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Self-studying can be a challenge. We have created a free study plan template for those who would like to rise to this challenge.

If you have chosen to self-study for one of our exams you can book your exam using our online portal. A video tutorial on how to book an exam is also available.

Once you know when you will be sitting your exam, you can create a study plan based on how many weeks you have until this exam. You can download the free study plan template below – and add or remove weeks as appropriate.

Study Template


Create a space as free from distractions as possible to study, if you dare you could even put your smart phone away, and stick to the plan you have created. And if you discover self-study does not work for you our accredited training providers can provide you with other online options.  

Good luck.


Agile Assurance

Global Agile Assurance®

Agile Assurance for Modern Digital Environments. The world's first methodology, training and accreditation for Agile project assurance.

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Overhead view of a forest

Forest Garden Certification (FGC)

Building resilient, ecological landscapes and ending poverty across the developing world

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Agile Digital Services (AgileDS™)

Learn how to design and deliver effective digital services in an Agile way

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Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations


Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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