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As we move out of lockdown and look forward to more open and dynamic ways of working, I started to reflect on the things that I think will change for the better. By nature, any positive new way of working can also have a negative - (or at the very least a differing perspective).

Here are my top five observations, including the pros and cons.

1. Remote working

Pros: Being forced to work from home for many weeks, I have been impressed by the reliability of the technology.  Video conferencing certainly works regardless of the platform. I don’t think there will be as many physical meetings where people who know each other need to travel for several hours.  I am convinced those meetings will now be online because every participant is confident that the technology is robust.

I’ve also had better meetings, as we have been able to invite different people to join a virtual meeting. Scheduling has become efficient and spontaneous without the need to allow for travel time either side in the diary. Someone taking a few minutes to clarify a point was practically impossible if it involved time spent travelling to attend a physical meeting, as the investment often needed to be justified

Without the travel for physical meetings, there are more useful hours in the day.

I have found video conferencing (with cameras on) to be a more focused and more intense meeting as it heightens my concentration and, for some reason, everyone is far more aware of the time than when we were physically together.

Cons: One of the downsides of remote working is that it is only possible to use two senses (sight and sound) rather than all five, plus that most important intuitive sixth sense when meeting people.

2. Greater collaboration

Pros : Building on the benefits of the technology, it has been more common for people to “jump on a video call” to work through a problem, share an idea or explore a business opportunity.  Again, I believe this is because of the familiarity and confidence we have developed in the technology. The expectation that everyone is using some form of video conferencing has fostered a more welcoming ‘open door’ attitude with more acceptance and encouragement of impromptu meetings.

With a greater strain on resources, and staff having to cover a wider remit they have notably adopted an ‘all in this together’, resilient mindset.  It has led to individuals taking on additional tasks, often upskilling on a personal level, in their own time, to be able to pitch in. This has resulted in increased support and collaboration. People have been willing to go above and beyond to assist outside their main areas of responsibility.

I have found that regardless of status, everybody is involved, with the ‘do what it takes to succeed’ attitude and all stakeholders are equally accessible.

Cons: However, this ease of inviting people to collaborate and share a view at the touch of a button can also intrude on other people’s activities.  There can also be a temptation to run one call after the other with no equivalent mental break of travelling – even if it’s just a walk from your desk to a meeting room. Are we moving to a world where everyone is “always on” and expected to join video calls, 7 days a week?

3. Focus

Pros: We all know that the key to success is to focus on the important things.  This is always easier said than done, but I think the working restrictions over the last few months have brought to light the importance of focus and to really think through what we need rather than what we want,. This will help us both personally and professionally be much sharper and far more engaged in what we do.

Cons: There is no downside to this.

4. Digital and affordable education

Pros: I am not talking about home-schooling, but easier accessibility for training courses and professional certifications.  It will be some time before the value of a committed group of learners, fully engaged with an inspirational teacher in the same room, will be replaced by a virtual solution.  The intensity, face to face discussion and debate, when everyone is co-located, is currently hard to replicate online. 

However, for most professional certifications, when using; appropriate platforms, well-designed material and a competent instructor-the online learning experience is very efficient and effective. This brings many benefits, ie; there may be a lower attendee cost due to virtual delivery removing fixed costs such as travel, accommodation and venue hire. It also makes learning more accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world (subject to time zones).

Those previously unable to travel for whatever reason, could well be able to join a class from their home, for instance  - For the learner, this means far greater choice and for the training provider, it means that smaller classes can be cost-effective. 

The net result, I believe, will be an increase in professional learning options which will help to improve skills and capability for a large number of people, in many situations or countries that would have been inconceivable 12 months ago.

Cons: Not all courses can be efficiently delivered online - so choices need to be made selectively.


Pros: With the prolific use of online meetings and with them becoming more acceptable to individuals and organisations, many of us will be travelling less.   Positively, we will see less overcrowding, less congestion and fewer emissions.  Negatively, it is likely we will see a reduction in the availability of public transport and an increase in the cost of travel.

Cons: It is unknown whether the reduction of travel congestion and pollution will be offset by more congestion and pollution due to a greater number of home deliveries.

Have your say - What do you think has or will improve as a result of Covid-19?

What are the five things that you think will get better as business returns to a very different combination of physical and online working. Please email your thoughts using the link HERE



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