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Change Management Practitioner Certification - Candidate Q&A

Can you tell us about your background and your current role?

I’ve been in this role for almost two months so I am very new, however my previous role was also in the area of Performance Management and that was for around 13 years.

Can you talk about your Change Management journey to date

Before getting this new role, I was interested in Project Management roles so I bought a package of courses and both the Change Management Foundation and Practitioner courses were part of the package. It was such good timing as I can relate to and recognise some of the theories as I am going through the change process myself, transitioning to new ways of working and learning new systems etc.

What are your thoughts on the training and exams?

The training was designed so I could learn independently and in my own time. I have had to be quite disciplined because there are so many distractions and life events that compete for my time, but once I put a schedule in place, I had a nice balance between work, study, social and downtime.

Was your training conducted virtually or in a physical training room?

Virtually, which is what I wanted.

Do you feel that you can implement what you have learned into your role?

Change happens quite a lot in local government so I can definitely use what I have learnt in my role on a personal level, as a manager and as a team member.

Can you explain your reasoning for also taking the Practitioner level of Change Management?

Both courses were part of the package I purchased, however, I think it’s very beneficial to do both. The Practitioner level is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you can use the knowledge from the Foundation level in an actual work situation.

How do you think your organization will benefit as a result of your success with the Change Management training and exams?

I will be able to provide a valuable contribution to any decision making and will be able to ask challenging questions based on what I have learnt.

What would you say to individuals considering taking the Change Management training & exams?

If this is something that can help you with your goals or personal/career development, I’d say go for it. The Practitioner exam is much harder and longer than the Foundation exam, so you need to prepare well, however the pass mark is achievable, even for someone like me who hasn’t studied this intensely for years.

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Connect with Grace Crawford on LinkedIn to talk about Change Management


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