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Certification Now Available in French.

Forest Garden Trainer Certification Now Available in French

We are pleased to announce that the Forest Garden Trainer Certification is now available in French.

The certification was launched in response to global pressure to combat poverty, hunger, drought and the migration crisis across Africa.

Certification is supported by the Forest Garden Training Centre (FGTC). It’s an on-demand, online trainer certification and resource centre providing practitioners working in the agriculture, livelihoods and health sectors throughout the developing would with an easily deployable and replicable solution to combat hunger, poverty and deforestation by establishing Forest Gardens.

The Forest Garden initiative is led by Trees for the Future, dedicated to ending extreme hunger and poverty across Sub-Saharan Africa by revitalizing degraded lands using the Forest Garden Approach.

The Forest Garden Approach diversifies farming systems with trees and food crops that meet subsistence needs and market opportunities. While conventional agriculture programs focus on one or few crops, the Forest Garden Approach is rooted in diversifying each farm with many food crops and thousands of trees so farming families will be self-sufficient in their production of food, timber and non-timber forest products.

By guiding massive numbers of subsistence farmers through the phases of protecting, diversifying and optimizing their farms, Trees for the Future is having a permanent positive impact on the lives of millions of smallholder farming families across developing nations struggling to survive on their degraded farmland.

The availability of the certification in French makes this valuable certification more accessible to huge numbers of potential candidates across the developing world, and APMG is delighted to be supporting the vital work of Trees for the Future.

Click here to find out more about the Forest Garden Trainer Certification.

Click here to find out more about Tree for the Future and the Forest Garden Approach.


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