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The demand for IT professionals to efficiently develop, test, and deploy secure software products are greater than ever before.

DevOps has emerged as a leading software development process that emphasises communication and collaboration between product, software developers, and operations professionals.

While there is not an official formal definition for DevOps, Red Hat offers a great description: “DevOps is a movement that enables collaboration throughout the entire software delivery lifecycle by uniting two tribes: development and operations.” This union of people, processes, and products supports the continuous delivery of value to end users.

With origins in the Agile community, DevOps has three essential elements:

  1. Collaboration
  2. Continuous workflow
  3. Reduced time to integrate changes into the development of a software product.

What are the benefits of DevOps?

Successful DevOps teams report:

  1. Increased efficiency across teams
  2. Accelerated time to market
  3. Better adaptation to shifts in the market
  4. Improved stability and reliability of software
  5. Greater innovation through collaboration.

How does DevOps lead to better outcomes?

A primary goal of DevOps is to improve the workflow between software developers and IT operations professionals. These improved workflows will result in an improved ability to design, develop, deploy, and operate software and services faster. Improving the ability of IT to produce software faster improves the business’ ability to deliver value to customers faster.

How can organisations find success with DevOps?

DevOps success requires a culture shift that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, and automation. Transparency and open lines of communication are key to a successful DevOps culture, which fosters trust and respect among the team. By committing to the DevOps culture, organizations with high-performing teams can begin to thrive within the DevOps environment.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps incorporates security considerations throughout the workflow, avoiding the retrofitting of changes that often occur when security is an add-on. When security is considered from the start, security can be implemented throughout the development lifecycle, thus streamlining its integration into the final product.  The benefits of DevOps can extend and continue with the integration of DevSecOps practices.

What is the benefit of a DevOps Leader?

To streamline the success in the transformation and maintenance of this DevOps culture, you need an expert to lead the group. A DevOps Leader is a tactical or strategic individual who helps design, influence, implement, or motivate the cultural transformation proven to be a critical success factor in DevOps adoption. Having individuals who understand the practices, methods, and tools across the DevOps spectrum helps with the DevOps cultural change within their organization.

Recent research found that 55% prefer to hire within their organizations for their DevOps teams. However, many companies do not have the necessary skills to do so. Upskilling existing staff with DevOps leadership and implementation skills can improve DevOps adoption rates and speed time to results.  

Learning Tree’s NCSC Certified Cyber Security Training Courses will provide your staff with cyber security skills that can be applied throughout your DevOps lifecycle.


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