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AgileProject Management

Pan-Europe Fintech company achieves significant measurable success using AgilePM as its preferred Project Management method.

UnifiedPost Group

Founded in Belgium in 2002, UnifiedPost Group has rapidly become one of the biggest players in the Fintech industry – helping customers across the globe structure complex financial ecosystems. 

Some facts about UnifiedPost:

  • Connected with 2.5 million customers
  • Provides for 180 thousand SME users
  • Delivered services for 1,500 Corporate, Enterprise and Government clients
  • Operates in 14 countries
  • 700 employees

Why AgilePM is UnifiedPost’s preferred project management method

AgilePM is the leading agile project management method with over 130,000 exams sat worldwide. 

Formal AgilePM training is delivered by APMG-accredited training organizations (ATOs) with a self-study option available directly through APMG.

Committed to providing its customers with smart streamlined digital solutions, UnifiedPost sought to streamline its own project delivery to deliver these services to its customers faster, without compromising on quality.

Albert Smets – CEO of Platforms, Apps & Analytics at UnifiedPost – joined the company a little under two years ago. Albert is a certified AgilePM Practitioner and introduced the method to UnifiedPost, with continued coaching from Netherlands-based ATO, Lagant.

APMG’s EMEA Regional Lead Stephan Brendel and Lagant’s Orlando Heijmerink joined Albert in 2019 to discuss the enhancements UnifiedPost experienced following the implementation of AgilePM.

AgilePM Unified Post case study

Measurable benefits achieved from AgilePM

  • Faster delivery – speed of project delivery increased by 70%
  • Greater functionality and flexibility – grew by 50%
  • Improved project quality – incidents during project delivery reduced by 80%
  • Better staff retention – enhanced employee engagement resulted in fewer people leaving the company

Achieving these benefits:

  • Removed isolation: UnifiedPost was working with remote teams. We unified the key business elements, putting key project personnel like business analysts, developers and quality assurance into one team.
  • Ceased micromanagement: We gave people more empowerment, which is a key AgilePM principle. This increases commitment and inclination to get more into the details of the concept.
  • Implementation of core AgilePM practices & principles:
    • MoSCoW prioritization (Must, Should, Could and Won’t have this time)
    • Timeboxing
    • The agile approach to the time, cost & features triangle
    • All unified under the AgilePM principle, ‘Never compromise on quality.’

Albert Smet’s critical success factors:

  • Top management must embrace the agile project management approach.

    This can be very challenging as it often represents a major shift from how projects were planned, managed & implemented previously.

    It must also be closely aligned with the business objectives and vision.

  • The team must have focus, with the right resources and skills.
  • Be transparent with your deliverables: it is important to regularly update the business on progress and new deliverables. This will engage senior management as they can see value being delivered regularly.

Choosing the right methodology:

It can be difficult knowing which method is optimal for the current challenges an organization is facing. Albert recommends, “Take the right methodology for the right deliverable.”

  • If you want to deliver a large project, choose AgilePM: Agile Project Management addresses the full project lifecycle from initiation & planning through to the project closure – making it the ideal choice here. 

Implement AgilePM

  • If you want to improve a product, choose Scrum: Scrum is a framework dedicated to product and solution development, not project management.

Implement Scrum

  • Regardless of which method you go with, Empower the people!

Following in UnfiedPost’s footsteps

APMG offers industry-renowned Agile project management and Scrum solutions as part of its professional certification portfolio.

Corporate training and coaching are delivered by APMG-accredited organizations, each benchmarked against exacting standards to qualify them as the industry’s leading experts.

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