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29 Januar 2025 - 13:30 bis 14:15 GMTProjekte, Programme & PortfolioThe role of the project manager is changing - are you prepared?
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioAdrian Dooley, Lead Author of the Praxis Framework, discusses the Praxis Delivery model
BusinessA step-by-step guide for proposal writers
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioProjected vs actual outcomes in Project Management
Veränderung, Risiko & NutzenHow about starting with the premise that the most important person to anyone working in any type of
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioEVM facilitates the integration of project scope, time and cost objectives and the establishment of
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioAgile or Traditional?
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioEnable programmes to evolve and react to business change.
Veränderung, Risiko & NutzenA two-day course teaching the wider impacts of organizational change and how to help people adapt.
Projekte, Programme & PortfolioGain the tools needed to become an effective project planner.

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