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See what content our reader's found most insightful in 2022...

Here at APMG, we're very fortunate to benefit from the knowledge, experience and expertise of contributors that supply us with quality and insightful content for our subscribers, followers and website visitors.

Whether you're involved in project & programme management, business strategy or change management, there's something for you on the APMG blog.

A special acknowledgement for our two most prolific contributors, Milvio DiBartolomeo and Adrian Dooley.

See below for a countdown of 10 most popular blog posts in 2022.

10. What is a Project Lifecycle?

In this blog, Sue Taylor examines the benefits of viewing projects through the scope of lifecycle. She explains that a project lifecycle is a means of viewing the project through its life from start to completion, and that this structure serves to break down the project into chronological steps, enabling project managers to prioritize the things which are important at a specific point in the project's development. Sue details the various types of project lifecycles you can expect to see organization's adopting, and what they entail, including the "Praxis Framework lifecycle." Find out more about project lifecycles here → Read now.

9. APMG’s Change Management Course helps boost expertise and confidence

In this blog, Bronwyn Walton discloses some key survey insights taken directly from candidates who took Change Management Foundation exam between July 2020 and July 2022. Read on to discover more about the Change Management course and certification based on candidate feedback, as well as access a downloadable infographic explaining more about the course. → Read now.

8. Web 3.0 and the Metaverse is approaching fast - these are digital skills you need to get ahead

In this blog, Alicia Holbrook explains the importance of updating your digital skills to align with the movement towards Big Data, AI and the Metaverse. Alicia discloses that digital skills shortage has topped every skills shortage report in the past 5 years, but now more than ever it is a core skill that needs to be undertaken in order to keep up with technological progression in contemporary businesses, and to make yourself more marketable as a potential employee. Alicia outlines the top 5 most in demand digital marketing skills required for the movement towards Web 3.0 and the Metaverse. Find out what these skills as well as certifications you can take to improve your digital marketing skills! → Read now.

7. How to spot a bad strategy?

In this blog, Milvio Dibartolomeo defines the difference between a good and bad strategy, and details four common hallmarks to detect a bad strategy. Milvio also provides a list of what we can expect from a good strategy, as well as explaining the importance of strategy implementation. Read this blog to find out how to craft a comprehensive and successful strategy, and how to avoid a bad one! → Read now.

6. Getting value from project management training

In this blog, Adrian Dooley discusses how an integrated framework can improve your return on investment. He highlights the overlap that exists when studying both PRINCE2 and the APM BoK, in that you may end up learning (and paying for!) some stuff twice. This is where the Praxis Framework comes in; Adrian elucidates that Praxis Framework covers both processes and functions in a single integrated framework, to ensure you aren't wasting your time or money. Find out more about Praxis Framework by reading this blog! → Read now.

5. What is a Value Management Office?

In this blog, Milvio Dibartolomeo underlines the importance of adopting a value-centric approach to management. He explains how changing the title from Project Management Office to Value Management Office "signifies to everyone in the organization that benefits realization, not initiative delivery, is what really matters" and how this small shift can catalyse a change in the overall organizational mindset, particularly in the way people think about both benefits and value. Milvio outlines the criteria for a successful VMO using 7 specific questions that a VMO should answer. Read on to discover the benefits of adopting this approach in your organization. → Read now.

4. What makes a great Project Manager?

In this blog, Mark Constable provides a free, informative presentation that looks at a selection of key skills a great project manager needs. The presentation covers skills that have a link to some of APMG's training and certification options, so we can help you on your way to becoming a better project manager. Mark lists a few of the objectives the presentation covers so you can gain an idea of what to expect! Included on the right hand side of the article are links to some of the aforementioned training and certification courses that you can check out at your leisure. → Read now.

3. The UK government standard for Project Delivery

Adrian Dooley outlines the two fundamental problems in current Project Delivery publications; firstly, the incompatibility of terminology in both PRINCE2 and MSP, (mostly due to independent teams working on each respective publication) and secondly, an omission in guides such as PRINCE2 and MSP, in that they make reference to the functions and practices that are needed to execute the processes, however they do not describe them. Adrian explains that because of this, such guides need to be paired with APM BoK to be able to ascertain a complete picture. Born from the demand for a singular framework that covers the full extent of Project Delivery is the Praxis Framework, and in this blog Adrian includes a downloadable document detailing how Praxis Framework maps to GovS 002. → Read now.

2. Why Projects Fail

In this blog, Adrian includes a bar graph that at the time of publication, (March 2022), had been circulating LinkedIn. The bar graph claims to detail the 9 reasons most projects fail. Adrian disputes these claims, arguing that such reasons are instead more so "symptoms" of a root cause that is catalysing poor outcomes, and moreover, are points that are covered on the first day of the most basic project management courses. He gives the example of how understanding what it means to own and run projects should be widespread across an organization, not just among those who are involved in projects. Read on to see the bar graph in question, and whether you agree with Adrian! → Read now.

1. The Fundementals of Managing Benefits

At number one and with the most views of 2022 is "The Fundementals of Managing Benefits" blog by Milvio Dibartolomeo. This blog generously offers a whitepaper written by Milvio himself, designed to supplement the Managing Benefits publication by Steve Jenner and underpin APMG's Managing Benefits training and certification program. The whitepaper includes 3 separate installments; installment one is titled "Fundementals & Accountability," installment two; "Integration, Analysis, Appraisal and Prioritization," and installment three; "Decision Support Function, Best Practice Techniques & Tailoring" all free to download via this blog. → Read now.

Our Certifications

If one of these blogs caught your attention, check out the corresponding training and certification programs under the useful links section above. 

What’s our most popular blog EVER?

So that’s 2022’s most popular blogs, but what about the most popular of all time?

By far the most popular is “What's the difference between program and project management?”.

Happy reading!


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