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Booking your ProctorU exam - what to expect

An online proctor is a professional invigilator who confirms the identity of the exam taker and safeguards the integrity of the exam. APMG exams are delivered by ProctorU, an internet based assessment which uses a human proctor with a layer of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A human proctor will invite you to share your webcam and screen, and will be there to support you. Another key advantage of ProctorU is that there is no need to travel and appointments are available 24/7. 

It is important to get your device ready for your exam with ProctorU ahead of the day; we recommend using your personal computer, with local admin rights to allow the download of the Guardian Browser which the proctor will need to access your webcam and screen.

1. Prepare your equipment & environment

Before your exam date you will need:

A microphone so you can speak to your proctor.
A webcam so the proctor can see you throughout the exam.
A stable (preferably wired) internet connection.
A clear desk in an undisturbed place where you are happy for the proctor to see a 360 degree view of the room. You will need to be alone for the duration of the exam.
One monitor only. Be prepared to disconnect other monitors. We do not support Chromebooks, Mobile Devices, Tablets/iPads, Linux/Unix operating systems, Microsoft Surface RT, Virtual Machines, Windows 10 S and unlicensed/inactive versions of Windows and Test Builds/Modes.
Please note, that headphones or headsets are not permitted for your exam.
Government issued ID (you will need to show this to the proctor at the start of your exam to prove your identity. You can cover any unique ID numbers before you show your ID to your Proctor).  ID must be valid and not expired.
Practice your 360 degree webcam scan of your room.
A small whiteboard and pen (as notebooks aren't permitted).
A handheld mirror, reflective surface or mobile phone to show your screen on the webcam to the proctor.
Make a note of your local APMG IT Helpdesk contact details.
Download and read the ProctorU System Requirements document (ProctorU only).
For company devices, share the Port Allow list with your IT team (ProctorU only).
Install the Guardian Browser - click the button below to install. It will then open automatically on exam day when you connect to your Proctor (ProctorU only).

Download Guardian Browser


Now it's time to schedule your ProctorU exam

If you meet all of the above requirements and you have downloaded the Guardian Browser you can schedule your ProctorU session. Click the button below to choose the time you want to take your exam.

Schedule my ProctorU session

What if my device has restrictions and I can't download and install ProctorU's Guardian Browser?

If you work for the public sector, or for an organisation that requires high levels of digital security, there may be restrictions that prevent you from installing the Guardian Browser on your device.

If you want full flexibility on when you take your exam, we highly recommend using a personal computer without these restrictions and scheduling with ProctorU. If you cannot use ProctorU please schedule your exam using APMG In Person Proctoring (AIPP).

How to schedule your exam with APMG In Person Proctoring (AIPP)

Click the button below to schedule your exam with APMG. Please be aware that we have limited availability. If you want to choose this option you'll need your candidate number & session ID - watch the video to find out how. You will also need to log into the candidate portal before your exam to test your equipment, view the exam rules and check your equipment and environment.

Schedule My APMG In Person Proctoring (AIPP) session

Finding your APMG Candidate Number and Exam Session ID

2. Practice using sample exam papers

Before your exam, take time to familiarise yourself with the APMG online exam format. We recommend you take a sample paper and practice your exam technique. Here's our tips:

Check out the features of the website, you can flag questions, move through unanswered questions and adjust the size of the text on the page.
Practice answering the questions against the clock, consider how long you should spend on each question in the actual live exam.
For practitioner exams, practice reading through the scenario and note down important elements for your answers.
You can take as many sample exams as you would like in the run up to your exam, so that you're all set for the real exam. 

3. Perform your exam

On your exam day make sure you have a clear desk, a clear head, and a clear goal. On exam day this is what you need to do:

Please use your preferred web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari to log into the Candidate Portal and do a final equipment check.
Your pre-installed Guardian Browser will automatically open when you log into the candidate portal and click the 'connect to proctor' button.
Ensure that you will not be interrupted during your exam by placing a sign on the door of your room to let others know there is an exam in progress. 
Have your APMG candidate and exam details ready, as well as your ID, and a glass of water. 
Read the questions carefully, including how many answers you need to select.
Leave a few minutes at the end of the exam to ensure you have answered every question.
Flag questions you are unsure of and then you can review at the end.


Finally, good luck for your exam! APMG will release your exam results within 48 hours and successful candidates will be awarded a digital badge which will be available in the candidate portal.


What is ProctorU?

ProctorU is the world’s leading online exam proctoring solution that offers a powerful, convenient, secure alternative to traditional test centres.

How do I get started?

You need to download and install the Guardian Browser

Test your equipment and schedule an appointment for your exam using the calendar. Once you have scheduled your exam, we recommend adding the appointment to your calendar, you will also receive an email reminder with your chosen exam date and time.

How do I know if my computer is compatible with ProctorU Live+?

You need to ensure you are able to install the Guardian Browser and meet ProctorU’s minimum requirements as shown in the “System Requirements”

Once the Guardian Browser is installed and you have scheduled your exam, you can test your equipment.

We strongly recommend using a personal computer with admin rights on a home network. ProctorU advises against using work computers and networks as they often have strict security settings that prevent the software from working properly. Permission to download and install executable files from the internet is required.

If you are unable to use a personal computer, please use the option to schedule an AIPP session to enable you to take your online exam.

It is essential that in your exam you have strong reliable internet connection.

Who do I contact for support?

APMG International have a dedicated 24/7 Technical Helpdesk, who are there to help you at any stage during your exam. You can contact the APMG Technical Helpdesk using the Live Chat function located at the bottom right-hand corner of the candidate portal page. Click the blue icon to start the chat. If the agents are away, please send us a message and one of our support agents will get back to you.

If your query is urgent, use the contact telephone number provided on the "Contact Us" page.

While connected to ProctorU, ProctorU has their own Live Chat and will automatically provide Technical Support if required.

Should you require further assistance from ProctorU Technical Support, please contact APMG Technical Helpdesk.

I need help with the requirements/software what shall I do?

If you require assistance with the requirements/software, please contact APMG International using the Live Chat or Contact Us webpage.

Can I change the start time of my exam?

Yes, you can reschedule in the APMG Candidate Portal and you are required to give at least 24 hours' notice before your scheduled appointment. If you do not provide at least 24 hours' notice or you miss your scheduled appointment, you will need to pay a fee to be able to reschedule, so please ensure you give 24 hours' notice of any changes, to avoid the fee. APMG cannot make slots available, these are provided on a first come first serve basis.

What time should I arrive for my exam?

Arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment allowing time to connect to your Proctor. 

What do I need for the day of my exam?

  • A microphone so you can speak to your Proctor.
  • A webcam so the Proctor can see you throughout the exam.
  • A stable (preferably wired) internet connection.
  • A quiet and distraction-free space where you are happy for the Proctor to see a 360-degree view of the room. You will need to be alone for the duration of the exam.
  • Government-issued ID (i.e. Driving license, passport, military ID) - you will need to show this to the Proctor at the start of your exam to prove your identity.
  • A small handheld whiteboard and pen. (Notebooks are not permitted)
  • A handheld mirror to show your screen on the webcam to the Proctor. (if required)

How do I connect to my Proctor at the time of my scheduled appointment?

Return to this page on the APMG Candidate Portal and you will see a countdown, click "Connect to your Proctor" to begin the process and follow the on-screen instructions.

You will be prompted to download and run a LogMeIn Rescue applet file that will bring up a chat box allowing you to connect with your Proctor. If prompted, be sure to click "open" or "allow" to give the file permission to run. When the chat box says "waiting", it means that you are in the queue waiting for your Proctor.

TIP: If your status shows "waiting", do not re-download the applet file as that will put you back at the end of the queue.

Your Proctor will greet you and confirm that you passed your identity verification steps. You'll review the exam rules with your Proctor and they'll ask to see any permitted resources that your instructor has allowed you to use during your exam.

Does my exam begin when I connect with ProctorU?

No, the allotted time for your exam does not begin until the exam has been unlocked by your Proctor and you click “Start Exam”.

Will I have the same Proctor throughout my exam?

Throughout your exam, your Proctor may occasionally change because of breaks and shift changes. However, you should not be interrupted by the change of Proctor.

Are breaks allowed during my exam?

Your Proctor will let you know whether any breaks are allowed during your exam.

Am I allowed to take notes during my exam?

Only if you are using an erasable board and marker pen. We do not allow scrap paper during your online exam. You are required to show the Proctor your erasable board before the exam and notes must be erased in front of the Proctor after the exam, see board rules below.

Board rules (Dry-wipe board/wipe clean tablets/Dry-erase boards):

  • No Paper is allowed on the work area.
  • APMG will not provide the boards, however it will allow candidates to use their own boards if they wish to take notes during the exam.
  • Candidates will need to show a clear board before starting their exam.
  • Candidates will need to accept they may be asked to show the board/desk from time to time during the exam.
  • If a candidate refuses to wipe their board clean at the end of the exam session their result will be voided.

Will the Proctor be able to access my computer files without my knowledge?

No, the Proctor cannot access your computer files without your knowledge. Proctors can view the screen, move the mouse, and control the keyboard as if they were sitting next to you. The Proctor's actions are shown and logged in the chat window. The entire session log is reviewed and saved. ProctorU will keep a 7-year record of what actions the Proctor took while accessing your computer.

What will be downloaded to my computer?

The ProctorU Guardian Browser will need to be installed onto your computer. ProctorU also use Support-LogMeIn Rescue software for remote control, which is a common, trusted remote control software. Details can be found at This will not install anything onto your computer such as viruses or malware. A security prompt will appear on your desktop advising you of any additional software downloads. Scripts are run on start up to detect and disable any prohibited applications such as 3rd party screen capture or remote control software and to determine whether you are using a virtual machine.

Where can I find ProctorU's Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Compliance, and Accessibility Statement?

How long will it take for my exam result to be released?

After you have completed and notified your Proctor that you have finished your exam, you should receive a provisional score after submitting the exam with the guidance from your Proctor. Your exam will be sent back to APMG for official marking. Please allow up to 2 working days for your official results to be released. You will receive email notification from APMG when your results are ready. If you have successfully passed your exam, you will receive another email to let you know that your e-certificate and digital badge will be ready to create on the Credly platform. You will have to log into Credly to create your e-certificate and generate your digital badge. You can find instructions on creating your e-certificate and digital badge here. Please allow a further 2 working days for the email about your e-certificate and digital badge. If you need to discuss the release of your results or e-certificate, please contact us.

How can I claim my digital badge?

Most of our certifications include a digital badge, please click here for more information.

I don't see my question on the list. How can I get more information?

Please either contact our Customer Interaction Team or Technical Helpdesk - please also check ProctorU's FAQ.

How can I provide feedback?

We value your feedback and strive to deliver the best service possible. To improve our service, we would greatly appreciate any feedback you can give about your training provider, our website, ProctorU and your overall experience. Please click here to provide any feedback.


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