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Two prevalent terms in the professional certification arena explained.


What does accreditation mean? By definition – accreditation is a formal, third party recognition of competence to perform specific tasks.

The accreditation hierarchy is overseen by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the European Accreditation Forum (EA). Both forums approve and accredit the National Accreditation Body (NAB) in each country that has arrangements in place to operate an NAB. You can see the list of approved NABs at IAF Website.

APMG is a global exam, certification and accreditation body accredited by UKAS – the UK’s only National Accreditation Body (NAB). UKAS is internationally recognized for applying the most rigorous assessment procedures – ensuring that all Certified Bodies apply similarly high standards when certifying an organization.

Any organization which has been accredited by UKAS agrees to abide by its stringent terms and conditions for assessing clients, for keeping records to support such assessments, handling customer orders and organizing its business and processes.

APMG’s accredited by UKAS to deliver the Change Management Practitioner certification. In turn, APMG approves its Accredited Training Organizations to ensure that they’re delivering their products and services to the same high standards.

Accredited status therefore assures prospective clients that an APMG Accredited Training Organizations have been rigorously assessed.

Clients should always ensure their selected Certification Body has been accredited by a NAB.

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What does certification mean? Certification is defined as the conformance to certain characteristics of an object, person, or organization. The conformance is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit.

An independent body provides certification in the form of written assurance indicating that the service, product or system satisfies specific requirements.

Certification verifies that an individual or organization has achieved a certain level of compliance within a particular area. It indicates they have completed the necessary steps to receive a specific designation. Again – it’s important to be certified by an official certification body, as scenarios arise where individuals become ‘certified’ by simply paying a membership fee – rendering the certification valueless.

Official certification shows you’ve achieved a worthwhile designation – thus demonstrating to your employer and/or clients that you possess capability in a chosen area confirmed by a reputable organization.

Certification demonstrates that the offered products or services meet the expectations of the customer. For many organizations – certification is necessitated by law or contract.

Certification is confirmed once you, your organization or your department have gone through all the steps specified in the standards you are aiming for.

When an individual passes an APMG examination following a course provided by an approved ATO – they can demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter contained within the course material of that certification.

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