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Helping organizations to adapt, survive and thrive in our VUCA world

New Business Resilience Fundamentals course and certification

The world is experiencing a level of disruption and business risk not seen in generations. Some companies freeze and fail, while others innovate, advance, and even thrive. The difference is resilience.

In an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business world, it is more important than ever for organizations to build resilience into their everyday practice.

As crises become more frequent, the ability to thrive in crises is now essential. The pandemic has changed our definition of resilience. Before Covid, it focused largely on IT disaster recovery and business continuity.

A resilient business is one which is capable not of just withstanding shocks and disruptions in the business environment, but also capable of adapting to and taking advantage of them.

BUSINESS RESILIENCE - A practical guide to sustained progress delivered at pace

This new guide introduces readers and businesses to the Business Resilience Framework. Comprising five domains - Principles, Roles, Resilience Foundations, PACE Culture and Progress Cycle - it forms the basis of implementing business resilience at pace, for organizations seeking sustained progress.

It's a practical guide to making organizations more resilient and improving current practices by building on what the organization does well. It explains how managers should constantly monitor their business environment and adapt their priorities depending on the level of disruption - from gradual innovation and improvement in good times to swarming on a single problem during a crisis.

The guidance is designed to help organizations bounce forward, not just bounce back after a major disruption.

At a 2021 conference on resilience, a speaker said: “What is missing is not more great ideas, but a practical framework within which to implement them.” This guide provides that missing framework.

"Business Resilience and sustainability are certainly hot topics and the new role of Chief Resilience Officer has emerged; this certification provides a new dimension for leaders and professionals to deliver more customer value and a competitive edge in today’s and tomorrow’s VUCA conditions, building on existing best practice to deliver a step-change in resilience throughout the organization."
David Roberts, CEO & Chief Resilience Officer, Resilience Professionals

Business Resilience Fundamentals

In collaboration with the book's authors, APMG has developed a 3-day Business Resilience Fundamentals course and certification. The course guides participants on implementing and adapting the Business Resilience Framework and introduces a range of supporting tools to build and enhance organizational resilience.

Targeted at organizational leaders, practicing managers in project & programme management, and others with an interest in building organizational resilience, the course will help participants ensure their organization is better prepared for the next crisis and to anticipate (and take advantage of) fluctuations in the business environment.

“Businesses spend a lot of time and money on business interruption and disaster recovery plans for their IT systems This guidance expands that concept to cover the whole organisation so when your next black swan arrives you are far better prepared to deal with it. Following the advice in this guidance is good business practice and excellent corporate risk management.”
Richard Pharro, CEO, APMG International

For further information, click here.


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