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Take your online exam 24/7

It's quick and easy to take your exam online with APMG International.

Our online proctoring system provided by ProctorU and Meazure Learning allows you to take your exam anytime. An online proctor is a professional invigilator who will watch you take your exam through your webcam. It's just like being in a classroom, but the invigilator monitors you through your webcam, meaning you can take your exam at a place convenient to you.

If you prefer a classroom or paper exam - you can schedule an exam through one of our Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who include the exam as part of the training course.

To find an ATO who delivers courses in your language and country simply select a certification and choose the level you would like to be certified for. 

If you are taking an exam online, including via ProctorU, - our Technical Helpdesk is available to help 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.


Exam Options

At Home and Online

Take an online exam from the comfort of your own home or office with online proctoring.

Requirements for taking an online exam:

  • A computer with a webcam, microphone and high-speed internet connection.
  • A wired connection is highly recommended as wireless connections can cause problems during the exam.
  • Paper notes are not permitted. A whiteboard can be used for note-taking which will need to be wiped clean at the end of the session.
  • Candidates should be aware that if any part of the pre-examination criteria is not performed correctly, the exam will automatically get a breach result.
  • To check if you can use the online exam system please read our ProctorU Exam Preparation page.


  • The proctor will ask if they can remote onto your computer so they can view your screen, and they will also ask you to switch on your camera so they can monitor the exam environment.
  • Once you have booked an exam you will be given a registration email to schedule an appointment with your live proctor via our Candidate Portal.
  • You will need to download and install the Guardian Browser which may require local administrator permissions on your computer.
  • APMG will release your results within 48 hours.

Classroom or Public Centre

Take an exam as part of a training course or book a self-study exam.

Most Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) provide traditional classroom-based training. The exam is usually taken on paper either during or at the end of the training course.

Once APMG has marked your exam - your ATO will inform you of your results.

Some ATOs utilize our exclusive SelfScan® exam-marking system.

SelfScan allows your proctor to scan your exam answers as soon the exam session is over - giving you an instant preliminary result.

Choose a certification to find a training course delivered by one of our Accredited Training Organizations.


Training Courses

All the training providers listed on our website are accredited to provide approved training and consultancy services for our portfolio of certification schemes.

All our training organizations are subject to our industry renowned, rigorous assessment and surveillance procedures, designed to maintain the integrity and quality of services they offer.

By selecting an APMG training organization you can be guaranteed you will receive a high standard of training.

To find a training course - choose a certification to see the available accredited training organizations delivering training courses.


For an in-depth learning experience we recommend candidates attend a training course but if this is not practical candidates can self-study by reading a handbook.

View our portfolio of certifications and use the compare function to see which certifications allow self-study. You can purchase the certification's core reading from the APMG Store.

Online test papers are also available free from our website which provide an immediate pass or fail score.


Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations

Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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