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Celebrate your success - Join our #shareyoursuccess campaign and inspire others to achieve their goals!

Share Your Success with a Digital Badge from APMG

Hundreds of thousands of people have taken and passed APMG exams  - From Project & Portfolio Management to Service Management and IT Governance  - and from Public-Private Partnerships to Cyber Security.

Since APMG launched digital badges for successful candidates at the beginning of 2018, more than 60,000 people have shared their success on Linked In, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and of course, on their online CV.

The badges are secure, dynamic, digital representations of your achievement (copied badges won't dynamically link to the credentials earned).

We want to hear your story!

We love hearing how much your certification means to you and how it has helped (or is helping) you to achieve your professional growth.  Let's inspire others across the globe to do the same!

How can I share my success?

There are a number of ways you can share your success - here are some of them:

1) Make sure you download your badge and share it on social media in 3 easy steps - Read more here

2) Write a blog about the role you are in and how you got there - How did training and certification help?  Get some inspiration from blogs on APMG International, like this one on becoming a Business Relationship Manager

3) Send us a short quote that sums up how your certification has helped in your role and get the chance to be featured in our #ShareYourSuccess campaign, to inspire others to do great things

4) Send us an image of yourself which we can use on any promotion we create for you

Tony Brett BRMP Feedback image

Benefits of sharing your success

  • It helps employers understand the value of the certification you have, which helps you in your career progression
  • Your success is amplified to a global audience
  • Including your employer shows that they are investing in your career and supporting your progress
  • Including your training organisation gives them the credit they deserve if you felt your experience helped in your career
  • You are inspiring others to achieve their goals
PMDPro Candidate testimonial

How do I share my story?

Email us ( with a head and shoulders image and a few words about your success. Please use the subject line Share Your Success with the certification you have gained.

Need some inspiration?  Download questions to get you started.


IT Security

ISACA Certifications

ISACA is an independent, non-profit, global association engaging in the development, adoption and adaption of industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems.

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ISACA Cybersecurity certifications product page image

ISACA Cybersecurity Certificate Programs

Gain the most up-to-date knowledge and abilities necessary to protect your enterprise

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Technology Business Management (TBM) Certification Training

Gain the knowledge to understand the fundamentals of implementing Technology Business Management

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Certifications & Solutions

Accredited Training Organizations

Accredited training providers

Certifications & Solutions

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