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Adrian Dooley, Lead Author of the Praxis Framework, discusses the Praxis Delivery model

A question that often comes up about the Praxis Delivery Model is “How does it relate to Product Management”. This question usually arises from the close association of Product Management with Agile software development and the popular misconception that Agile is a project management method.

A similar question has also been posed about the Praxis Delivery Model and it’s relationship with Asset Management.

The simple answer is that Product Management and Asset Management are disciplines that typically use projects as a delivery mechanism. They are part of Business as Usual (BAU) and not part of the project delivery continuum represented by the Praxis Delivery Model.

This white paper explains why.

Download the White Paper


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Agile Programme Management (AgilePgM®)

Adopt an Agile approach to transformational change

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WISP® (Working in Small Projects)

Simple, accessible guidance and certification for working on small and non-complex projects and change initiatives.

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Programa de Certificação em Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP)

Atue como um membro instruído de uma equipe de PPP, compreendendo os princípios e modelos dos projetos de PPP.

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