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New partnership to improve cyber security resilience

The SECO-Institute and APMG-International today announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership to help organisations, teams and individuals improve their cyber security and business resilience. SECO-Institute’s quality programmes of study develop highly skilled Cyber and IT Security Professionals. APMG-International has an extensive network of training providers active in over 130 countries around the world, accredited to the highest quality standards.

SECO-Institute, in association with its members and partners, will focus on Research and Development, continually improving and innovating with new learning content and courses. APMG-International will concentrate on search, selection, accreditation and enablement of Accredited Training Organisations who are best placed to provide access to learners around the world.

APMG-International will provide a full suite of examination services, allowing learners to access SECO qualifications through their world-class Marlin Platform.


There is a growing need for an increased number of and better qualified Cyber Security and Business Resilience professionals. This can only be achieved by developing and offering a holistic range of courses that enables professionals to educate themselves and carve out a successful career in a rapidly evolving and growing market. In order to recognise these trained and accredited professionals, it’s important that certification schemes, exam and accreditation services are of the highest quality. 

Vincent Jentjens, Chairman of the SECO-Institute: “We are proud to partner with APMG, as this partnership will increase the value of our global proposition of Cyber Security and Business Resilience courseware and exams. The fact that APMG is choosing to expand it’s Cyber Security portfolio with the SECO-Institute certifications, is a big step towards achieving our goal. We aim to improve security and continuity through our globally recognised certifications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. In this market, there are a lot of providers offering quick certifications, that impart theoretical knowledge but not the skills to put this knowledge into practice. We designed our courseware with one aim in mind, ensuring that the training could be applied immediately in the workplace. Also, our courseware is developed to help professionals achieve their career goals.

We carefully selected APMG as our strategic exam partner because we consider them to be the most reputable global accreditation and examination institute. They offer the highest quality standards and will support our own international growth objectives”.

Nick Houlton, COO of APMG: “The SECO-Institute develops the highest quality Cyber and IT Security courses. Their deep insight into how people learn is engineered into every course, accelerating understanding and workplace application. We commend their commitment to skills based training, which is at the heart of everything they do. 

We are delighted to be partnering with SECO-Institute, helping to strengthen the fight against the growing threats to Cyber and IT Security.”

For more information about this press release, please contact:

About SECO-Institute

Security & Continuity Institute (SECO) is Europe’s leading institute for highly recognised Security & Continuity certifications. Our goal is to improve Security & Continuity through our globally recognised certifications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. We are committed to provide IT security professionals with practically applicable knowledge and skills to safeguard the society and organisations for cyber crime We are the facilitator of exchanging knowledge and best practices through communities of professionals and strategic partners.
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About APMG International 

APMG accredits organisations to deliver training courses and consultancy services for a broad range of professional certification schemes. Our long history of accrediting organisations worldwide – combined with our rigorous assessment process means that APMG accredited organisations are recognised for their commitment to delivering exceptional service. We have a diverse portfolio of certification schemes including internationally renowned solutions for Project, Business and Information and Technology (IT) Management, Cyber Security and Public-private partnerships. APMG’s certification schemes, exam and accreditation services support our goal of enabling organisations and professionals to maximise their effectiveness through use of the latest methodologies and core competencies. For more information:


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