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Each certification has been relevant to me and has value for me in ways I hadn’t predicted.

I am a self-confessed bookworm.

I will read anything and am always curious to know what other people are learning. So, when I began working with APMG 9 years ago, it was inevitable I would pick up the occasional textbook and dive into a range of subjects about which I have very little knowledge or experience.

Over the past 9 years I have completed several APMG certifications spanning across Business, Project Management and Change Management. Each I completed by self-study and even though I don’t work directly in Project Management or Change Management, each certification has been relevant and has value for me in ways I hadn’t predicted.

From the Change Management Foundation certification...

I developed an appreciation of how different personalities react to change. Furthering this empathy and developing a consciousness of the realities of change has been invaluable, both personally and professionally. For example, acknowledging and planning for employee performance and productivity to fall while employees learn a new skill and develop back to unconscious competence in their role is a simple concept, but one that is often forgotten in the emotion of change.

Consciously acknowledging this fact reduces frustration, both for the individuals involved and their employer, allowing everyone the opportunity to engage more fully.

From the Stakeholder Engagement Certification...

Communication, different communication strategies and how to better identify and ultimately influence stakeholders is at the centre of the Stakeholder Engagement certification. Regardless of our role, we all at various points need to be able to influence others in change. Learning techniques to communicate change and influence others has led me to consider the variety of methods and strategies I can use every day when communicating both with colleagues and external stakeholders.

From the PS Professional Athlete certification...

My most recent certification is PS Professional Athlete. This certification is directly aimed at improving personal effectiveness. Who doesn’t want to be more productive? Given the number of holds on the recommended reading for this course at my local public library, the realisation is that everyone wants to do better. Studying for this certification allowed me the time and mental space to consider the strategies I use every day to accomplish my goals. Concentrating on attention management rather than time management and scheduling ‘thinking time’ are key learnings I consider constantly, which helps me save time and increase productivity. It is possible to get your email inbox to zero!

In addition to expanding my knowledge, the process of studying developed a range of soft skills that benefit me every day. Reading with a purpose, organising myself, thinking critically, researching, and adapting when all study plans are interrupted are all skills I have come to value.

What’s next for me?

I am currently studying Library and Information Services part time, but in between that and work it might be time for me to find my next certification…


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