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A certificação definitiva para profissionais que lidam com mudanças, transições e transformações organizacionais.

Desenvolvido em parceria com o Change Management Institute

Nosso curso de Gestão da Mudança (desenvolvido em parceria com o Change Management Institute) foi criado para auxiliar organizações e suas equipes a gerenciarem o impacto das mudanças e promoverem técnicas para planejar e implementar efetivamente iniciativas de transformações de sucesso. 

Baseados no Effective Change Manager's Handbook (Manual do Gestor da Mudança Eficaz) - de forma alinhada ao Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) -, os cursos exploram como a mudança afeta e é afetada por indivíduos, equipes, organizações e líderes da mudança; dotando os participantes de conhecimentos, teorias e técnicas para:

  • Desbloquear a resistência à mudança
  • Providenciar suporte e motivação eficazes para que indivíduos e equipes compreendam a mudança
  • Recorrer a uma variedade de abordagens profissionais para implementar mudanças de maneira suave e eficaz 
  • Gerir e informar as principais partes interessadas (key stakeholders) durante o processo de mudança
  • Acelerar a implementação de iniciativas de mudança

O que é Gestão da Mudança? Assista ao vídeo do Change Management Institute:

Certificação excepcional - reconhecida pelo UKAS

A APMG orgulha-se de ser credenciada pelo Serviço de Acreditação do Reino Unido (UKAS) para a certificação de Profissional de Gestão da Mudança.

O UKAS é o único Órgão Nacional de Acreditação reconhecido pelo governo do Reino Unido - responsável por avaliar a competência das organizações que oferecem certificações profissionais.



Para quem é a Fundação da Gestão da Mudança?

  • Pessoas interessadas em compreender os princípios básicos para se alcançar mudanças, transições e transformações organizacionais de sucesso.
  • Membros de equipes envolvidas em projetos de mudança, transição e transformação organizacionais. 
  • Profissionais em busca de adquirir certificação como Profissional de Gerenciamento da Mudança - para o qual o certificado da Fundação da Gestão da Mudança é um pré-requisito.

Quais serão os principais aprendizados?

  • Como o processo de mudança ou transformação organizacional ocorre. 
  • As funções necessárias para reunir equipes com maior probabilidade de obter mudanças organizacionais bem-sucedidas.
  • Como as pessoas reagem a mudanças organizacionais e como ajudá-las a se adaptarem. 
  • Desenvolvimento de estratégias que mantenham as pessoas motivadas enquanto uma organização passa por mudanças.
  • Os diferentes tipos de processos de mudanças, por exemplo, mudança planejada e emergente.
  • Como manter as partes interessadas (stakeholders) engajadas enquanto uma organização passa por mudanças.

Formato do exame

  • Múltipla-escolha.
  • Quatro sessões em um total de 50 questões.
  • São necessários 25 acertos para aprovação (dos 50 pontos disponíveis) - 50%
  • Duração de 40 minutos. 
  • Sem consulta.
db change management foundation

Gerenciamento de Mudanças - Fundamentos

Torne-se um membro efetivo da equipe envolvido em projetos de mudança organizacional.

Agile, Change Management
Para quem Gestão de Mudanças é destinado?
  • Qualquer pessoa interessada em compreender os princípios básicos para alcançar mudanças, transições ou transformações organizacionais bem sucedidas.
  • Membros da equipe envolvidos em projetos de mudança organizacional, transição ou transformação.
  • Profissionais que buscam o certificado de Practitioner de Gerenciamento de Mudanças - para o qual o certificado do Change Management Foundation é um pré requisito.
Quais são as principais coisas que você vai aprender?
  • Como ocorre o processo de mudança ou transformação organizacional.
  • As funções necessárias para montar equipes com maior probabilidade de obter uma mudança organizacional bem-sucedida.
  • Como as pessoas reagem à mudança organizacional e como ajudá-las a se adaptar.
  • Desenvolvimento de estratégias para manter as pessoas motivadas enquanto uma organização sofre mudanças.
  • Os diferentes tipos de processo de mudança, por ex. mudança planejada e emergente.
  • Como manter as partes interessadas envolvidas enquanto uma organização sofre mudanças.
Formato do exame:
  • Múltipla escolha
  • Quatro seções, total de 50 questões
  • 25 pontos obrigatórios para aprovação (de 50 disponíveis) - 50%
  • 40 minutos de duração
  • Sem Consulta
db change management practitioner

Gerenciamento de Mudança - Practitioner

Ser reconhecido como um gerente confiável de mudança organizacional.

Change Management, Programme Management, Project Management
Quais são os requisitos?
  • O certificado do Change Management Foundation é um pré-requisito.
Para quem Gerenciamento de mudanças, nível Practitioner, é indicado?
  • Gerentes aspirantes ou atuais de mudança organizacional, transição ou transformação.
  • Aqueles que desempenham papéis-chave no desenho, desenvolvimento e entrega de programas de mudança organizacional, incluindo:
    • Alterar gerentes de projeto
    • Gerentes de Transformação
    • Proprietários Sênior Responsáveis
    • Gerentes de Mudança de Negócios
    • Alterar gerentes de programa
    • Gerentes de Linha Operacional
Quais são as principais coisas que você vai aprender?
  • Aplicação de estruturas de processo apropriadas para planejar e entender de maneira ideal a mudança organizacional.
  • Uma gama de paradigmas organizacionais com os quais entender, apoiar e sustentar processos de mudança organizacional.
  • Como se preparar adequadamente para uma iniciativa de mudança organizacional - como construir uma equipe de mudança eficaz e oferecer insights que melhorem o desempenho da equipe.
  • Preparar pessoas para mudança organizacional.
  • Como ser motivador de maneiras que sejam empáticas em relação aos papéis e personalidades das pessoas.
  • Como estabelecer uma estrutura clara de papéis, habilidades e atividades através das quais os líderes possam apoiar e sustentar o processo de mudança.
Formato de exame
  • Teste objetivo com base em um cenário de estudo de caso
  • 4 questões de 20 pontos cada
  • 40 pontos obrigatórios para passar (de 80 disponíveis) - 50%
  • 2,5 horas de duração
  • Com consulta restrita ao -  Manual do Gerente de Mudanças Efetivas - que pode ser usado  como apoio no exame.
db change management practitioner

Gerenciamento de Mudança Practitioner Re-registration

Atualize o conhecimento do seu Practitioner ou faça como novo exame.

Change Management, Programme Management, Project Management
Formato de exame:
  • Teste objetivo
  • 2 questões cada valem 20 pontos
  • 20 pontos obrigatórios para passar (de 40 disponíveis) - 50%
  • 1,5 horas (90 minutos) de duração
  • Com consulta restrita -  O Manual do Gerente de Mudanças Efetivas pode ser usado com apoio no exame.

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SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3, Organisational Change Management level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Organisational Change Management up to level 4
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3, Generic attribute Business Skills up to level 3, Organisational Change Management up to level 4
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above


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Another course achievement from APMG International. I found it very insightful into how projects and change can impact people and organisations. I believe the course content is relatable in any business or even on a personal and family level.

Neil Shelley, Cyber Security Project Manager

I really enjoyed the APMG International Change Management course. I have found awareness of the change models and techniques covered in the course incredibly useful.

Scott Tomblin, Principal Consultant

Really pleased to have achieved the Change Management Practitioner Qualification from APMG. I found the course to be very insightful for managing change from a people and organisational perspective. I really recommend the course to any change professional or those starting their career in change.

Richard Waters, Senior Project Manager

The course explores in depth the various theories behind change management practices and gives practical scenarios that teach you how to see and apply these in your own work. The insights and tools gained from this experience are a great benefit to anyone working in the change management field.

Sanhita C., Change Delivery Officer

The APMG Change Management course has been an enjoyable experience and great addition to my skill set. The course seamlessly blends theory and practice, introducing tools and techniques instrumental to managing change initiatives in any industry. The knowledge gained has helped me become a better digital transformation professional and improved my skills to drive change initiatives concerning people, technology and organisations.

Maciej Sulek, BIM/VDC Manager

The Change Management was great timing as I can relate to and recognize some of the theories as I'm going through the change process myself; transitioning to new ways of working and learning new systems within my new role. Change happens a lot in local government so I can use what I have learnt in my role on a personal level, as a manager and as a team member. The practitioner level is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you can use the knowledge from the Foundation level in an actual work situation.

Grace Crawford, Performance and Insights Manager



What is a Change Management digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my Change Management digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Acclaim website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Acclaim account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Acclaim - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

What is Change Management?

The Change Management qualification deals with the effects and management of change and, more importantly, the impact change can have on all organizations. Working with Esther Cameron and Mike Green and building on the concepts in their book Making Sense of Change Management we have developed a qualification to help organizations and their people come to terms with these issues.

The qualification has a Foundation and Practitioner levels which are based on four modules, dealing with the theories of how change impacts on and is affected by:

  • The Individual
  • The Team
  • The Organisation
  • The Change Leader

You can become certified in Change Management through completing the learning around these and the Foundation and Practitioner exams. For the practitioner level, the book is supplemented with information from the People Alchemy website, an online directory for best practice thinking on a variety of management disciplines.

How can I train for the Change Management examinations?

Training for Change Management is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG International. To find an training course - please choose a Change Management certification level to see the available ATOs.

Only these organizations and registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver Change Management training.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

No, however this is recommended. In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examinations by purchasing the core text from APMG Business Books. APMG International administer public exam sessions around the world to accommodate those who self study. Book a self-study exam here.

How do I sit the exams?

The vast majority of Change Management accredited training organizations include the examinations as part of the associated training course. Alternatively, and for individuals that have self-studied, APMG International administer public exam sessions around the world. Sessions are run at certain APMG International offices. There are four dedicated centers in the UK for public examinations, and in the United States we utilize the public library network to facilitate sessions. Click here to book a self-study exam.

What are the main publications for Change Management and where can I purchase them?

APMG-International's Change Management qualification are based on the "The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook" publication. This can be purchased from APMG Business Books.

Most Change Management accredited training organizations include this publication with the course materials.

When can I expect the results of my Change Management examinations?

Change Management foundation examinations can be marked on location after the exam, but this is down to the discretion of the invigilator at the time. Practitioner answer sheets are marked at APMG International offices and results released soon after.

Your result will be sent to your ATO approximately 7-10 days after your exam date. Your ATO should notify you of your results so please contact them for further details.

If you did not take your exam through an ATO, your results will be sent directly to you via the relevant APMG International office approximately 7-10 days after the date of your exam.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a Change Management trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a Change Management trainer, individuals must achieve a score of 66% (53/80) in the practitioner exam.

To find out if you scored enough to be eligible as a trainer, please email noting your interest. A representative of the Service Desk will be able to advise.

How can I advertise myself as Change Management qualified on my business card?

Candidates who have passed the Change Management Practitioner examination can put "Change Management Practitioner" on their business cards.

Can I use the Change Management logo?

Only accredited training organizations and their registered partners are allowed to use the Change Management logo.

Due to data protection laws, we are unable to quote organizations that use Change Management without prior consent. The method is applicable to any organizations, regardless of industry and sector. Requests for permission should be sent to:

How long are the Change Management certifications valid for?

The foundation examination is not valid for a defined period and will not expire.

Candidates who pass the practitioner exam are recognized as a 'Change Management Registered Practitioner'. Individuals will remain registered for a period of 5 years. To maintain the registered status, practitioners must complete and pass a Change Management re-registration examination 3-5 years following their initial/previous practitioner certification.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will automatically be sent an electronic certificate within two business days of their exam results being released. If you have not received your certificate within this timeframe please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but can be printed if required. It is also very easy to share them with employers and other third parties. APMG will send you a link to your registered email address. This link will take you to your Candidate Portal where you will find your electronic certificate(s). You can always access all your electronic certificates using the APMG candidate portal.

Sometimes, if you have taken your examination(s) via a Training Organisation, certificates will be issued based on the preferences that the Training Organisation selected when booking the exam. The Training Organisation can select either an electronic certificate or both paper and electronic certificates are provided to the candidate. The Training Organisation can also choose if certificates are sent to the candidates directly or via the Training Organisation. If you have been awarded an electronic certificate but also require a hard copy certificate, you can always order a hard copy certificate for GBP 12.00. This is also the case if you re-order your hard copy certificate.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy certificate in addition to your electronic certificate please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

How much does it cost to sit the Change Management examinations?

If you are sitting the examinations through an accredited training organization, the costs of the exams are generally included in the course fee. APMG International use a global pricing structure, so for those sitting exams at a public exam centre, the cost is dependent on where the exams are being sat. To find out the costs in your region, please contact the APMG International Service Desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at:

Which languages are Change Management examinations available in?

Change Management Foundation examinations are currently available in English, German, Polish, Latin-American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

Practitioner examinations are available in English, German and Polish.

Further translations are likely to follow based on demand.

Which languages is the ‘Making Sense of Change Management’ publication available in?

The Making Sense of Change Management book is currently available in English. A Polish translation is underway, and further translations are likely to follow based on demand.

How does my organization become a Change Management Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a Change Management ATO should apply to become accredited or contact the local APMG International office. Where appropriate, an invoice will be raised and the organization will then be subject to APMG International's ATO assessment process.

How do I become a Change Management approved trainer?

All Change Management trainers must be ‘sponsored’ by a Change Management Accredited Training Organization (ATO). Details of all Change Management ATOs can be found via the APMG International accredited organization search function.

A trainer application must be submitted by the sponsoring ATO to their relevant APMG International office.

How does my organization become an Accredited Consulting Organization (ACO)?

An organization wishing to become an ACO should apply to become accredited or contact their local APMG International office. The organization will then be subject to APMG International’s ACO assessment process.

What are the main differences between APMG International’s two change-themed schemes – Change Management & Change Analyst?

Change Management is focused on organizational change management, addressing it from the perspectives of individual change, team change, organizational change and leading change. It is not IT change management per se, but rather covers a broad range of theories that help to understand how to implement change and how individuals, teams and organizations react to change situations.

ITIL foundation covers the basics of the ITIL framework, i.e. the processes and practices required to manage an IT Department. One of those processes is Change Management, i.e. how to manage changes to IT processes and services.

The Change Analyst qualification specifically addresses ITIL change management in much more detail than is possible in the ITIL foundation course. From the perspective of the Change Analyst ( i.e. someone working with the change management process), it covers the process in detail, continual improvement of the process, specific techniques that can be used in the process (including risk assessment techniques), communication, written communication and the role of the Change Analyst.


Gerenciamento de Mudança

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