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Lean Six Sigma is een management methodiek van bedrijfsprestaties verbetering die de twee individuele specialismen van Lean en Six Sigma heeft gecombineerd.

De toepassing van Lean Six Sigma maakt het mogelijk kwaliteits- en efficiëntieverbeteringen effectief te realiseren. De focus van Lean ligt op snelheid, efficiëntie en het elimineren van de verspillen in een proces. Six Sigma richt zich op effectiviteit en het verwijderen van fouten.

Wanneer het op de juiste manier wordt gecombineerd en geïmplementeerd, kan het een krachtige managementtool zijn die de prestaties van een organisatie aanzienlijk kan verbeteren door een gestructureerde aanpak te bieden voor het oplossen van problemen.

We zijn verheugd aan te kondigen dat alle Lean Six Sigma belts nu beschikbaar zijn in het Nederlands.

Certificeer uzelf om:

  • Effectief te werken met, of als lid van, een procesverbeteringsteam dat werkt in een omgeving die Lean Six Sigma ondersteunt.
  • Processen te analyseren en verfijnen om de efficiëntie te verbeteren en afval te verwijderen met behulp van Lean.
  • Procesvariatie te verminderen en het verbeteren van kwaliteit en consistentie.
  • Waarde toevoegen voor klanten, werknemers en aandeelhouders door procesvariatie en verspilling te minimaliseren.
  • Prestaties te verbeteren en tijdschema’s te verkorten voor Lean Six Sigma projecten.

Wat houdt het in?

Yellow en Orange Belt certificeringen bestaan uit een multiple-choice examen.

Green en Black Belt certificeringen bestaan uit een examen (theorie) en optionele praktische beoordeling.


Yellow Belt

Een effectief teamlid voor procesverbetering.

Agile, Change Management, Process Improvement, Process Management, Project Management
Voor wie is de Yellow Belt bedoeld?
  • Iedereen die de basisprincipes van Lean Six Sigma en de belangrijkste Lean Six Sigma instrumenten wil leren
  • Continious Improvement Manager
  • Operations Managers
  • Team Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Change Managers
  • Finance Managers
  • IT Managers
  • HR Managers
  • Personeel betrokken bij projecten voor verbetering van bedrijfsprocessen
Wat zijn de belangrijkste dingen die u zult leren?
  • De algemene filosofie van procesverbetering en waarom het belangrijk is om een organisatie in de richting van operational excellence te brengen
  • Bewustzijn van verschillende methoden voor procesverbetering
  • Hoe verbeterprojecten moeten worden uitgevoerd
  • Het opzetten en faciliteren van Kaizen-teams
  • Technieken om een cultuur van continue verbetering te creëren
  • De tools en technieken die nodig zijn om stabiele en efficiënte processen te creëren
  • Meerkeuzevragen
  • 50 vragen per examen
  • 32 punten of meer vereist om te slagen (van de 50 beschikbare vragen) - 63%
  • Duur: 60 minuten
  • Open boek
  • Rekenmachines zijn niet toegestaan voor dit examen

Green Belt

Een specialist in het uitvoeren van Lean Six Sigma-projecten.

Information Management & Analysis, Process Improvement, Project Management
Voor wie is de Green Belt bedoeld?

Lean Six Sigma Green Belts zijn specialisten in het uitvoeren van Lean Six Sigma projecten. Met de juiste combinatie van expertise, statistische analyse en gestructureerde Lean Six Sigma methodologie zijn de Green Belts in staat om aanzienlijke verbeteringen in prestaties en kwaliteit te bereiken. Een Green Belt kan alleen werken of als een junior projectmanager in een team of als een teamlid in een groter Black Belt project.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste dingen die u zult leren?
  • De algemene filosofie van procesverbetering.
  • De rol en verantwoordelijkheden van leiderschap om verbeterteams te coachen en te inspireren.
  • Tools en technieken om de logistieke stroom van processen te visualiseren, analyseren en verbeteren.
  • De juiste en georganiseerde werkomgeving.
Theorie-examen formaat:
  • Meerkeuzevragen
  • 60 vragen per examen
  • 38 punten of meer vereist om te slagen (van de 60 beschikbare vragen) - 63%
  • Duur:180 minuten
  • Open boek
  • Rekenmachines zijn toegestaan voor dit examen
Praktijkexamen (optioneel):
  • Het behalen van het complete Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certificaat omvat het indienen van twee Lean Six Sigma projecten ter beoordeling door LSSA.
  • Elk project moet aantoonbaar een besparing / kostenvermijding van minstens € 20.000 per jaar opleveren.
  • Elk project moet worden ondertekend door de Champion en Financial Controller.
  • De praktische beoordeling moet binnen 3 jaar na het succesvol afleggen van het theorie-examen worden afgelegd.

Black Belt

Een expert in het uitvoeren van Lean Six Sigma-projecten.

Change Management, Information Management & Analysis, Process Improvement, Project Management
Voor wie is de Black Belt bedoeld?

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts zijn experts in het uitvoeren van Lean Six Sigma projecten. Als programmamanager zijn ze verantwoordelijk voor het beheren van complexe doorbraakprojecten en het ondersteunen van verbeterteams met tools en technieken. Ze hebben zowel vaardigheden voor het toepassen van analytische hulpmiddelen als vaardigheden voor het leiden van verandering.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste dingen die u zult leren?
  • De algemene filosofie van procesverbetering.
  • De rol en verantwoordelijkheden van leiderschap om verbeterteams te coachen en te inspireren.
  • Hoe verbeterprojecten moeten worden uitgevoerd.
  • Het opzetten en faciliteren van Kaizen-teams.
  • Toepassing van Six Sigma en statistische hulpmiddelen om een geldig en betrouwbaar systeem voor prestatiemeting te waarborgen.
Theorie-examen formaat:
  • Meerkeuzevragen
  • 60 vragen per examen
  • 38 punten of meer vereist om te slagen (van de 60 beschikbare vragen) - 63%
  • Duur: 180 minuten
  • Open boek
  • Rekenmachines zijn toegestaan voor dit examen
Praktijkexamen (optioneel):
  • Het behalen van het complete Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certificaat omvat het indienen van twee Lean Six Sigma projecten ter beoordeling door LSSA.
  • Elk project moet aantoonbaar een besparing / kostenvermijding van minstens € 50.000 per jaar opleveren.
  • Elk project moet worden ondertekend door de Champion en Financial Controller.
  • De praktische beoordeling moet binnen 3 jaar na het succesvol afleggen van het theorie-examen worden afgelegd.

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Uitgebreide opties

SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
Yellow Belt
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Organisational Change Management up to level 4
Green Belt
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 4, Generic attribute Business Skills up to level 4, Organisational Change Management up to level 4
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Business Process Improvement level 5, Organisational Capability Development level 5
Green Belt (Theory exam)
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Organisational Change Management up to level 4
Black Belt
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 4, Generic attribute Business Skills up to level 4, Organisational Change Management up to level 5, Business Process Improvement level 5, Organisational Capability Development level 5
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Business Process Improvement level 6, Organisational Capability Development level 6
Black Belt (Theory exam)
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 5
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Business Process Improvement level 5, Organisational Capability Development level 5


SFIA Digital Badges

APMG can issue SFIA digital badges on behalf of your organisation

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Digital Transformation Certification

Equip Yourself to Navigate Digital Transformation and Secure a Competitive Edge

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Sourcing Governance

Get the most out of outsourcing

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What is a Lean Six Sigma digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my Lean Six Sigma digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Acclaim website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Acclaim account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Acclaim - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

How can I train for the Lean Six Sigma examinations?

Training for Lean Six Sigma is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG International. To find a training course - choose a Lean Six Sigma certification level to see the ATOs. Only these organizations and registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver Lean Six Sigma training.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

No, however this is recommended. In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examinations by purchasing the core texts from APMG Business Books. APMG International administers public exam sessions around the world to accommodate those who self-study. Click here to book a self-study exam.

How do I sit the exams?

The vast majority of Lean Six Sigma accredited training organizations include the examinations as part of the associated training course. Alternatively, and for individuals that have self-studied, APMG International administers public exam sessions around the world. Sessions are run at certain APMG International offices. There are seven dedicated centres in the UK for public examinations, and in the United States we utilize the public library network to facilitate sessions. To book a self-study exam click here - or contact your local APMG office to see if a classroom is located near you.

Are there any pre-requisites for the Lean Six Sigma examinations?

There are no pre-requisites for the Theory examinations. Candidates looking to take the Practical Assessments for the Green/Black Belts will need to ensure they have passed the Theory examinations. Candidates will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions prior to sitting their examination.

What are the main publications for Lean Six Sigma and where can I purchase them?

APMG International's Lean Six Sigma qualifications are based on the "Climbing the Mountain: mind set, skill set and tool set" publications and exercise books. These can be purchased from APMG Business Books

Most Lean Six Sigma accredited training organizations include these publications with the course materials.

When can I expect the results of my Lean Six Sigma examinations?

Lean Six Sigma Yellow and Orange Belt examinations can be marked on location after the exam, but this is down to the discretion of the invigilator at the time. Green and Black Belt Theory exams are marked at APMG-International offices and results released soon after. Your result will be sent to your ATO approximately 7-10 days after your exam date. Your ATO should notify you of your results so please contact them for further details. Please allow an additional 14 days for the result of your Practical Assessment.

If you did not take your exam through an ATO, your results will be sent directly to you via the relevant APMG-International office approximately 7-10 days after the date of your exam.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a Lean Six Sigma trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a Lean Six Sigma trainer, individuals must achieve a pass in the Belt level above that Belt level which they intend to train. For instance, to be eligible to become a Yellow Belt trainer you will need to pass the Orange Belt exam at the standard pass mark. Black Belt trainers will need to pass the Black Belt exam and also demonstrate at least 5 years’ experience working in a Lean Six Sigma environment.

How can I advertise myself as Lean Six Sigma qualified on my business card?

Candidates who have passed the Lean Six Sigma examinations can put the following statements on their business cards/CVs.

  • Yellow Belt: Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
  • Orange Belt: Lean Six Sigma Orange Belt
  • Green Belt Theory: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Green Belt Practical Assessment: Lean Six Sigma Certified Green Belt
  • Black Belt Theory: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
  • Black Belt Practical Assessment: Lean Six Sigma Certified Black Belt

Can I use the Lean Six Sigma logo?

Only accredited training organizations and their registered partners are allowed to use the Lean Six Sigma logo.

How long are the Lean Six Sigma certifications valid for?

The Yellow, Orange, Green and Black Belt Theory certifications are not valid for a defined period and will not expire.

Candidates who pass the Practical Assessments are recognized as 'Lean Six Sigma Certified Green/Black Belts'. Individuals will remain certified for a period of 5 years. To maintain the certified status, candidates must complete and pass a Lean Six Sigma re-assessment examination 5 years following their initial/previous certified Green/Black Belt certification.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will automatically be sent an electronic certificate within two business days of their exam results being released. If you have not received your certificate within this timeframe please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but can be printed if required. It is also very easy to share them with employers and other third parties. APMG will send you a link to your registered email address. This link will take you to your Candidate Portal where you will find your electronic certificate(s). You can always access all your electronic certificates using the APMG candidate portal.

Sometimes, if you have taken your examination(s) via a Training Organisation, certificates will be issued based on the preferences that the Training Organisation selected when booking the exam. The Training Organisation can select either an electronic certificate or both paper and electronic certificates are provided to the candidate. The Training Organisation can also choose if certificates are sent to the candidates directly or via the Training Organisation. If you have been awarded an electronic certificate but also require a hard copy certificate, you can always order a hard copy certificate for GBP 12.00. This is also the case if you re-order your hard copy certificate.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy certificate in addition to your electronic certificate please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

How much does it cost to sit the Lean Six Sigma examinations?

If you are sitting the examinations through an accredited training organization, the costs of the exams are generally included in the course fee. APMG-International use a global pricing structure, so for those sitting exams at a public exam centre, the cost is dependent on where the exams are being sat. To find out the costs in your region, please contact the APMG-International Service Desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at:

Which languages are Lean Six Sigma examinations available in?

  • All of the belts are available in English and Dutch.

How does my organization become a Lean Six Sigma Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a Lean Six Sigma ATO should apply by clicking 'Deliver training' - or contact their local APMG office. The organization will then be subject to APMG-International's ATO assessment process.

How do I become a Lean Six Sigma approved trainer?

All Lean Six Sigma trainers must be ‘sponsored’ by a Lean Six Sigma Accredited Training Organization (ATO). Contact a Lean Six Sigma ATO from the search engine here - or contact your local APMG office. A trainer application must be submitted by the sponsoring ATO to their local APMG office. 

Can I use a calculator for the exam?

  • Yellow Belt - No
  • Orange Belt - Yes
  • Green Belt - Yes
  • Black Belt - Yes


Lean Six Sigma

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