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Employers look for deep knowledge and expertise. Our digital badges give you immediate global recognition for your proficiency in PPPs.

Certify your ability to:

  • Effectively source funding for PPP projects
  • Establish tailored and comprehensive PPP frameworks
  • Identify and allocate the government roles and responsibilities within the PPP process
  • Propose optimal procurement routes for PPP projects
  • Structure and manage PPP contracts
  • Achieve maximum Value for Money (VfM) through effective financial structuring

Gaining the ultimate PPP professional credential

The Certified Public-private Partnerships Professional (CP3P) credential is awarded to those who pass all three PPP Certification Program exams.

Those who possess the CP3P credential will be instantly recognisable as having the complete competencies needed to deliver PPPs successfully. 


The PPP Guide will give you the knowledge and understanding of PPP models

The PPP Certification Program Guide is a free, comprehensive resource on all stages of successfully delivering PPPs, including PPP models, PPP and Government and PPP value for money.

The PPP Guide also serves as the fundamental reading material for the PPP Certification Program.

Download the PPP Guide for free from the official PPP Certification Program's website below.

The PPP Guide

Free online PPP training course

Tackle the PPP Certification Program's Foundation Exam with confidence by using the free CP3P online training course.

The course guides you through Chapter 1 of the PPP Guide - finishing with an online test paper to prepare you for the exam

Visit the online training course

Exame Básico

Atue como um membro instruído de uma equipe financeira de PPP.

Developing Countries, Public-Private Partnerships
Para quem é o exame de Fundamentos?

Esta é uma certificação básica - ideal para pessoas envolvidas em PPPs com pouca ou nenhuma experiência anterior.

Quais serão os principais aprendizados?
  • Os fundamentos do financiamento bem-sucedido para projetos de PPP.
  • As fontes mais eficazes de financiamento de projetos de PPP, mais seus benefícios e limitações.
  • Configurar novas estruturas de PPP e como identificar estruturas efetivas existentes.
  • As principais fases do processo de PPP.

O exame básico é baseado no Capítulo 1, Anexo A e no Glossário do guia PPP.

Formato do Exame:
  • Múltipla-escolha
  • 50 questões
  • Necessários 25 acertos de acertos para aprovação (das 50 questões disponíveis) - 50%
  • Duração de 50 minutos
  • Sem consulta

Exame de Preparação

Se torne proficiente na preparação de projetos PPP e implementação ou desenvolvimento de estruturas...

Developing Countries, Public-Private Partnerships
Quais são os requisitos necessários?
  • Certificação no Exame Básico do Programa de Certificação PPP da APMG.
Para quem é o Exame de Preparação?

Esta é uma certificação de nível profissional - voltada para as pessoas envolvidas no desenvolvimento ou na implementação de estruturas de PPP e no início ou implementação de projetos de PPP.

Funções adequadas incluem:

  • Funcionários do setor público
  • Profissionais e seus assessores ou consultores
  • Papéis do setor privado, como desenvolvedores, contratados, investidores e financiadores
Quais serão os principais aprendizados?
  • Como aplicar e analisar a estrutura PPP
  • Processos de projeto de PPP:
    • Identificação
    • Triagem
    • Avaliação
  • Processos de preparação em contextos governamentais
  • O exame de preparação é baseado nos Capítulos 2 a 5 do Guia PPP.
Formato do Exame:
  • Múltipla-escolha
  • 4 questões - 20 itens em cada questão, cada item valendo um acerto
  • Necessários 40 acertos de acertos para aprovação (das 80 questões disponíveis) - 50%
  • 2 horas e meia de duração
  • Com consulta restrita ao Guia PPP, que pode ser usado  como apoio no exame

Exame de Execução

Aprenda como aplicar o processo de estruturação e redação de documentos de licitação de PPP.

Developing Countries, Public-Private Partnerships
Quais são os requisitos necessários?

Os candidatos já devem ter passado no Exame Básico para se qualificarem para o exame de Execução.

Para quem é o Exame de Execução?

Pessoas envolvidas na estruturação e licitação de projetos de PPP e no gerenciamento de contratos de PPP, como funcionários e profissionais do setor público e seus assessores e consultores.

Quais serão os principais aprendizados?

O objetivo da certificação de Execução é confirmar que o candidato alcançou entendimento suficiente de como aplicar o processo de estruturação e redação dos documentos de licitação PPP e contrato PPP, licitação e concessão de contratos PPP e o gerenciamento de contratos PPP durante as Fases de Construção e Operações.

Formato do Exame

O Exame de Execução é baseado nos Capítulos 5 a 8 do Guia de Certificação PPP. O exame é baseado em um cenário fictício, tem duração de 2 horas e meia e possui 4 perguntas principais, cada uma com 20 itens. O número de acertos necessários para aprovação é de 40 entre os 80 possíveis. Os candidatos poderão consultar o Guia de Certificação PPP durante o Exame de Execução.

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Opciones avanzadas

SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
Exame Básico
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 2
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Sourcing up to level 5, Investment Appraisal level 4
Exame de Preparação
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Sourcing up to level 5, Investment Appraisal level 4
Exame de Execução
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Sourcing up to level 5, Investment Appraisal level 4


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Amazing. It was an entirely new sphere of knowledge which I believe is required for all prospective public officers to understand the role of incentives in getting excellent project delivery and sustainability.

Abubakar Jibrin Abubakar, Manager, Strategy and Coordination

I just conclude that every PPP practitioner should follow the certification program of CP3P at the initial stage of their career growth as it helps to clarify the concepts and PPP life cycle thoroughly.

Maryam Naseer, Deputy Director Projects

It was a great thought-provoking journey around the PPP world that enabled me to become a part of international network of PPP professionals.

Yevhen Cherevykov, Head of PPP Division at the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority



What is a PPP Certification Program digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

CP3P (Certified PPP Professional) is the credential awarded to candidates who have passed all three exams within the Certification Program. Candidates are permitted to use this credential following their name so they may be recognized for their knowledge of PPP.

How do I claim my PPP Certification Program digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Credly website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Credly account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Credly - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create and account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

Is the APMG PPP credential accepted globally?

Candidates who complete all three exams are awarded the globally recognised CP3P credential which is endorsed by the Consultative Committee. This support along with collaboration with the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the World Bank Group (WBG) points to its potential for global acceptance.

Who is the audience for the certification program and what background is needed?

The audience for the Certification Program includes individuals working on PPPs or individuals interested in learning about PPPs, regardless of discipline or sector. Some previous knowledge or experience in the topics covered in the PPP Guide, related to PPPs in general will be advantageous, but lack of experience should not prevent anyone from taking part in the Certification Program.

Anyone can apply to take the exams leading to gaining the CP3P credential, however in order to be eligible to take the Preparation and Execution exams, you must have already passed the Foundation exam.

What is the PPP Certification Program Guide?

The PPP Certification Program Guide (the PPP Guide) compiles good practices in the PPP industry and is organized into eight modules that reflect the stages a PPP project lifecycle. It was written by a team of experts, chosen for their experience in PPP programs and projects in the target markets. Authors are listed on this website:

Contents of the PPP Guide have been peer reviewed by a wide group of PPP practitioners and leaders with relevant expertise. It will be updated periodically to reflect the needs, opinions, lessons and changing culture of the industry it serves. There is no need to get recertified every time the PPP Guide is updated. 

How is the PPP Guide different from other sources on PPPs?

This PPP Guide compiles good PPP practices from a wide variety of regions and sectors and provides the basis for courses and examinations. This publication has undergone a robust peer review process. It was reviewed by a panel comprising a wide range of PPP practitioners and MDBs covering all regions and sectors. 

What chapters of the PPP Guide do I need to study for each exam?

The Foundation exam covers chapter 1 of the PPP Guide: Introduction and Overview, including Appendix A and the Glossary. This is a compulsory module and exam in order to proceed to next stages. 

The Preparation exam covers chapters 2 to chapter 5 (sections 1 to 5.8 and section 9.9 of chapter 5 only); and

The Execution exam covers chapters 5 to chapter 8.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam(s)?

No, it is not mandatory to attend an accredited training course, but it is recommended. The training courses are delivered through our Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs). Details of the organisations accredited by APMG to deliver the CP3P training can be found by clicking on the 'Training Providers' button at the top of the screen.

 In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examinations by downloading the PPP Guide free of charge from the PPP Certification Program website:

Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please check the PMI website ( for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.

What is the format of the exams?

The Foundation exam is a simple multiple choice exam with 50 questions which must be completed in 40 minutes. The pass mark is 50% (25 marks out of 50).

The Preparation exam is a complex multiple choice exam with 4 questions, each worth 20 marks, which must be completed in 2.5 hours. The pass mark is 50% (40 marks out of 80).

The Execution exam is a complex multiple choice exam with 4 questions, each worth 20 marks, which must be completed in 2.5 hours. The pass mark is 50% (40 marks out of 80).

What languages are the exams available in?

The Foundation exam is available in English, Albanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, French, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian and Vietnamese.

The Preparation exam is available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Latin American Spanish and Russian.

The Execution exam is available in English, Chinese and Russian.


Programa de Certificação em Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP)

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