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Master the world’s most widely recognised IT governance framework

COBIT 5 is a professional IT certification based on ISACA’s renowned framework – focussing on achieving world-class governance of enterprise IT.

You may be interested in the latest update of the framework - COBIT 2019

  • Long-term collaboration with COBIT 5’s founder
    APMG has been a partner with ISACA to deliver COBIT 5 certification since 2012 – longer than any other Examination Institute.
  • Thousands have augmented their IT career prospects via APMG
    Over 50,000 COBIT 5 exams have been delivered worldwide via APMG and its training providers.
  • Trustworthy and credible COBIT 5 training
    APMG-accredited COBIT 5 training providers are rigorously and independently assessed for quality-assurance.
  • The full-suite of COBIT 5 certifications
    The COBIT 5 framework is applicable to many contexts and job roles - APMG offers the certifications specialised in each.

Certify your ability to:

  • Utilise the COBIT 5 framework to achieve world-class governance of enterprise IT.
  • Help bridge the IT department with the wider business through a common language.
  • Maximise the value generated by enterprise IT.
  • Align IT with a business' strategic goals.
  • Understand business requirements, mission objectives and their priorities.
  • Enable organizations to achieve compliance with relevant laws, regulations, contractual agreements and policies.
  • Improve an organization’s integration of information security.
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COBIT 5 Foundation

Certify your understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance.

Risk Management, IT Management, IT Governance
Who is the Foundation Level for?
  • Business Managers.
  • Chief Executives.
  • IT/IS Auditors and Internal Auditors.
  • Information Security and IT Practitioners.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • The IT management issues and challenges that affect enterprises.
  • The 5 key principles of COBIT 5 for the governance and management of Enterprise IT.
  • How COBIT 5 enables IT to be governed and managed in a holistic manner for the entire enterprise.
  • The basic concepts for the implementation of COBIT 5.
Exam format:
  • Multiple Choice format
  • 50 questions per paper
  • 25 mark or more required to pass (out of 50 available) - 50%
  • 40 minute duration
  • Closed book
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COBIT 5 Implementation

Learn to apply COBIT 5 to a range of business challenges and scenarios within your organization.

Risk Management, IT Management, IT Governance
What is required?
  • COBIT 5 Foundation Certificate.
  • (Recommended) Attend an accredited COBIT 5 Implementation training course.
Who is the Implementation Level for?
  • Consultants.
  • IT practitioners.
  • Business managers.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • How to analyse the enterprise drivers.
  • Assessing current process capability.
  • Applying implementation challenges.
  • Scoping and planning improvements.
Exam format:
  • Objective testing
  • 4 questions per paper with 20 marks available per question
  • 40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%
  • 2 ½ hours duration
  • Open book (‘COBIT 5 Implementation’ book and ‘COBIT 5 Enabling Processes Guide’ only)
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COBIT 5 Assessor

Learn how to guide implementation activities and drive value to the business.

Risk Management, Compliance, Process Management, Information Management & Analysis
What is required?
  • COBIT 5 Foundation Certificate.
  • (Recommended) Attend an accredited COBIT 5 Assessor training course.
Who is the Assessor level for?
  • Internal and external auditors.
  • IT auditors.
  • Consultants.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • How to perform a process assessment and how to analyze the results to provide a clear determination of process capability.
  • How these results can be used for process improvement, measuring the achievement of current or projected business goals, benchmarking, consistent reporting and organizational compliance ultimately driving value to the business.
  • How to identify and assess the roles and responsibilites in the process capability assessment process. 
Exam format:
  • Objective testing
  • 8 questions per paper with 10 marks available per question
  • 40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%
  • 2 ½ hours duration
  • Open book, Using COBIT 5 books only. (‘COBIT 5 Assessor Guide: Using COBIT 5’ and ‘COBIT Process Assessment Model’)
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COBIT 5 Assessor for Security

Learn to provide a clear determination of process cyber security capability.

Risk Management, Cyber Security, Process Management, Information Management & Analysis

You will also learn how these results can be used for process improvement, measuring the achievement of current or projected business goals, benchmarking, consistent reporting and organizational compliance ultimately driving value to the business.

Who is Assessor for Security for?
  • Internal and external auditors.
  • IT auditors.
  • Consultants.
What is required?
  • COBIT 5 Foundation Certificate.
  • (Recommended) Attend an accredited COBIT 5 Assessor for Security training course.
What are the key things you will learn?
  • How to perform a process capability assessment using the Assessor Guide: using COBIT 5.
  • How to apply the Process Assessment Model (the PAM) in performing a process capability assessment.
  • How to identify and assess the roles and responsibilities in the process capability assessment process.
Exam Format:
  • Objective testing
  • 8 questions per paper with 10 marks available per question
  • 40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%
  • 2 ½ hours duration
  • Open book, Using COBIT 5 books only. (‘COBIT 5 Assessor Guide: Using COBIT 5’ and ‘COBIT Process Assessment Model’)

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What is a COBIT 5 digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV.

With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my COBIT 5 digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Credly website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Credly account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Credly - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

What is COBIT 5?

COBIT 5 is the latest edition of ISACA's globally accepted framework. It provides an end-to-end business view of the governance of enterprise IT, reflecting the central role of information and technology in creating value for enterprises of all sizes. The principles, practices, analytical tools and models found in COBIT 5 embody thought leadership and guidance from business, IT and governance experts around the world.

COBIT 5 provides guidance to executives and those charged with making decisions concerning the use of technology in support of organizational objectives. COBIT 5 helps business leaders address the needs of all stakeholders across the enterprise and ultimately maximize the value from information and technology.

How can I train for the COBIT 5 examinations?

Training is available from the network of COBIT 5 Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) and accredited COBIT 5 individual trainers who are assessed and certified by APMG International. The full list of COBIT 5 ATOs can be found here.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam? 

No, however attendance at an accredited training course is recommended.

In addition to receiving accredited training, individuals also have the option of self-study to prepare for the examinations by purchasing the core text from APMG Business Books. For those who self-study, the exam can be taken anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home or workplace, with online proctoring.  A proctor will access your exam as you take it to monitor the exam environment through your computer's desktop, webcam and microphone.Our online proctoring system allows you to take your exam anytime as sessions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, please click here.

How do I sit the exams?

Accredited Training Organization (ATO) or accredited individual trainer, as part of an accredited training course.

For those who self-study, the exam can be taken anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home or workplace, with online proctoring.  A proctor will access your exam as you take it to monitor the exam environment through your computer's desktop, webcam and microphone.

Once you have booked an exam, you will be given a registration email to schedule an appointment with your live proctor via our Candidate Portal. Our online proctoring system allows you to take your exam anytime as sessions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, please click here.

APMG also administers a limited number of public exam sessions at some of our regional offices. Click here for further information and to book an exam.

How much does it cost to sit the COBIT 5 examination?

The costs of the exams are generally included in the course fee, if sitting the exam through an accredited training organization. APMG-International use a global pricing structure, so for those sitting exams at a public exam centre, the cost is dependent on where the exams are being sat. To find out the cost in your region, please contact the APMG-International Service Desk on +44 (0)1494 452450 or at: 

Are there any pre-requisites for the COBIT 5 examination?

There are no pre-requisites for the foundation examination. The pre-requisites for the COBIT 5 Implementation,  Assessor and Assessor for Security is that the candidate must have passed the COBIT 5 Foundation exam.

What study material is available for COBIT 5 and where can I purchase it?

The COBIT 5 Foundation exam is based on the ISACA publication: COBIT 5 a Business Framework for the Governance and Management of Enterprise IT. This can be purchased directly from ISACA or from APMG Business Books.

There is also a supplementary guide which will be provided to you as part of your training course, or when you book your public exam.

The COBIT 5 Implementation exam is based on two ISACA publications:

COBIT 5 Implementation
COBIT 5 Enabling Processes Guide
These can be purchased directly from ISACA or from APMG Business Books.

The COBIT 5 Assessor and Assessor for Security examinations are based on two ISACA publications:

COBIT 5 Assessor Guide: Using COBIT 5
COBIT Process Assessment Model (PAM): Using COBIT 5
These can be purchased directly from ISACA or from APMG Business Books.

Which languages is the COBIT 5 examination available in?

The COBIT 5 Foundation exam is currently available in English, French, German, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese and Polish. The COBIT 5 Implementation, Assessor and Assessor for Security examinations are available in English only.

How long will it take to learn the COBIT 5 material?

Training courses are generally delivered over 3 days. It is worth investigating with individual providers, as many will offer tailored and blended learning solutions. If you are self-studying for the exam, the amount of time required to learn the material will depend on the individual.

How long is the COBIT 5 qualification valid for?

The COBIT 5 qualifications are not valid for a defined period and do not expire.

When can I expect the results of my COBIT 5 examination?

Your result will be sent to your ATO approximately 7-10 days after your exam date. Your ATO should notify you of your results so please contact them for further details.

For candidates sitting the Foundation exam through a public centre, results will be issued within one week of APMG receiving your completed exam pack from the exam venue.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will be able to claim their digital badge and electronic certificate from their APMG Candidate Portal within two business days of their exam result being issued.

What is the pass mark for the COBIT 5 examination?

Candidates must achieve a score of 25/50 (50%) to pass the COBIT 5 Foundation.

Candidates will need to score 40 marks out of 80 (50%) to pass the COBIT 5 Implementation, Assessor and Assessor for Security examinations.

What pass mark is required to be eligible to become a COBIT 5 trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a COBIT 5 trainer individuals must achieve:

A score of 66% (33/50) in the Foundation exam
A score of 66% (53/80) in the Implementation, Assessor and Assessor for Security exams

How do I find out if I scored enough to be eligible to become a trainer?

To find out if you scored enough to be eligible as a trainer, please email noting your interest. A representative of the Service Desk will be able to advise.

How do I become a COBIT 5 Trainer?

To become a COBIT 5 trainer you will either need to be ‘sponsored’ by an APMG accredited COBIT 5 training organization (ATO) or you can apply to be accredited as an individual trainer.

Please contact the ATO directly to express your interest in becoming an accredited trainer. The ATO will then be responsible for liaising directly with APMG to process your application and undergo accreditation to become a trainer. 

If you would like to be accredited as an individual trainer, please contact your local APMG office for further details on the application process.

How does my organization become a COBIT 5 Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a COBIT 5 ATO must first submit an application form to either the APMG-International Service Desk or the relevant APMG-International office. Where appropriate, an invoice will be raised and the organization will then be subject to APMG-International's ATO assessment process.

Can I earn CPE credits for passing the COBIT 5 examination?

ISACA does not review and approve specific courses for CPE credit other than those that they offer. However each certification accepts a broad array of topics that will be accepted by ISACA for credit. These topics are covered by the knowledge statements of each certification and include technical and managerial training that is directly applicable to the:

CISA: assessment of information systems or the improvement of audit, control, security or managerial skills (CISA job practice). CPE hours related to management skills must be relevant to management of audits and/or audit resources.
CISM: management, design or assessment of an enterprise’s information security or the improvement of those skills (CISM job practice).
CGEIT: management and governance of enterprise IT governance (CGEIT job practice).
CRISC: risk identification, assessment, evaluation, response and monitoring and the design, implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of IS controls (CRISC job practice).

How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create and account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team -

Can I earn PMI® PDUs for attending an accredited training course?

It is possible to earn PMI Education PDUs for attending third-party provider training (training courses not offered by a PMI Authorized Training Partner), as long as the training meets the requirements around the skill areas of the PMI Talent Triangle. Please Check the PMI Website for further details on how to record your PDUs and what supporting evidence is required.


COBIT® 5 - IT Governance Framework Certification

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