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Service Management for the digital age

A new Service Management approach

VeriSM™ is a new service management approach that aims to help organizations to leverage philosophies, frameworks, methodologies, and techniques by combining and adapting them to the specific requirements of the organization in question. It is positioned as an over-arching model, rather than a replacement for any existing methodologies, meant to link the advice on the “how” to principles of service management and the goals of the organization, with a focus on value for the end customer.

The International Foundation for Digital Competences (IFDC) has developed VeriSM™ - a service management approach specifically tailored to support organizations to help them succeed in the world of digital services.

‘Customer First’ is the defining theme that runs throughout the body of knowledge,

APMG will be accrediting their leading training organizations to deliver world-class learning opportunities and certifications for the VeriSM qualifications. More details HERE.

VeriSM™ certification demonstrates your understanding of:

  • The Service Organization
  • Service culture
  • People and organizational structure
  • The VeriSM™ model
  • Progressive practices
  • Innovative technologies
  • Getting started

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Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations


Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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