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APMG's Canada Office

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APMG International is an award-winning examination and accreditation body committed to enabling organizations and professionals to unlock their maximum potential. If you have any queries regarding exams or APMG's services in Canada - please contact us using the form below.


What does a PMO Analyst do?

What is a PMO Analyst? An overview of what the role entails.

Top 5 Benefits of Change Management Training

The business landscape has undergone dramatic transformations, making the effective implementation of change crucial to organisational success.

Top 10 Benefits of Scrum and Frequent Challenges

Scrum offers numerous benefits for product development, including enhanced efficiency, collaboration, and adaptability. However, it is not without its challenges.

What is facilitation? An In-depth Guide

Meetings, bloody meetings, is an often-heard phrase in many organisations.  

New certification Artificial Intelligence Practitioner launches

APMG International is excited to announce a new enterprise-wide certification in Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Practitioner)

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