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Our experts answer your questions

We got two Praxis Framework experts, Adrian Dooley the Lead Author of the Praxis Framework and Emma Jones the Praxis Framework Chief Examiner, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. You can find the answers to these questions below in seven short videos.

1. What is Praxis?

In the first of our series of frequently asked questions Adrian Dooley answers the question - What is Praxis?

FAQ – What is Praxis?

2. Why did you become involved in the development of the Praxis Framework?

Adrian Dooley explains why he became involved in developing this project, programme and portfolio management guide.

FAQ - Why did you become involved in the development of the Praxis Framework?

3. Are there many similarities between other best practice guides and the Praxis Framework?

In the third in a series of frequently asked questions, Adrian Dooley talks about the similarities between the Praxis Framework and other project and programme management guides.

FAQ - Are there many similarities between other best practice guides and the Praxis Framework?

4. What sets the Praxis Framework apart from other best practice guides?

Emma Jones explains the similarities and differences between the Praxis Framework and other project and programme management guides.

FAQ - What sets the Praxis Framework apart from other best practice guides?

5.Why would people choose Praxis Framework Training over alternative courses?

In the fifth in our series of frequently asked questions, Emma Jones discusses why Praxis Framework training is a great choice.

FAQ - Why would people choose Praxis Framework Training over alternative courses?

6. Who is the Praxis Framework training designed for?

Emma Jones, answers the frequently asked question, who is the Praxis Framework Training appropriate for. 

FAQ - Who is the Praxis Framework training designed for?

7. What do you think the future will look like for the Praxis Framework?

In the final of our series of frequently asked questions Adrian Dooley outlines what he thinks the future will hold for the framework.

FAQ - What do you think the future will look like for the Praxis Framework?


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