< about="/category/leadership" content="Leadership" /> GCT - Cyber Risk and Resilience Course for Board, Executive and Senior Managers | APMG International

Cyber Risk and Resilience Course for Board, Executive and Senior Managers

Awareness level

- Provided by OSP Cyber Academy -

An introductiory course to cyber risk and resilience aimed at those who are accountable or responsible for the goverance (i.e. governing body, executive management and key staff) of cyber risk and resilience within organisations. The bottom line up front is that cyber security, risk and resilience is a strategic issue for boards and they need to address it as a matter of their obligaitons as company directors and officers (or equivalent if not commercial company) and demonstrate their respective organisations and personaly are trustworthy in this area, i.e. credible, authentic and competent. The course is intended to be modular, with the option to attend just Parts 1-3, capturing the key governace and risk mangement issues; before working through a strategic approach to addressing human, organizaitonal and regulatory issues. The course is intended to be interactive, and configurable to enable delegates to focus upon the teaching points and apply to their own experience and organization. The course also links to a modular online programme which provides introductory awareness training suitable for all memebrs of an organization.

Classroom, Online Virtual Classroom 1.0 day United Kingdom