Increase customer satisfaction and achieve greater strategic and financial value.
APMG Lean IT is an extension of Lean Principles, applied in an IT environment.
The APMG Lean IT approach is a way of thinking and acting, focussing heavily on organizational culture. Lean IT is associated with the development and management of Information Technology products and services.
Lean Princples are concerned with:
- Increasing customer value.
- Eliminating waste (work that does not add value).
- Management as a facilitator.
- The involvement of all employees.
- Continual improvement.
- Preserving value with less work.
Certify your ability to:
- Apply the principles of Lean IT practices to provide necessary insight into business services and support IT assets, employees and processes.
- Utilize several Lean IT analysis tools and understand the application of the Lean IT philosophy in an IT environment.
- Provide insight into customer experience and identify the cause of problems to increase customer satisfaction.
- Align business services with IT to evaluate a service delivery solution and identify and reduce non-value adding activity.
- Streamline and automate compliance processes to lessen cost and risk.
- Enable an organization to achieve operational excellence through improved agility, service quality and efficiency.
- Build a customer and value-oriented culture in which employees engage in Lean IT processes.
- Optimise IT operations and processes supporting the most business critical applications and services.
- Implement a rigorous problem solving process to achieve greater strategic and financial value.

Enable organizations to provide the best possible services for their customers.
Any manager or specialist working in an IT organization can benefit from the insights provided by the qualification.
- The principles underlying the Lean philosophy.
- The importance of understanding and delivering customer value.
- The way Lean looks at processes and the waste within them.
- How to measure performance and the key determinants of performance.
- What the organizational requirements are when implementing Lean, including the use of visual management tools.
- The DMAIC problem-solving model.
- Which behaviour and attitude is necessary for Lean to be successful within an IT organization.
- Multiple choice
- 40 questions per paper
- 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
- 60 minutes duration
- Closed book

Learn the skills needed to facilitate Kaizen improvement events.
- Lean IT Foundation certificate.
The Kaizen level focuses on building on the learning objectives from the Lean IT Foundation to provide specific skills-based training to IT professionals responsible for facilitating Kaizen improvement events.
Kaizen is the Japanese word for continuous improvement using small incremental changes. It translates as "change for the better". It is an approach for solving problems and forms the basis of incremental continual improvement in organizations involving everyone; managers and workers alike providing structure to process improvement.
- Multiple choice
- 40 questions per paper
- 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
- 90 minutes duration
- Closed book

Learn how to develop an IT organization into a Lean IT organization.
- Lean IT Foundation certificate.
Lean IT Leadership builds on the basic knowledge acquired following Lean IT Foundation training and certification.
The level focuses on ensuring that people fulfilling a leadership role within an IT organization know what can be done to develop it into a Lean IT organization. The course will provide insights that will help candidates ensure the success of their use of Lean principles within their IT processes.
Whilst the Lean IT Kaizen level is not a pre-requisite, candidates who complete the Lean IT Leadership scheme can benefit substantially from first understanding the Lean IT Kaizen role. One of the core tasks of Lean IT Leadership is driving and teaching continuous improvement, and the tools for this task are covered in detail in the Kaizen course.
- Multiple choice
- 60 questions per paper
- 39 marks required to pass (out of 60 available) – 65%
- 120 minutes duration
- Open Book – Lean IT Leadership Official Publication only