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Change, Risk & Benefits

Adopting neuroscience for more effective Agile working, projects and change initiatives.

Amplify Agile with Neuroscience

This webinar provides everyone adopting or working in agile ways to learn how “brain-smart” key agile techniques are, including why an incremental, iterative plan fits with how our brains want to receive information. Melanie will also explain how prioritising techniques, collaborative working, psychological safety and celebrations support how our brains want to work.

This is a fun explanation of how our brains work, using this information to make decisions about how we present information to project, programme and change stakeholders, and how we can better persuade our stakeholders to participate in our projects. You can use the arguments from this webinar to generate enthusiasm and support in your organisation for an agile approach.

Watch now on demand

Amplify Agile with Neuroscience | Learn "brain smart" techniques for more effective Agile working

Whatever your role you will learn new ways of persuading and motivating others. Feedback from this webinar is below:

“I love that neuroscience is being understood and embedded into how to implement agile ways of working”

“Excellent presentation. Thank you Melanie and Tibi. Very helpful”

“This was incredibly useful. I am going to take away key insights into my project today.”

“ Thank you very much for a really insightful presentation. I learnt some news things and also learnt how to apply some things I knew before.”


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