischen Veränderungen, neuen Rollen und Methoden - stellt sich die Frage, ob dies auch für den Service Manager gilt? Gibt es die Rolle in der Version 5.0 oder ist sie bereits dabei, unbedeutend zu werden? Darüber wollen wir in unserem Level Up mit Experten sprechen, die sich auskennen und Ihre Fragen beantworten. Your questions will drive the show!

APMG verwendet SLIDO als Frageplattform

In dieser 60-minütigen lebhaften Diskussion über den Service Manager 5.0 können Sie selber die Fragen stellen, die Ihnen wichtig sind und von unseren Experten die Antworten hören, die Sie weiterbringen. Alternativ können Sie auch Fragen von anderen priorisieren. Die beliebtesten Fragen werden vorrangig behandelt.


Level Up-Veranstaltungen werden LIVE auf YouTube und LinkedIn gestreamt, so dass Sie überall und jederzeit auf die Sendung zugreifen können. Die Aufzeichnungen werden mit Lesezeichen versehen und auf YouTube archiviert. Wenn Ihnen unser Kanal gefällt, können Sie ihn abonnieren. Sie können auch eine Audioversion hören, indem Sie den Level Up Podcast abonnieren. Jetzt erhältlich bei Apple, Spotify, Amazon und Google.

Wenn Sie selber als Panelist teilnehmen möchten, teilen Sie uns dies bei Ihrer Anmeldung mit.

Episode 71 - Level Up your Career - Der Service Manager 5.0 - ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?


Stephan Brendel

Regional Lead EMEA, APMG International

Germany and The Netherlands

on behalf of APMG Stephan is working with Channel Partners and Trainers in the education space. He achieved business growth in the region and has used many of his capabilities in the IT Service Management and Project Management environment to engage with the community and to improve the relationships with his customers. Prior to his career with APMG Stephan has been the Managing Director of a training and consulting company. From his studies in law and communication sciences he started his career with IBM and a Germany based systems integrator.

Stephan is a member of the BPUG and a board member of itSMF. His engagement in the community helps him to contribute to a variety of topics in the industry. He is certified in IT Service Management, Project Management and is a Business Relationship Management Professional.     

Dierk Söllner


Dierk Söllner helps his clients with the vision of "strengthening people and teams - empathically and competently" as a trainer and coach. As a certified business coach, he supports teams as well as specialists and managers with current challenges through professional business coaching and training. Combined with his long-standing and comprehensive professional expertise in IT methodological frameworks, makes him a competent and empathetic companion in personnel, team and organisational development. Dierk runs the German speaking business podcast "Business Akupunktur”, has a teaching assignment on "Value Stream based Design for IT Organisations" at NORDAKADEMIE Hamburg and also has published the reference book "IT Service Management with FitSM". Dierk's clients range from DAX corporations to medium-sized companies to smaller IT service providers. 

  • DASA DevOps Ambassador for Germany
  • Book author of: IT-Service Management mit FitSM (German) which will be available in English in 2024 by TSO 

Dierk's proudest achievement is working successfully for more than 13 years as a self-employed consultant and trainer for a wide range of companies.

Mathias Traugott


Mathias Traugott, BBA, ITIL Master & IT Governance Expert has internalised consistent, practised customer orientation since his responsible positions around flight handling services and as Head of Customer Care at the IT organisation of Swissair, the former Swiss airline.As the person responsible for the holistic ITSM programme at the largest Swiss mobile phone provider (3-time award winner), he laid the foundation for his consulting career. Mathias Traugott is now a Principal Consultant, Facilitator & Trainer in VeriSM™, Scrum, DevOps, ITIL®, COBIT®, Hermes and CEO of Punctdavista AG. As an advisory board member of itSMF Germany, worldwide keynote speaker and author, he shares his experience and actively shapes the topic of service providers in the digital world.

  • 2004: The Innovation of the Year Award – with Swisscom’s ITSM Project
  • 2005: IDG's InfoWorld Annual Awards – with Swisscom’s ITSM Project
  • 2006: HP Award of Excellence – with Swisscom’s ITSM Project
  • 2010: krz wins itSMF best project Award – my Customer as Principal Consultant

2021: Swiss Redcross wins SMFS  best project Award – my Customer as Principal Consultant

My greatest pride is in my two children. With the launch of their career paths in a wide variety of professions, on the one hand on the way to becoming architects and on the other to becoming cable car mechatronics engineers in the imposing Swiss mountain world. It seems that parenting as a service has succeeded very well.

Christof Huschens

Consultant & Coach

Consultant Requirement Engineering
Verschiedene Projekte für Telekommunikation, Banken und öffentliche Hand seit 1990.
Aufbau eines erfolgreichen IT-Schulungsunternehmens.

  • ITIL Expert seit 2011
  • ITIL 4 MTP
  • FitSMTrainer
  • Prince 2 Practitioner


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