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Adoptez une méthodologie pratique et reproductible qui établit un équilibre idéal entre les normes, la rigueur et la visibilité requises pour une bonne gestion de projet et la rapidité, le changement et l’autonomie fournis par Agile.

La célèbre certification Agile Project Management

APMG est fière d’être accréditée par l’United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) pour la certification Agile Project Management (AgilePM®) Practitioner.

Certifie votre habilité à:

  • Effectuez des changements plus rapides, rentables et à faible risque en mettant en œuvre une approche éprouvée de la gestion de projet agile.
  • Comprendre le contexte agile dans la gestion de projet et les différences par rapport aux approches traditionnelles / alternatives.
  • Se munir d’outils, des principes, concepts et processus de base nécessaires à la réussite de projets agiles.
  • Apprendre à appliquer l'approche DSDM aux projets, aux activités quotidiennes et adopter une approche de développement évolutif pour des solutions plus efficaces.
  • Renforcer la communication et les compétences d'engagement des parties prenantes; critiques pour la réussite des projets.
  • Clarifier les différents styles de Management nécessaires pour réussir un projet agile par rapport au projet traditionnel et être en mesure de les adapter à la situation.
  • Adopter une approche de développement évolutif pour des solutions plus efficaces.
  • Aider les entreprises à livrer efficacement, à moindre coût et à moindre risque, en validant en permanence les jalons du projet par rapport aux objectifs de l'entreprise.
  • Implémenter une méthodologie Agile dans vos activités quotidiennes.
  • Devenir un membre averti d'une équipe de projet utilisant les pratiques DSDM et AgilePM.
  • Améliorer votre CV et augmenter vos perspectives d'emploi.
  • Les candidats certifiés reçoivent une adhésion gratuite d'un an à l'Agile Business Consortium.

(Voir les termes et conditions; ne s'applique pas aux membres actuels ou passés du Consortium).

AgilePM Overview

AgilePM Foundation

Apprenez à adapter vos projets et à les livrer rapidement pour répondre aux besoins de vos clients.

Agile, Project Management
A qui s’adresse le niveau Foundation?
  • Chefs de projet.
  • Membres de l'équipe agile qui cherchent à devenir chefs de projet Agile.
  • Personnes souhaitant obtenir le certificat AgilePM Practitioner.
Quels sont les éléments clés que vous apprendrez?
  • La philosophie et les principes fondamentaux de l’agilité.
  • Le cycle de vie d'un projet Agile, y compris les configurations alternatives.
  • Les produits fabriqués au cours d'un projet Agile et leurs objectifs.
  • Les techniques utilisées, leurs bénéfices et leurs limites.
  • Les rôles et responsabilités au sein d’un projet Agile.
Format de l’examen:
  • Questionnaire à choix multiples.
  • 50 questions.
  • 25 points requis pour réussir l’examen (sur 50 possibles) - 50%.
  • Durée de 40 minutes.
  • Livre fermé.

AgilePM Practitioner

Devenez un chef de projet agile possédant une connaissance approfondie des principes agiles.

Agile, Project Management
Quels sont les pré-requis?
  • Certification AgilePM Foundation.
  • Certification DSMD Atern Foundation ou
  • Certification DSDM Advanced Practitioner.
A qui s’adresse le niveau Practitioner?
  • Professionnels certifiés AgilePM Foundation.
  • Membres de l'équipe agile qui souhaitent devenir chefs de projet Agile.
Quels sont les éléments clés que vous apprendrez?
  • Comment appliquer diverses pratiques Agiles à un projet, par exemple les ateliers animés (workshops), la technique MoSCoW pour définir les priorités d'un projet, le développement itératif et la modélisation.
  • Comment tester, estimer et évaluer la livraison des bénéfices dans un projet Agile.
  • Les mécanismes de facilitation et de soutien au sein d’un projet Agile.
  • L'approche agile pour gérer et hiérarchiser les exigences.
Format de l’examen:
  • Examen objectif.
  • 4 questions (20 points par question).
  • 40/80 points requis pour réussir l’examen (50%).
  • Durée 2.5 heures.
  • Livre ouvert (seul le manuel officiel AgilePM est autorisé).

AgilePM Practitioner Re-registration

Conserver votre statut de Practitioner agréé.

Agile, Project Management
Quels sont les pré-requis?
  • Certification AgilePM Practitioner.
A qui s’adresse la Re-Registration?
  • Professionnels certifiés AgilePM Practitioner qui souhaitent conserver leur statut de Practitioner Agréé.
  • Formateurs accrédités AgilePM.
Format de l’examen:
  • Examen objectif.
  • 4 questions (20 points par question).
  • 40/80 points requis pour réussir l’examen (50%).
  • Durée 2.5 heures.
  • Livre ouvert (Manuel AgilePM).

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It was truly one of the most enjoyable courses/certifications I have completed. Our company is 'transforming' to agile and this training has truly benefited me and my career tremendously.

Daisy Odendaal, Project Manager

I really learnt a lot - it was an eye-opener to see how projects can be run in an agile manner. The content covered is very relevant and therefore valuable in my current environment.

Gillian Stevens, Change Manager



What is an AgilePM digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my AgilePM digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Acclaim website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Acclaim account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Acclaim - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

What is APMG International’s AgilePM scheme?

The AgilePM scheme aims to address the needs of those working in a project-focused environment who want to be agile.

Based on the proven fundamentals within the Agile Business Consortium's Agile Project Framework, the certification provides the ability to deliver Agile projects in organizations requiring standards, rigour and visibility around project management, while at the same time enabling the fast pace, change and empowerment provided by Agile.

The course will:

  • Explain how to lay the foundations for successful agile projects
  • Explain how an agile project is managed
  • Clarify the different management styles needed for successful agile projects (compared to "traditional" projects)
  • Provide integration with PRINCE2® and other project management methodologies/frameworks.

How can I train for the AgilePM examinations?

Training for AgilePM is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG International. The full list of AgilePM ATOs can be found at:

Only these organizations and registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver AgilePM training.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

No, however this is recommended. In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examination. APMG administers public exam sessions around the world to accommodate those who self-study.

How do I sit the exams?

Most, if not all, AgilePM accredited training organizations include the examinations as part of the associated training course.

Alternatively, and for individuals that have self-studied, APMG administers public exam sessions around the world. Sessions are run at certain APMG offices. There are four dedicated centres in the UK for public examinations, and in the United States we utilize the public library network to facilitate sessions.

Individuals can also book online examinations through APMG’s Remote Proctor Service.

How much does it cost to sit the AgilePM examinations?

If you are sitting the examinations through an accredited training organization, the costs of the exams are generally included in the course fee. APMG-International use a global pricing structure, so for those sitting exams at a public exam centre, the cost is dependent on where the exams are being sat. To find out the cost in your region, please contact the APMG Service Desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at:

Are there any pre-requisites for the AgilePM examinations?

There are no pre-requisites for the foundation examination. Candidates must achieve a pass at foundation level before completing the practitioner examination. The DSDM Atern Foundation and Advanced Practitioner certificates are also acceptable pre-requisites for the practitioner exam.

Candidates must hold the practitioner certification in order to take the re-registration examination.

What are the main publications for Agile Project Management and where can I purchase them?

AgilePM has one main manual supporting the qualification scheme, published by Agile Business Consortium, called Agile Project Management Handbook. This can be purchased from APMG Business Books at:

Most AgilePM accredited training organizations include this handbook as part of the course fee.

Which languages are AgilePM examinations available in?

Foundation examinations are currently available in English, Polish, German, Dutch and French.

Practitioner examinations are currently available in English, German and Polish. Further translations will be considered subject to market demand.

Which languages is the AgilePM handbook available in?

The AgilePM Handbook is currently available in English, German and Polish. Further translations will be considered subject to market demand.

How long will it take to learn the AgilePM material?

For individuals self-studying it is almost impossible to say. As all candidates have different experience and amount of time available for study, it varies from person to person. We suggest you buy the handbook and have a look through for yourself before deciding how long you need to spend learning.

For those studying with an accredited training organization, foundation courses are generally delivered over 3 days, while combined foundation and practitioner courses are generally delivered over 5 days. It is well worth investigating with individual providers, as many will offer tailored and blended learning solutions.

What is the structure of the AgilePM examinations?

Summaries of the structure of the AgilePM examinations can be seen at:

Why do I need to sit a Re-Registration examination?

AgilePM Registered Practitioner certification is valid for 5 years. Between 3 to 5 years after initial certification, Registered Practitioners will be required to sit a re-registration examination to verify their continuing competence and knowledge in Agile Project Management. Past the 5-year validity the candidate’s certification will still be valid however they will lose their ‘Registered’ status. Practitioners can sit the re-registration examination at any time, even past the 5-year point to acquire the ‘Registered Practitioner’ status.

Maintaining the ‘Registered Practitioner’ status is a mandatory requirement for all AgilePM trainers in order to retain their Accredited Trainer status.

How long are the AgilePM certifications valid for?

The foundation examination is not valid for a defined period and will not expire.

Candidates who pass the practitioner exam are recognized as ‘AgilePM Registered Practitioners'. Individuals will remain registered for a period of 5 years. To maintain the registered status, practitioners must complete and pass an AgilePM re-registration examination 3-5 years following their initial/previous practitioner certification.

When can I expect the results of my AgilePM Examinations?

AgilePM foundation examinations can be marked on location after the exam, but this is down to the discretion of the invigilator at the time. Practitioner and re-registration answer booklets are marked at APMG International offices and results released soon after.

Your result will be sent to your ATO approximately 7-10 days after your exam date. Your ATO should notify you of your results so please contact them for further details.

If you did not take your exam through an ATO, your results will be sent directly to you via the relevant APMG-International office approximately 7-10 days after the date of your exam.

When will I receive my certificate?

All level certificates will be dispatched 2 weeks after the results have been released by APMG.

Only a higher-level certificate will be dispatched if a candidate has sat both foundation and practitioner examinations.

Please note that if you have taken your examinations via an ATO, certificates will be dispatched based on the preferences that the ATO selected when booking the exam. The ATO can select either an e-certificate or hard copy and whether this type is sent to the ATO or directly to the candidate.

If you have not received your certificate shortly after the above timeframes please contact our Customer Interaction Team –

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become an AgilePM trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become an AgilePM approved trainer, individuals must achieve a score of 66% (53/80) in the practitioner exam.

Trainers also need to ensure to maintain their ‘Registered Practitioner’ status and take the re-registration examination between 3-5 years following their initial/previous practitioner certification in order to retain their accreditation.

How do I find out if I scored enough to be eligible to become a trainer?

To find out if you scored enough to be eligible as a trainer, please email noting your interest. A representative of the Service Desk will be able to advise.

How can I advertise myself as AgilePM qualified on my business card?

Candidates who have passed the AgilePM practitioner examination can put "AgilePM Practitioner" on their business cards.

Can I use the AgilePM logo?

Only organizations licensed to do so are allowed to use the AgilePM logo. Such organizations include AgilePM ATOs (Accredited Training Organizations) and registered partners accredited by APMG. AgilePM® is a registered trademark of the Agile Business Consortium Limited. The APMG International AgilePM and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of APM Group Ltd and must not be used without prior permission or an appropriate license.

What is the relationship, if any, with the DSDM Atern scheme?

Agile Project Management is based on DSDM Atern, which has always been the only Agile method to fully-address the concept of an Agile project, and provides detailed guidance on how to manage and deliver Agile projects.

Agile Project Management focuses on the elements of Atern that are specific to the Agile Project Manager; it is important to note that Atern also provides detailed guidance on delivery techniques and solution development, which are outside of the Agile Project Management Handbook.

Although Agile Project Management can be viewed as a subset of DSDM Atern, there are some extra features in Agile Project Management that are not currently available in Atern. These include "Top Tips" for Agile Project Managers at the conclusion of most chapters. These "Top Tips" have been collected from the in-depth practical experience of professional individuals who have managed and delivered Agile projects for many years. These are practitioners who work across a wide range of backgrounds, from small, simple projects to large, complex projects, including regulated environments where they need to work in conjunction with other methods and approaches such as PRINCE2, ITIL, CMMI, ISO, etc. Access to this experience through these "Top Tips" has proved to be invaluable and will help the Agile Project Manager to avoid pitfalls and prepare for success.

How do I become an Agile Project Management approved trainer?

All Agile Project Management trainers must be "sponsored" by an Agile Project Management accredited training organization (ATO). Details of all Agile Project Management ATOs can be found here.

A trainer application must be submitted by the sponsoring ATO to their relevant APMG-International office.

How does my organization become an Agile Project Management Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become an Agile Project Management ATO must first submit an application form to either the APMG-International service desk or a regional APMG-International office. The organization will then be subject to APMG-International's ATO assessment process.


Agile Project Management (AgilePM®)

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