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APMG (APM Group) International ist das weltweit renommierteste Akkreditierungs- und Prüfungsinstitut.

APMG akkreditiert Anbieter von Schulungen und Beratungsleistungen für eine breite Palette von fachlichen Zertifizierungsprogrammen.

Unsere langjährige Erfahrung in der Akkreditierung von Organisationen weltweit - kombiniert mit unserem stringenten Bewertungsprozess - bewirkt, dass APMG-akkreditierte Unternehmen aufgrund ihrer  außergewöhnlichen Qualitätsstandards international anerkannt sind.

Wir verfügen über ein breites Portfolio an Zertifizierungsprogrammen, darunter international anerkannte Lösungen für Projekt-, Business- und IT-Management, Cyber Security und Public Private Partnerships.  

Unser Portfolio an Zertifizierungsprogrammen und unser weltweites Netzwerk von APMG-akkreditierten Unternehmen macht es Ihnen leicht, eine Schulung oder Beratung in Ihrer Nähe zu finden.

Unsere Zertifizierungsprogramme sowie unsere Prüfungs- und Akkreditierungsdienstleistungen unterstützen unser Ziel, Unternehmen und Fachleuten maximale Effektivität zu ermöglichen durch den Einsatz neuester Methoden und Kernkompetenzen.

Das Ethics and Standards Board ist dafür verantwortlich, dass sich die APM Group an die Standards guter Unternehmensführung hält und ethisch handelt und die Interessen aller unserer Stakeholder vertritt. Wenn Sie als Stakeholder mit Helen Stone OBE, der Vorstandsvorsitzenden, Kontakt aufnehmen möchten, um ein bestimmtes Thema oder Anliegen anzusprechen, senden Sie ihr bitte eine E-Mail an chair-ethicsboard@apmgroupltd.com und die Vorsitzende wird Ihre Anfrage so schnell wie möglich beantworten. Diese E-Mail wird vertraulich behandelt und nicht von internen Mitarbeitern der APM Group eingesehen.




Hervorragende Leistung erbringen und Integrität anwenden bei allem, was wir tun


Herausforderungen annehmen und Innovation einbringen in alles, was wir tun


Mit allen Menschen kooperativ und ehrlich zusammenarbeiten

Respect and trust

All denjenigen, mit denen wir zusammen arbeiten, Respekt und Vertrauen entgegen bringen


Verantwortung für unser Handeln übernehmen

Learn from experience

Aus Erfahrung lernen


United Kingdom Accreditation Service

Als globale Akkreditierungsstelle und Prüfungsinstitut sind wir bestrebt, einen hochwertigen Service der von uns akkreditierten Organisationen und Personen zu gewährleisten.

APMG ist stolz darauf, vom United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) akkreditiert zu sein - der einzigen von BEIS gesponserten nationalen Akkreditierungsstelle Großbritanniens, die die Kompetenz von Organisationen, die Zertifizierungsdienste anbieten, bewertet.

UKAS ist bekannt für seine stringenten Akkreditierungsstandards, die wir auch auf unseren eigenen Ansatz bei der Akkreditierung von Organisationen übertragen.

APMG hat die folgenden UKAS-Akkreditierungen erhalten:

  •     BS ISO/IEC 17065:2012 für Produkte/Prozesse
  •     ISO/IEC 17024:2012 für Personal

APMG ist von UKAS für die folgenden Zertifizierungsprogramme akkreditiert:

  •     Agile Project Management (AgilePM®) Practitioner Zertifizierung
  •     Agile Business Analyst (AgileBA®) Practitioner Zertifizierung
  •     Change Management Practitioner Zertifizierung

UKAS überprüft uns jährlich, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Prozesse vollständig diesen Standards entsprechen.


Rod Baker

Chairman/Non Executive Director

As well as his role as a non-executive Director of APMG since 1997, Rod has operated as an independent project, programme and PMO management professional since 1998. He has worked for many FTSE companies in finance, telecoms, defence, engineering and transportation, where he has earned a reputation for achieving success in project turnarounds and transformations. Rod's experience of agile technologies has made him aware that there is room for many approaches and methodologies, for successful project delivery.

Rod has supported Project Management Professional Bodies at the highest levels as a member of the APM Board at various times between 1993 and 2016 and as a Director of GAPPS – the Global Alliance for the Project Professions. He is currently a member of the SFIA Council – Skills for the Information Age. Rod believes in giving back to his profession initially as an assessor for most of APM’s highest level qualifications and more recently as part of the Design Authority for the House of PMO’s competency framework for PMO professionals.

Roz Barlow

Finance Director

Roz joined APMG in 2004 and has over 20 years’ experience of IT, finance, treasury, budgeting and accounting management, with responsibility for providing strategic financial leadership, advice and guidance on financial matters. At an operational level, Roz leads the worldwide Finance teams to provide robust financial processes and systems to support the business.

During her time at APMG she has played a pivotal role in a number of organisational change programmes, balancing financial expertise with a sound understanding of commercial challenges and opportunities.

Roz qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the ACCA in 2011 and achieved Fellowship status representing her experience and long-term commitment to professionalism and ethics.

Ellie Bowett

Channel Innovation Director

Ellie has over 20 years’ experience in the certification industry across a variety of roles, most recently heading up the Northern European sales region.  Ellie has a proven track record of delivering sales campaigns and strong skills in Relationship Management, ideas generation and solutions thinking.

Ellie has worked with training providers of all sizes in multiple regions to help them take products to market. She thrives on exploring new initiatives and new ways of working with customers.

Adrian Dooley

Non-Executive Director

Adrian is non-Executive Director of APMG. A frequent author and commentator on Project Management, Adrian has been published in Professional Engineer, Computer Weekly and The Daily Telegraph amongst others. He has been a regular speaker at conferences such as Best Practice Showcase, the APM Annual Conference and Project Challenge.

Adrian’s current area of research is the adaptation and integration of bodies of knowledge, methodologies, competency frameworks and maturity models to create an overarching, consistent framework for project, programme and portfolio (P3) management.

Adrian was the Managing Director of TPG, which he founded in 1984 and sold in 2008. Originally a Project Planner and Surveyor on major construction projects such as Hope Hospital and the CWS Bank HQ, he subsequently became a Project Manager on commercial housing, sheltered accommodation and care home projects.

He is an Honorary Fellow and active member of the APM. He was the consistency author of version 6 of the APM’s Body of Knowledge.

Nikki Kelly

Product Innovation Director

Nikki is responsible for developing and expanding the APMG Product Portfolio, bringing on new schemes and considering how APMG can utilise innovations within the examination and assessment market to maintain our position as leading global Certification Body.

Since joining APMG in 1999, Nikki has led teams in Operations, Quality, Accreditation and Product Development. giving a rounded overview of the certification and training marketplace. Nikki has led several transformation projects including the revolutionary OTE approach to assessments, organisation change restructures and international development, external accreditation awards and the authoring of the CP3P Body of Knowledge.

Nikki holds the Chartered Manager qualification from Chartered Management Institute, as well as several qualifications within the APMG portfolio. She has a passion for coaching others to enable them to meet their full potential.

Richard Pharro

Chief Executive Officer

Richard is the founder and CEO of APMG, one of the few privately owned international accreditation and certification bodies.  Started in 1993, APMG has expanded its portfolio to nearly 100 schemes across the management spectrum on behalf of many National and International organisations and has representation in 14 countries.

Richard is a Chartered Director and Civil Engineer who, in his early career, worked on projects in Europe and the Middle East.  His book, The Relationship Manager – The Next Generation of Project Management, was published by Gower in January, 2003.

Richard believes APMG’s success is due to the way everyone within the business builds strong relationships with the people and organisations with whom APMG works.

Emma Vernon

HR Director

Emma is responsible for leading the people enablement strategy globally and has worked for APMG since 2007.Emma has over 15 years’ experience in all aspects of HR, with standalone responsibility since January 2018. During her time at APMG, she has led a series of HR-focused projects and initiatives. Emma believes that authenticity, empathy and collaboration are key to successful working relationships.

She is a strong advocate for continuous personal and professional development and completed her Masters in HR Management in 2009 with Buckinghamshire New University.

Emma completed her MBA through the Open University in 2014 and is a Chartered Member of both the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Chartered Management Institute (CMI).


Grant Howell

Retired solicitor with extensive experience in management of a large firm's projects in the UK and overseas as well as setting up and running that firm's Project Management Office. Also, had many years experience of being responsible for a professional body's nationwide training programme.

Darren Dalcher

Professor at Lancaster University Management School, specialising in project management, strategy execution, information systems and software engineering. Serves on a number of research, knowledge and accreditation panels and boards for the APM, PMI, BCS, CMI, and IEEE.

Donna Festorazzi

Accomplished business owner with award-winning success in the UK, possessing international expertise in mega projects, programmes and Project Management Offices (PMO). Demonstrated proficiency in diverse roles, including Client, Contractor, and Consulting organisation capacities. Recognised as a risk management training provider for Universities and the Institute of Risk Management in the UK.

K. T. Ramakrishnan

Professional Manager with over four decades of experience. Quality assurance expert, especially in Systems and Standards. Presently working for a US based Standard and Compliance Organization as its global Training Director.

Andy Ranger-Walsh

20+ years experience in delivering major capital programmes across defence, rail and utilities sectors.  

Now Head of Programme & Project Controls for a global engineering and management consultancy based in Bristol.

Bill McElroy

Honorary Professor at University College London, and retired Partner of Turner & Townsend.  35+ years' experience in major construction and transformation projects.

Ashley Easen

Experienced risk management and insurance professional with a proven track record of establishing and embedding best in class enterprise risk management frameworks across large multi-function organisations; raising safety standards, strengthening defensibility and reducing claims costs.  With over 20 year’s experience in the industry - currently the Director of Risk and ESG at Gallagher Bassett International Ltd and regular presenter on enterprise risk management at industry events.

Vinay Saxena

Experienced management system professional with more than twenty two years of expertise in guiding certification bodies and educating individuals worldwide on sustainability, ethical compliance, and a range of international standards.

Contact the Ethics and Standards Board


Zertifizierungen & Dienstleistungen

Akkreditierte Anbieter

Akkreditierte Schulungsanbieter

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