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Project, Programme & Portfolio

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Building the perfect project team in 2024 Part 1

In 2024, building the perfect project team involves a mix of traditional strategies and innovative approaches to adapt to the evolving workplace dynamics. By prioritizing diversity, collaboration, emotional intelligence, agility, learning, clarity, feedback, and adaptability, you can build a high-performing project team capable of delivering outstanding results. Discover how to leverage diverse skill sets, remote collaboration tools, and agile methodologies for success. Join us at our upcoming event to learn more about how to optimize your team performance in today's dynamic work environment!

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We look forward to welcoming you to this episode.


Paul Sutton profile pic

Paul Sutton

Senior Trainer and Lead Consultant, Project Results

Paul is Senior Trainer and Lead Consultant for Project Results, a training organisation accredited with APMG and AXELOS which Paul owns and operates.

Paul's focus is on helping people and organisations develop effective business cases, run effective projects and programmes, make the changes and realise the benefits at the end.

To do this Paul works with a wide range of people and organisations with training, coaching, consulting and hands-on delivery. Paul combines an in-depth process knowledge with 30 years of pragmatic hands-on experience in all of these areas. Paul is an accredited trainer in a wide range of products including AgilePM, Better Business Cases, Managing Benefits, Change Management and a range of other PPM methods.

For the past 11 years Paul has been on the organising committee for “the Project Community”. This industry group is intended as an idea sharing and capability building forum for the users Business Case, Project, Programme and Portfolio approaches.

Paul is a regular speaker for PMI in New Zealand

Paul lists his proudest achievement as being able to work with, train and develop thousands of people in building their capability across New Zealand and the wider Oceania region.

Malini Jayagenesh profile photo

Malini Jayaganesh

Strategic Advisor & Coach - ITSM Hub; Director Emeritus - Business Relationship Management Institute

Malini is a highly experienced Business Relationship Manager who specialises in nurturing high-performing BRMs and teams. She is regularly invited to deliver keynotes and presentations at professional and academic forums in Australia, USA, UK and India. Her personal BRM story titled 'Walk Fast, Walk Far' has been described as "the most impactful presentation" at BRMConnect 2017, Sydney.

In her spare time she writes about food, culture and relationships. Malini facilitates APMG accredited Business Relationship Management certification courses through ITSM Hub.

  • Featured in the BRM Institute’s global list of Top Business Relationship Managers in 2019 and 20205 Global Excellence Awards, BRM Institute
  • Service Excellence Award, Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria Australia

One of Malini's proudest achievements in recent times has been supporting her team to achieve six Hall of Fame inductions

Sarah Hills

Business Owner and Accredited Trainer, Carpe Omnia Training Ltd & CUPE International

Sarah is the owner of Carpe Omnia Training and CUPE International, a company that specializes in providing project and change management training. She dedicates her time to both managing the business and delivering training, with a primary focus on change management. Additionally, Hills holds the position of chair at AsTre (Association for Training Excellence).

Awards and Nominations - 

  • Business of the month Dorset.
  • Created a lot of change management eLearning and distant learning content for several other accredited training providers.

Sarah's proudest achievement to date is having had the faith and courage to set out on her own and build a great team of people around her. She is proud that she has the privilege of supporting so many people in their individual learning and career journeys.

Gessica Briggs-Sullivan

Change Programme Leader at Amazon

Gessica Briggs-Sullivan is a Change Programme Leader at Amazon. She is a passionate IT Professional with 20 years of service in many realms of implementation and support of IT Service Management. Gessica enjoys solving problems, improving processes, and helping people create sustainable practices that make their jobs easier to do. Her top 5 strengths include Strategic, Positivity, Responsibility, Communication, and Includer, and she has a flair for bringing people together and making work fun.

Gessica states a highlight was receiving the Ventana Research Award, but her true pride is helping others. Her journey in IT has shown the joy of making work fun and lives easier. Although challenging, it's been worth it, leading her to what she loves the most!


Ventana Research Award Winner, 2018 for Analytics:  This award is for the individual and company that best exemplifies leadership in any use or application of analytics across business and/or IT. 


Melissa Subban

People Strategist at HappyFactory

Melissa is the Founder and Chief Office Fairy at HappyFactory. With over 15 years of experience in the people game,  Melissa is now a people strategist and Agile Change Management Professional. She consults on all kinds of people problems and loves creating bespoke people programs.  She is an International Speaker & Facilitator and has recently taken on a seat as the Deputy General Secretary of SAACBA an employer’s organisation. Melissa believes that happy people are more productive people and is passionate about mind-body-energy at work, after all good “humaning” is all we ever want and all we ever need.

Melissa writes articles on Medium and co-wrote various publishings for SEIFSA

Melissa's proudest achievement is leaping into the world of entrepreneurship at the start of COVID, where she wanted to be at the forefront of the change, carving out a path rather than following.  


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Certifications & Solutions

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